Modern technology makes our lives easier. Our processes are becoming simpler by using different tools. One such tool that eases our worries is the Internet. It builds connections and makes us reach people. Currently, there are approximately 4.39 billion users who use the internet around the world, and this proves how vital it is in helping communicate and exchange information. Businesses have banked on this opportunity by relying on the internet to build connections with customers. For example, through applications.

Businesses communicate with their clients through the web and different applications. Customers gather information about the services, contact the client through mediums – leading to business transactions. Therefore, the web & mobile industry has been climbing to the top. Since web and mobile applications ask for different techniques, there are ways through which applications can be designed to target both web and mobile users. It assists in entering and grabbing hold of cyberspace with applications.

One such way is to use the Vui.JS framework, a front-end framework. It allows developers to build responsive web applications. Moreover, you can view these applications from any screen, whether it’s a desktop or a mobile. Along with SPAs (single-page applications), they copy the behavior and performance of domestic mobile applications. Ultimately making the interface look attractive and providing the user with premium service.

Vue has met new frameworks that provide a better experience in developing cross-platform web applications, making them faster than before. The article focuses on the towering Vue.JS-based web application development tools, which is called the Quasar framework.

An outlook of Quasar Framework

An application development framework based on Vue.JS. It allows developers to hasten their development process in cross-platform applications. Moreover, it responds quickly, provides quality to the domestic app web applications and allows the development of mobile applications. Also, you can create both web and mobile applications at the same time, without using a different code base saving extra work.

Quasar is a fresh framework, as it was released to the public in August 2016, it works wonders for the developer community. On Quasar’s GitHub page it has collected 9,835 stars and gathered 194 contributors from the developer community – these are outstanding figures compared to its young age.


Multiple Platform Support:

Quasar grabs cross-platform support from one source code. Developers only need to develop once and can set the application as an effective web application that grants native-quality performance (it utilizes the single-page application, plus progressive web application tech), mobile apps, plus desktop applications (using the Electron framework tech).

Best Practice Compliance

It follows various practices that exist in the industry for developing web and mobile applications, is built to back developers that use the Quasar framework too. It uses minification, grants feature that allow accessibility, utilizes lazy loading to split code, does ES6 transpiling and uses tree shaking. Together, they’re implemented without the developers providing any configuration.

Right-to-Left (RTS) Scripting

Often, languages and frameworks are Left-to-Right (LTR) scripts, they exist for LTR writing systems (English alphabet). But few writing systems read from RTS. Quasar provides RTL scripting to assist the people who rely on this way, so codes are written and read R-to-L.

Enhanced Quasar Framework 

Quasar CLI

Quasar banks on a developer-friendly command-line interface (CLI). It grants desirable features for developers. Quasar CLI is renowned for the state-preserving hot module reload (HMR).  Developers don’t have to refresh/restart anymore, they can edit the code and view the results immediately. It has its error compilation overlay technology and developers do not need to manually refresh/restart the app development servers of Quasar. Quasar CLI is easily installable. It needs Node JS installation on the machine, and it’s easy as a single on the command line:

Npm install -g quasar-cli

Platform Support & Wide Developer

Quasar sits on the top with a responsive developer community – they assist each other. It has an official forum for freelance Quasar developers, a Discord server, an official Twitter account! Talking about platform support, Quasar works with Windows, Linux, and macOS along with famous browsers and common operating systems.

Quasar VS Vuetify

Constructed atop Vue.JS, Vuetify is coming up to pace with Quasar. Hence, it’d be convenient to compare the two.

Quasar stacks at 436 KB while Vuetify is 815 KB – making Quasar light. This allows Quasar apps to load quickly. Vuetify faces backlash from the developers’ community as it lacks detailing in several of its functionalities, it asks for edition on the inner workings. Whereas, Quasar’s documentation is appreciated for being competent. Moreover, if you’re strict with adopting the principles of material design then Vuetify is tailored for your needs (proving minimum customization) whereas Quasar grabs material design as an option but allows customization.

It seems that Quasar takes the win here! Owing to its outstanding features, the Quasar wins by a considerable margin.