A developer can create a web application faster with Polymer. What do we mean by Polymer JS and do all the JavaScript developers need to know it?

Polymer is a JavaScript library – a multitude of elements for website and application creation. All these elements are created by coders for other coders who want to use them for their projects. This way, the time needed for work is shortened because they don’t have to write the basic elements again and again for every new app.

A Polymer developer’s role is to make custom web components faster. In this way, the applications will have faster interaction and less weight and some of the processes are offloaded to browsers.

What you actually need to look for when you decide to hire a polymer developer, is a JS Frontend Developer who works with Polymer too. This developer will take custom web pages and applications from Polymer.js and will use the components from the other websites to the new project. This is a good deal for the customer because it will be done faster and the final user will have a light and working app.

When searching for a Polymer developer, make sure that he clearly understands Web Components and how are they important in web development.

Polymer.js is a very good tool for developers because it’s easy to understand and apply. Polymer is used for things like scaling and refactoring, adding new components and getting the reusable components.

How can you find a professional?

When looking for a Polymer professional you need to pay a lot of attention to his CV and work experience. If you don’t know what you need to see, here is a tip – a Polymer JS developer resume should include the following:


Bachelor’s degree or higher in Computer Science/Administration or any similar field.


  • Technology related projects
  • Front-end development in JS, HTML, CSS
  • Open-source based applications development
  • Projects made in accordance with W3C standards and proficiency in the building of the cross-browser apps
  • Web Storm, Notepad, Brackets IntelliJ Idea
  • Responsive Web Design experience
  • Knowledge about Software Development Life Cycle


  • JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Capacity to work with major JS frameworks
  • Google Material Design

Software skills:

  • Ability to work with web components and relevant design patterns
  • Practice om software testing
  • Utilization of versioning software/repository
  • Polymer CLI, NPM Polymer.js, Browser and other