Posts by "Roxana"

Cross-Platform App Development with Flutter

Flutter is Google’s free framework app for cross-platform development. It is popular among software developers and business owners alike because of its ease of use and time-saving functions.

Today we’re going to look at its advantages and why it dominates the mobile app development market.

Flutter is one of the highest-rated frameworks when it comes to developing cross-platform apps. Its popularity is mainly because only one codebase needs to be written for use across all devices (Android, iOS, web). Google itself uses the framework for modules in Google Assistant, and you will also find it in high-performing e-commerce sites such as Groupon and eBay. The SDK (software development kit) uses the Dart language – developed by Google as a response to JavaScript’s popularity. Dart programs run directly on a server but convert to Java on a browser.

Flutter has a large widget library, and users can customize and change any widget easily. The Flutter community has embraced open-sourced technology, and its developers are consistently publishing usable codes to support each other in cross-platform app development.

While there are a few disadvantages to using Flutter, advantages far outweigh them, and we will list both below.
However, it is up to each business to understand their specific mobile app needs in order to make the right choice about which framework to embrace.


  • Use of a single codebase across all platforms (including web, desktop, etc.). This increases engineer productivity and speeds up the launch date of the app.
  • ‘It’s All Widgets’: Flutter users have access to a great library of customized widgets to enhance app visuals. Better still, there is no need to be concerned about the UI on different devices.
  • Skia Graphics Library: The Skia Graphics Library is an open-sourced and free graphics library, acquired by Google in 2005. One of the advantages of using Skia is that it redraws the UI every time the view changes in an app. Reloading is, therefore, faster and smoother.
  •  ‘Hot Reload’: The ‘Hot Reload’ feature allows code changes to be viewed immediately and updated in real-time. Bugs and mistakes can be fixed on the go, increasing productivity and reducing testing times.


  • Large file size: Flutter’s widgets take up a lot of space, and some developers consider it ‘heavy’. They can also be slow to download.
  • Restricted quantities of tools and libraries: Flutter was only launched in 2017, and there may be a limited amount of functions in the existing library. These things will develop, but it will take time.

Speak to a software developer today to see if using Flutter meets your business mobile app needs. They will highlight the speedy turnaround time (TAT) benefits as well as money saved by higher productivity enjoyed by using its many time-saving features.

How Scala Can Help Grow Your Business

What is Scala about that has piqued the interest of software developers? Learn how Scala can help your business in a variety of ways.

Next, programming languages are emerging as the new must-have skills against a background of rapid development in the use of big data, analytics, data science, and the building of websites. Scala is now utilized as one of the most popular programming languages by some of the world’s most prominent websites, including Twitter, eBay, and LinkedIn.

But what is Scala about that has piqued the interest of software development projects? Let’s have a look at how Scala can help your organization in a variety of ways.

What exactly is Scala?

Scala is a programming language built on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) intended to describe programming patterns in a type-safe and concise manner. It is well recognized in the programming industry as an alternative to Python for large data applications. It was designed (in 2003) to solve some of the shortcomings of the ever-popular and ubiquitous Java. As a result, it provides extremely comprehensive yet succinct code. But, how will this convert into commercial advantages?

Why is Scala so popular right now?

According to W3Techs, while ranking lower in terms of popularity and traffic when compared to the most popular programming languages, such as Java, ASP.NET, or PHP, Scala has demonstrated a steady increase in usage over the last year, rising from 1.3 percent in March 2019 to 1.6 percent in March 2020. (in 2015, its usage was only 0.2 percent ). This increase is slightly higher than that indicated by languages such as JavaScript or Python.

On the other hand, Scala is ranked #20 in popularity in the 2019 Developer Survey conducted by The Stack Overflow website. In addition, 58.3 percent of respondents said they “love” working with Scala. Scala is ranked #28 in the March 2020 TIOBE Index, which measures the popularity of programming languages.

Scala’s expansion is closely related to the growing demand for big data projects and the software and people required to execute them. When analyzing data using the popular Apache Spark, a prominent cluster computing framework, it is the language of choice. Spark is utilized in Machine Learning and enables companies with quick, simple data analytics. Companies such as eBay, Netflix, Amazon, Alibaba, Yahoo, and Databricks use Apache Spark for business insights and power their customer-facing products, such as displaying real-time recommendations. When you look behind the scenes at Spark, you’ll notice that Scala is powering more than half of the insights and recommendations.

Remember that Spark is written in Scala, making it more resilient and efficient due to the native connection. Spark is also written in Scala since its syntax is less complicated than Java’s, and its performance is superior to Python and R.

What are Scala’s strengths?

As previously stated, Twitter is a lover of Scala. They went into great detail about its use in a chat with three Twitter developers. One of the points they made was the need to keep their expenses low and the flexibility that the language provides. Scala is popular among programmers because it offers a diverse set of developer tools and blends the strengths of two distinct programming environments.

It combines features of both Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and functional programming languages, utilizing the finest characteristics of each. One fantastic tip to keep in mind is to teach or pass on information about Objects to the team and improve it with notions that use Scala’s functional model. Take the best of both worlds and combine them. As a result, the code will be less prone to errors and will function better and more efficiently, boosting productivity and the overall quality of the development.

The Scala Library Index (Scaladex) is massive, offering programmers access to a vast ecosystem of 175,000+ libraries. It provides a seamless introduction to the realm of functional programming for programmers who are already skilled in Java.

Some people believe it is reasonably simple to write, implying that it is also simpler to build and debug. There are tools or specialized IDEs that improve development productivity, such as Jetbrains or Eclipse. Scala’s usage of static types in complicated applications helps maintain the code bug-free throughout compilation time while simultaneously lowering delivery time due to a lack of mistakes. Because the Scala language utilizes simple syntax, there are generally fewer mistakes overall, especially compared to Java. This also simplifies testing and refactoring. Furthermore, Scala allows you to create high-performance systems by utilizing the JVM as a runtime.

Scala may be a bit more difficult to learn than Python, another high-level language, due to its high-level functionality characteristics. Scala is favored when performance, memory, and safety are important considerations when dealing with big, intensive data processing. It is increasingly excellent for huge projects that need to be scaled beautifully since it provides a high-quality solution while being less prone to errors (hence the name Scala).

What makes Scala perfect for business?

Developers and stakeholders do not always agree on everything, but as any Project Manager will tell you, finding common ground is the foundation of every successful project. Finding common ground where everyone can agree on Scala’s benefits, on the other hand, is a piece of cake. This language has numerous characteristics that make it an obvious winner regardless of where you sit at the table.

  • Marketing at a faster speed

Scala is popular among programmers because of its efficiency and conciseness, but what does this mean for business stakeholders? If you’re interested in the business side of app development, you’ll be pleased to learn that Scala’s efficient code translates into speed. There are fewer lines to test when the code is clean, efficient, and concise. Testing and development are faster, which is a benefit because it shortens the development cycle and improves time to market.

And, in the future, when new features are introduced, other modifications must be made, or upgrades must be done; this so-called “clean code” will be easier to work with since it generates less technical debt.

  • An app that is more stable

Hand clutching a mobile phone while coding on a computer

As previously said, a prominent feature of Scala is that it mixes elements of both OOP and functional programming. One of functional programming’s advantages is that it produces code that is more stable and safe than mutable data structures. With the choice of functional programming solutions at their disposal, programmers have a larger, more comprehensive toolset for issue resolution.

All of this contributes to more robust code. Strong code eliminates a wide range of potentially hazardous side effects generated by the unintentional impacts of lesser code forms. Fewer problems mean a more reliable app with less downtime, fewer bugs, and a better overall user experience for stakeholders.

  • Future-proof apps

Scala is a popular data analytics: around 70% of Scala programmers worked as backend developers in 2019, while approximately 40% worked with analytics. This is due to Scala’s efficiency and characteristics providing the finest concurrency support in libraries like Akka or the well-known library, Play Framework, which is also developed using Scala!

Apps are developing at an incredible speed. Today’s apps are designed to be quicker while also giving greater capabilities and allowing for simpler integration. Take use of Scala’s advantages and benefits to stay one step ahead in app development.

In summary, Scala is popular among programmers, especially those with a solid foundation in Java. Some even say that they are more productive and have more fun at work now that they utilize Scala. While we cannot guarantee that moving to Scala would revive the development teams’ love for programming, we can state that Scala is a very strong language that helps the team and business stakeholders.

After all, if the team is pleased, it is typically a more productive team. We can add this to the list of commercial advantages of adopting Scala to power your next development project, focusing on analytics or web backend.




Web Developer and Web Designer- Whom and When to Hire for Web Development

Your website is at the core of your business, and this has proven to be true because of the unending access of various individuals in various parts of the world to the internet at any given time. This is why web development remains a very important aspect of your business. A recent survey showed that visitors are likely to interact with your website if they find it appealing. Creating a website that appeals to your visitors will involve the employment of both a web developer and a web designer. Both employees will see that all the vital elements are infused into the website and create a consistently lasting effect on the viewers. A lot of people get it mixed up when it comes to both roles. Yes, the web developer and web designers both work on your website, but even though it seems that they both work hand in hand on web development, they have completely different roles to play in seeing your website’s success.

A web designer’s job is hinged around instituting a vision that entails how the appearance and functionality of your website will be. They develop and incorporate beautifully crafted interfaces that attract and keep visitors glued to your website. The role of a web designer is crucial because they ensure that visitors troop to your website and spend their time on your website. They find out about the web design patterns in vogue, stick to design standards, and research what interests people in a website.

Web designers include;

UI Designer- Is responsible for creating a user-friendly interface for your website.

UX Designer– Is responsible for assessing the desires of web users and even potential users through research and ensuring that users’ needs are satisfied.

Visual Designer– They exhibit professionalism in graphic design, visual communications, and branding.

A web developer is responsible for modifying, coding, and designing the website using different programming languages such as JavaScript. They develop a framework for the website and ensure that it functions optimally. Web development includes being a

Front-end developer– Creates the interface for your website and institutes different graphic features using various programming languages.

Back-end Developer– Responsible for running and looking after the servers that host the website

Full-stack Developer– Vast in both front and back-end programming and contribute immensely to the success of the web strategies.

Choosing between a Web developer and Web designer

Web designer; For visual creations for your website

  • Create the design and layout of a website and webpages
  • Provision of wireframes and mockups

Web developer; To code-up the wireframes provided by the web designer

  • Transform the templates into a website that works
  • Create site navigation and style that follows the guidelines of the brand.
  • Creation of robust programs needed for website creation.

5 WordPress Trends in 2021 That You Should Know

WordPress is essential in content management systems (CMSs) which come with great functionality and features. This CMS has topped as the most popular website development platform that powers lots of websites worldwide. Technologies are becoming more complex and sophisticated day by day, and WordPress is included in this rapid transition. However, WordPress website development has undergone several technological changes. Thus, these are some WordPress trends that will be in charge in 2021.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technology

VR and AR have become go-to solutions for creating high-end web applications. AR technology enables someone to connect to the real world via a camera or mobile. Augmented Reality technology allows the users to include digital elements to live view through phone or camera. The perfect examples of AR are Pokemon Go and Snapchat.

Nevertheless, VR or Virtual Reality gives an immersive user experience by connecting the virtual world with the real world. You can hire WordPress developers to develop an advanced website designed with AR/VR technologies.

Chatbot Integration

Customer service is a vital part of all organizations, and companies are finding better ways to cater to customers’ needs. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot technology has gained immense popularity, although it is not new and has been around for a while. Due to AI technology, chatbots are not only becoming common, but they are also displaying human-like behavior.

With the efficiency of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, chatbots display the behavior of a human. These chatbots can process the queries of users and give them perfect results to their questions. Chatbots are being used mainly in WordPress web development services in e-commerce or other customer-based websites.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is one of the best things today that has seized the world of the banking and finance sector by storm. With the quick adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Blockchain technology has become popular in the financial industry, and it has influenced the development of plugins for WordPress websites. Nevertheless, the technology is quite helpful for improving on-site security and hastening the speed of payment transactions. WordPress has also developed a new platform that comes with blockchain functions.

With the help of a good WordPress website development platform, you can build a great website. You can develop websites that use blockchain technology for transactions or other financial operations.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has become more widespread these days with the influence of voice-activated search assistants like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa. Voice search technology enables users to make search queries verbally. As regards the research, practically half of the searches will be done via voice search assistants. Voice searches related to shopping are increasing day by day and are expected to have an effect on the retail industry in the next few years. The usage of smart speakers is also increasing, which is pushing up the use for voice searches.

Aside from this, voice search also has an impact on SEO. Thus, it can help integrate the search engine ranking by improving voice search features on your website. To make your website ready for smart speakers and other voice-activated devices, you can select a WordPress Development Company to input voice search functionality into your website. Once voice searches become well known, search engines could produce results that are related to user intent. You can also use a voice search plugin on your WordPress website to use it for voice-related searches.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

A Progressive Web App, also known as a PWA is a website that allows an app-like experience for those who use smartphones and tablets. Since a PWA can be practically installed on a mobile device, they work like a native app with huge benefits. There are lots of benefits of Progressive Web Apps, which are as follows:

  • Faster loading speed.
  • Better user experience.
  • Increased security.
  • More flexibility.
  • Easy to install.
  • Shareable.

Though PWAs have been in existence for a while, they are known as a successful solution with the growing need for an application that is fast, lightweight, and can run in a slow internet connection. You can find lots of web developers for hire to develop progressive web apps for your business and achieve greater engagement with your site. User adoption is high with PWA because they need very little space.

Also, these apps can be distributed easily, and they are searchable on the internet. For e-commerce websites developed with WordPress+WooCommerce and other website building platforms, PWA can be very beneficial as it can be installed with ease by users that don’t require much space. Frequently, e-commerce businesses monitor their conversion and sales rising. Another big benefit of a PWA is that it can work even offline. Once a PWA is used on a device for the first time, it caches data. So, when the user opens the app another time, the cached data is available instantaneously with no internet.

Final words 

Like other web technologies, WordPress is also improving with more functionalities and features being included in the CMS. Keeping up with modern trends and technologies is highly important, and WordPress recognizes this need also. So, new advancements and enhancements are implemented in this CMS in the aspect of improved functionalities and features.

Whether you are searching for PSD to WordPress conversion or want to develop a website with this CMS from scratch, you can harness the latest functions of this website development company to develop advanced and robust websites. You need to stay far ahead of your competitors and, you can do this objective by keeping yourself in technological advancements.

You need to choose the proper technology partner for WordPress development services to get a website that uses the latest features of this CMS.

Advantages of Using Rust for IoT Development?

It’s not new that Internet of Things devices are changing the world we are in. They’ve made their way into our daily activities both in the form of more vital examples, like intelligent coffee machines, up to promoting critical infrastructures, like farming and manufacturing tools. This new level of connectivity has dramatically improved our control over our environment and industry. These devices are at the heart of the latest technological trends like Digital Twin and Industry 4.0.

But with any pioneering tech, seeing how we build and use it is an ongoing process. IoT devices practically have far less processing power than a quality computer, which means that how we write code for them needs to be used regarding the constraint. Inefficiencies in processing can significantly limit the performance of devices and the standard of communication with the rest of the network. This is where more optimized programming languages have a key opportunity to improve the potential of our IoT devices. With a small amount offering faster runtime, Rust, in particular, is becoming a fast runner among developer platforms.

In Stack Overflow’s yearly survey, Rust has been voted as the most loved language for five years. It is designed to specialize in speed and memory safety as an open-source programming language. Similar to C++, it addresses security tendencies related to memory errors and concurrency. It’s usually used for applications that need performance and safety, including operating systems, simulation, file systems, and browser components. Its features also make it an excellent choice for distributed systems and IoT devices.

As said, devices with low CPU and memory resources like those in the internet of things may face challenges in terms of performance. While C and C++ do well in building firm application performance, developers are used to the commonality of bugs that can occur in memory management. Another major requirement is developer productivity, where coding for advanced distributed systems can lead to long development cycles.

In terms of performance, Rust flourishes in speed memory efficiency. By not having a garbage collector improves performance-critical services and integrates with other languages easily. Rust also offers automatic memory management through its sound ownership system, which makes garbage collection not needed.

However, Rust’s functions make it a great language for productivity. Rust is simple, has great documentation, a friendly compiler, and smart editor support equipment providing auto-completion and type inspections. To help developers when the Rust community created programming in Rust, the auto-completion equipment and code analyzers.

Thus, zero-cost abstractions ensure practically no runtime overhead for the abstractions you use, so you only pay for what you use. It also has various ‘modern’ language conveniences, like a proper package manager and assisting language conveniences.

The potential of Rust in IoT development is easily gaining traction in the computing industry. In 2019, 42 Technology pronounced the world’s first Rust application for a single-chip Internet of Things (IoT) device. Projects such as these are speeding the use of Rust and continually developing the equipment available for IoT developers. Also, compute sites built on Rust take advantage of its huge benefits at a foundational level, making them a good source of distributed IoT development and application.

Why Choose Custom WordPress Development for Your Company?

Do you want to build a website to assert your business? But do you know it takes a huge amount of money to develop a site from scratch? Yes, that’s true! Developing a service-based website from scratch will require more investment and also time. With WordPress, a well-known CMS (Content Management System), you don’t have to spend a considerable amount of on-site creation.

WordPress provides a diverse range of importance that are useful for creating appealing websites. It has been known as a reliable and effective Web development platform for building professional websites and eCommerce stores. Choosing a good WordPress platform for site development can benefit you in the process.

These are some advantages that custom WordPress development offers to the business.

Customization is Simpler

Custom WordPress development services make good use of this platform because of its simple customization. Everything can be managed if you have a paid version, whether the design or the rear end. Nevertheless, if it is SEO and content management, WordPress offers easy customization for the users.


Search engines prefer WordPress as it features clean and easy, code making it simpler to read and index content on the site. Furthermore, it provides you total control over the customization of SEO components for every page so you can achieve higher search engine rankings.

Responsive Design

As mobile is considered the best way to get traffic for websites, they have to be responsive to your potential users on the mobile channel. WordPress offers a responsive design that will ensure seamless performance on multiple devices.

Large Community

One of the best parts about WordPress is its high community support. This community comprises WordPress developers, designers, project managers, and CEOs who are efficiently working on the seamless performance of WordPress sites. You will find different tutorials related to development that you can refer to whenever you face any difficulty related to WordPress.

Highly Scalable

Your website will grow alongside your company if you choose WordPress.

This is due to the great scalability of the platform. You can add different pages or blog posts to your website without alternating its overall performance. For this particular reason, WordPress is known as a suitable platform for businesses that have a high potential to grow in the future.

Outstanding Blogging Platform

WordPress has achieved a leading position as the best blogging site. WP incorporates, by default, a blog section into every site. In addition, it provides a range of blogging functionalities such as widgets, plugins, tags, categories, and more, making it easy to tackle a blogging section.

Easy Social Media Integration

An exciting thing about WordPress is that it provides simple social media integration. This leverages the business to extend its user’s reach by harnessing social media channels. This means that you will get more traffic, and you don’t have to log in to the social accounts personally, as the website provides seamless integration with all of them.


Affordability is the main reason behind choosing and converting the website to WordPress. WP is an open-source platform and its design, maintenance and development are comparatively more suitable than other platforms.

Availability of Themes

Themes are quite helpful in determining the outcome of your website. You will get different theme options that are customizable to suit several business needs with WordPress. It enables customers to download themes according to the category and use them to develop great websites that can assist in elevating brand awareness online.

Multiple Plugins for Customization

Plugins help extend the functionality of the website. You can also include desired features with the help of plugins. All you have to do is install that specific plugin to include the necessary functionality in your website. The exciting thing is that various plugins are available, and most of them can be used freely.

Proper Media Management

WordPress makes it easy to add videos, images, and other media elements to improve the standard of your platform’s content. It provides a drag-and-drop system that enables you to upload content easily. You will also have access to an image editing tool whenever needed.

Secure Platform

There are chances of website information being leaked which can result in a huge business loss. For instance, an eCommerce site has a large customer base, and their information is open to hacking that can make you lose data along with your customer’s trust. As WordPress is a popular CMS site, developers are working efficiently to create a hack-proof site. With the help of using modern tools and technologies, WordPress developers can protect your website from being hacked.

Final Words

Your website is the most important part of your online presence. You have to ensure that it perfectly represents your brand. You should consider trying WordPress whether you are revamping your existing site or creating a site from scratch,


Advantages of Using Ruby on Rails for Your Project

At times our clients would want to know what technologies we will use to develop their web application projects. However, we spend some time explaining why we choose Ruby on Rails (also known as Rails or RoR). After all, there are other well-known languages and frameworks for rear-end web development like Java, Python, or PHP. So why use RoR? There are multiple reasons for making this decision, and the main one is that it is often a better choice than any other tool. Ruby on Rails has been in usage for web development since 2006 and ranked as the best Ruby on Rails Developers by Clutch. Co, which we take advantage in considering that Ruby on Rails development is our strong suit.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby is a multi-purpose, dynamic, interpreted language for object-oriented programming.

Nevertheless, developing new software using only Ruby is strenuous work. That is why a unique tool has been designed to improve the development process — Rails.

Rails is a web development framework that has been written in the Ruby language and introduced nine years after the initial release of Ruby. It was developed to make programming web apps more straightforward, helping to build websites of any complexity. It also marked the beginning of the entire popularity of Ruby and the arrival of Ruby on Rails companies that recognized its potential, including us.

Primary use cases of Ruby on Rails, and why it’s so popular?

The purpose of Ruby is to efficiently develop new high-performance web projects. Thus, there is no specific answer to what Ruby is used for like any general-purpose programming language. It’s used for a vast range of programming tasks. No web development company would see code as something that occurs outside of the business aims of a project. Each programming language, each technology stack are created to solve some problems. Depending on the purpose, you might or might not be the proper choice for your web project (but rather yes than no).

Types of projects that can be done using Ruby on Rails

  • E-commerce, i.e., online stores with sophisticated choices.
  • Photo editing web application
  • Informational portals.
  • Trading, news, and data analytics
  • Dating websites
  • Ad platforms.
  • Booking websites
  • Social networks.
  • Non-standard complex projects.
  • SaaS-solutions.

Ruby on Rails is a well-known framework; with the simplicity of prototyping, Rails is usually used by startups, non-profit projects, and huge companies. Ruby is the 11th topmost language in the TIOBE index (it shows how well-known a particular programming language is, depending on the SERP results), with various points up to 2020.

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020 named Ruby the 14th topmost programming language in the entire world.

The number of live websites developed using Ruby on Rails goes over 900K worldwide (with almost 4 million that have existed at a point), and the number is growing.

Companies using Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a technology preferred for startups, although it has attracted numerous top tiers. The list of businesses that use Ruby on Rails entails Basecamp, Airbnb, Goodreads, Shopify, Kickstarter, Hulu, etc. Rails can be described as “ready for the enterprise.”

So why did these companies decide to use RoR to develop their web projects, and why use Ruby on Rails? The answer lies in the upsides of Ruby on Rails.

Upsides of Ruby on Rails from the business perspective


Ruby is easy, simple, logical, and has a tiny code-base (enabling fewer redundant code lines), resulting in quick development speed. If you add Rail, you will see how it helps RoR developers save time while coding on providing better solutions. Less code means that less time is spent on writing it while the functionality is the same.


As regards the recent point, development time is the client’s money. The more time development takes, the more costly it is. Because of the fast speed at which Rails websites can be created and modified, less money is spent developing and maintaining them with the account that an application is suitably designed and its development method in a given company that offers its Ruby on Rails development services is set properly.

In addition, Ruby on Rails is open-source, which means there are no licensing costs.


The Rails framework is very easy and allows to adapt websites to several updates about the innovations in the business method. In case you require further functionality in the future, there are different modules for that. What’s more, Ruby lets you remove several elements or redefine them if it is necessary. So also, individual parts of a program or application can be easily modified and expanded later on.

It is a uniquely expressive and easy language that allows it to solve one difficulty in several ways, giving Ruby on Rails developers a lot of freedom and opportunities to choose the most suitable solution for a project.

Different developers easily support RoR.

Ruby code is easy to read and widely self-documenting. This increases productivity, as developers are no longer required to write out distinct documentation. Thus, over 90% of Ruby web applications are written to make use of Rails. It means that RoR provides all kinds of integrations to meet the needs of the project.

Each project is perfectly structured, so a new developer will easily get the project details right from the onset. It means little downtime for business if there is a need to hire a different Ruby on Rails developer for an already existing project or source for various new ones to expand it. It’s also not a problem if one team starts a project for the other to finish it.

Massive resources and community

There’s a huge number of ready-made Ruby on Rails solutions in the public platform, the larger number of which have been tested already by another person, which reduces the need to develop something from one set.

The huge and friendly community where Ruby on Rails developers assist each other, announce new projects, and discuss all related to the framework is essential for coders and is useful for business. It helps to locate the best solutions to solve your problems in case of difficulties. The Ruby community is proud of the amount of ready-to-use code packages called “gems” provided by the developers. Presently, there are 166,327 gems that any Ruby developer can use to make your app more beneficial. Widespread use of Ruby applications and tools entails that you can integrate other services easily into RoR-based products.


Right from the beginning, Ruby on Rails was popular for its scalability, and not without reason. The performance of the same applications written in Java and RoR can vary, especially with the high Java’s efficiency concerning multi-threaded applications. Thus, Rails 6, released last year, has resolved the entire Rails scalability challenges. Rails 6 is known to be scalable by default.

Many RoR apps that we’ve been developing can provide multiple instances of the same code (including on various servers) and work just fine. This concerns horizontal scalability (when you scale by adding more machines into your platform of resources). With vertical scalability, things are different (when you scale by adding more power to an existing machine). Thus, that’s not so much of a challenge, as you should not be deceived with it at all, or it’ll come out too costly because of server cost.

Scalability is another aspect that majorly depends on the architecture of the application and not on the framework.

High data protection

News about several resources being hacked gets published every day. For instance, Nintendo stated that a total of 300,000 customer accounts had been hacked up to date. Cybersecurity is our daily concern, both professionally and personally.

The Teams responsible for developing the Rails framework put great effort into its data protection capabilities. RoR also entrails password and credit card data encryption. Certain measures are taken to prevent SQL injection and XSS attacks.

High reliability and maintainability

The stability aspect is highly important for all businesses. Ruby on Rails development uses the TDD (test-driven development) method, and the toolkit assists the extensive testing capabilities. It means that solutions developed with Ruby on Rails are constant and easy to maintain. The framework itself also consists of automatic tests, which makes it very reliable.

Startups and SMBs

Practically, cost-effectiveness, scalability, speed access to the largest knowledge base, and other factors are all RoR’s importance, giving startups and small/medium businesses a competitive edge. Startups and developing businesses use Ruby on Rails services because they give them the capability to compete with larger firms.

The future of Ruby on Rails

It looks that every year certain articles appear presenting the demise of Ruby on Rails, to the phase where it has become something similar to a running gag in the developer platform. Why are people talking about it at all? The Ruby language goes back to 1995, while the Rails framework was developed in 2004. Everything changes with ease in the web development platform, with new hip technologies showing up now and then. At times, it is because of the necessity of solving some new challenges. Sometimes it is since something is trending. Like every other person, developers are sometimes prone to favor new exciting trends.

The essential thing that why Ruby on Rails is over 15 years old, it’s specifically being developed to help the arising requirements of the business. The current version of Rails is 3.0. It supersedes the previous one with 3x faster, featuring prime memory utilization, constant analysis, and new functions like Ractors and schedulers. These new features allow it to remain up-to-date and competitive.

Why Should You Use JAMstack Framework for Your Web App?

JAMstack is a popular framework for various reasons, including hosting an application on static servers, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and making applications quicker than dynamically generated apps. This essay will explain why JAMstack is so popular throughout the world. Learn why JAMstack has been dubbed the “future of web development” and how it is rapidly being used for all types of contemporary online applications.

Web development has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Several new changes and trends have emerged in the domains. JAMstack is one of the best-known web development architectures in recent times, and it is one of the numerous new trends.

To put things into perspective, the total proportion of JAMstack-powered web pages in 2020 was 0.91 percent for desktops and 0.85 percent for mobiles. This is an 85 percent and 147 percent increase over 2019. JAMstack is an acronym that stands for JavaScript, API, and Markup (JAM). These are the three technologies that make up the JAMstack framework. Mathias Biilmann invented the term to characterize this current web development architecture.

This web development architecture combines three technologies, and the platform is built on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup. JAMstack is a superior solution for web applications than all of its pieces; as Aristotle once stated, “the whole is genuinely more than the sum of its parts.”

Adopting JAMstack for your web apps is a good decision. We’ve spoken about why and how JAMstack may be the ideal web development architecture for your apps.

What Is Considered a JAMstack?

There are a few factors to consider when determining what constitutes a JAMstack. However, it is critical to understand and remember that if an application delivers pre-rendered pages from a static host, it may be classified as a JAMstack.

One of the major characteristics of a JAMstack is that the core site is statically served. That being said, not all apps require all three features of JAM.

  • On the front end, a site may not need the usage of JavaScript.
  • API calls from the UI may also be unnecessary.
  • In addition to Markdown, the app may employ a serverless content management system (CMS) for content generation.
  • To manage user interaction and other progressive upgrades, the site may not require JavaScript code.
  • API calls may not be used to enhance the application.

In addition, any misconceptions regarding the framework must be dispelled so that you do not have unreasonable expectations from the platform. To be clear, JAMstack is not a specific front-end-backend-database-platform stack, such as a MEAN stack (Express, MongoDB, Angular, Node) or a LAMP stack (Linux, MySQL, Apache, and PHP).

When it comes to defining what situations do not qualify as a JAMstack, the following arguments must be made:

  • An application that dynamically produces pages on the server using Java, Node, Python, Ruby, and other programming languages.
  • When a single-page app renders isometrically on the server.
  • When and if a site is built on a strongly linked server-side CMS.
  • WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are all examples of content management systems.

Why Should You Use JAMstack for Your Web Applications?

To get to the core of this post, there are numerous reasons why JAMstack might be the ideal option for your web applications. If you are unfamiliar with JAMstack, it is a framework-agnostic approach for organizing a web application to improve its performance. JAMstack may host apps on static servers, allowing them to run much quicker than dynamically generated applications.

Many developers, including large companies, are migrating to JAMstack for their web apps, and the reasons stated below should make it abundantly apparent why this is a sensible and long-term move. Let’s have a look at why JAMstack could be the best web development architecture for your web applications.

Page Loading Times are Extremely Fast

JAMstack simply provides static files from a low-latency edge server that is closer to the user geographically. This makes it considerably quicker than any typical application, even when caching is enabled, which will run logic to render HTML.

This leads us to the difference between how caching works in regular apps and a JAMstack application. In an application where caching happens at every stage, deciding what is cached and not is an additional load.

Such activities will need specialized settings at various locations, as well as the deployment of new code. Because everything is cached in JAMstack, it becomes incredibly straightforward. You also gain improved search engine rankings in addition to quicker website loading speed. The golden rule of SEO is that faster sites rank better in search engines. Sites built with current JavaScript frameworks will have low search ranks.

Server-side rendering and other third-party technologies can significantly enhance this. Even after that, they will not be able to compete with JAMstack apps in terms of speed.

Superior Scalability Or Improved Adaptability To Traffic Surges

JAMstack apps are just unrivaled when it comes to scalability. JAMstack apps are extremely capable of handling traffic smoothly. This is one of the primary reasons why many large businesses prefer JAMstack since they can avoid traffic surges using JAMstack apps. Another significant advantage is that the content is provided via CDNs. Even under severe pressure, these systems can deliver static content rapidly. This is because they are geographically separated and have many built-in redundancies.

They are also designed to handle high traffic and hardware failures more effectively than original servers. It operates differently in a conventional application. The technical architect assesses the possible load on each layer of the application at this point.

Seamless and convenient deployments

Another significant advantage of JAMstack is the fact that it greatly simplifies installations. This is because it operates by transferring files to a static server or CDN.

Netlify, for example, is a service that has prebuilt facilities for continuous deployment. This results in the automated initiation of builds, followed by deployments, whenever a modification is made to a Git code repository (like Bitbucket, GitHub, etc.).

They are traditionally distributed in a certain order to several levels of the application in traditional deployments. These include scripts that must be deployed to the database, web server frontend modifications and API changes on the application server.

Aside from this, to-be-cleared caches, configuration changes, and so on are also included in the order of layers. JAMstack is a collection of static files that make deployments immutable. This means you may go back to any previous version of your site at any moment without worrying about it not working.

Outstanding Development Experience

The amazing development experience provided by JAMstack is a significant reason why it is a popular architecture among current web developers. JAMstack is incredibly simple to grasp. Web developers may construct sophisticated websites using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Even if a new developer is on the team, their local development environment may be easily and quickly set up and ready to go.

Another important feature is that developers do not need to be concerned about the behavior of their code in different levels of the application after deployment. Developers can quickly run the build on their local computer, examine the results, and be certain that the modifications they have made will work as expected.

Superior Security by Design

One of the main features that make JAMstack valuable is that it provides greater security for your application. The design substantially and effectively increases your application’s security. This is accomplished by completely disconnecting your dynamic application backend from the event when a request is made.

Before deployment, the dynamic apps are disconnected during the build process. As a result, when a user requests a page from a JAMstack application, it is just serving a static file. This is a feature made possible by design. All of the moving pieces of a JAMstack application run on their own infrastructure. This effectively decreases the application’s vulnerability to cyberattacks.

Are There Any Constraints of the Jamstack Framework?

Jamstack may be one of the best frameworks for application development, but developers may encounter a few issues. They are as follows:

  • A lengthy application development procedure
  • Good web development knowledge and abilities are required.
  • The use of real-time data is limited.
  • Built a complex API

To summarize, it is abundantly obvious why JAMstack is the solution to the contemporary world of web development. After reading this article, you should better understand the JAMstack web application framework and its usefulness. It is one of the most environmentally friendly options and can be used to create complex, functional, and adaptable web applications.

So, if you were wondering, “Why to Choose JAMstack Framework for Your Web Application,” we hope you now have an answer!

What Can Python Do in the Finance Industry?

As a programming language, Python can be used in various industries and for different tasks. The finance industry in particular relies heavily on technology. Programming languages form the digital systems that contain and manipulate data.

Python is one of the most popular languages used in the finance industry. But what makes it such a good fit?

Benefits of Using Python in the Finance Industry

  • Increases the speed of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Creation
  • A large, supportive community of developers
  • Cleaner code makes it faster
  • Simple to learn & versatile in application
  • Combines data science elements & economics
  • Useful for creating prototypes
  • Contains a large library
  • Free to use

Bank companies like to use Python in their systems, but Python is also good for startup businesses. Corporations such as Bank of America and CitiGroup use it as well. For startups, the many benefits of Python are the reason they prefer it over other languages. It even has become more popular in the finance industry than Java.

Additionally, Python aids developers in solving algorithmic issues quickly. Since the finance industry deals with large amounts of data and calculations, the programming language must be able to handle it efficiently. Python’s versatility and performance speed can keep up with that.

This programming language has a large number of libraries at its disposal. Python libraries such as Cython and Numba help Python compile code statistically and dynamically. This is what can make its performance speed fast, which subsequently leads to an easier development process.

Developing Prototypes

A collaborative tool that can be used with Python to create prototypes is the Jupyter Notebook. It interprets Python through code, images, and even Markdown text. The establishment of financial statements, completing a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) calculation, and data exporting are part of how Python helps develop prototypes in the finance industry. It also works with the Jupyter Notebook to polish the prototypes and get them to their final forms.

How Python is Applied in the Finance Industry

As mentioned, Python can be used for banking companies. It works with online banking sites like Venmo, as well as ATM software. Aiding in the trading of stocks and using a subsystem of Python called Anaconda to collect then predict data are more of Python’s implementations in the finance industry.

In terms of the combination of finance and technology, or Fintech, Python has libraries specifically designated to work with those kinds of companies. Some of the libraries are Pyfolio, QuantLib, SciPy, PyAlgoTrade, Zipline, and NumPy.


Similar to Java, Python is extremely popular due to its ability to handle enormous amounts of data, perform exceptionally fast, and is adaptable to various implementations. This in itself makes Python an excellent choice for industries like Finance and Technology. It also has a number of assisting tools and a solid community of developers that help keep Python at the forefront of the programming language world.

Developing an App? You’ll Want to Try Flutter

Who isn’t spending most of their phone time on apps?  App usage has increased steadily, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, and businesses realize their apps need to perform. For developers, using Flutter and associated tools is changing the way apps are built.

Flutter is Google’s user interface (UI) mobile toolkit. It allows you to use one code base to compile native apps across platforms. The framework is free and open-sourced. 

Advantages include

  •       One codebase   
  •       Constant UI elements across platforms
  •       Create your own rendering engine
  •       Google’s Firebase creates a serverless app
  •       Custom made animated user interfaces can be implemented
  •       Option to develop beyond the mobile platform
  •       Execution of simple, specific logic to the app

 Major Apps Using Flutter

  • Alibaba (Global online shopping platform)
  • Groupon: (Online discount marketing)

Instead of rewriting code to streamline their merchant capabilities, Flutter widgets were placed into the app’s native code instead for faster results. (Real estate)

Flutter has been used to deliver a consistent experience of high-quality images and straightforward messaging for users across different screens and platforms. 

 Best Flutter App Development Tools 2021


A Flutter Material Theme editor, Panache enables you to create customized colors, shapes, and other theme properties. Key Features include custom widgets, colors, and shapes, and once you’ve completed the coding structure, you can access the codes by downloading them. You can then download your theme as a .dart file and save it to your Drive.


You can now import your UI designs into Supernova for export to Flutter and add elements, such as animations and new design layers, into native widgets and more. Changes can also be completed in real-time through your Flutter account.  Another key feature is that layouts, animations, and navigation flows are responsive-ready.

 Adobe XD

This open-sourced design plugin provides a more straightforward design procedure. It generates a .dart file that can be added to the app’s source code. Key features include design and layout, including animation and prototyping, and a design system for web-based and mobile apps.


Codemagic allows you to automatically publish your app across various platforms. Used with Flutter apps, integration becomes much quicker. There is an automated test function, and no need to spend time configuring your app for different platforms. As a result, building, testing, and distribution times are continuously 20% faster. 

 Test Magic

Test Magic allows you to distribute and test apps on real Android and IOS devices. It integrates with your CI/CD tool, and it works with Codemagic. You can even upload screenshots and comments for an enhanced app activity.  Apart from full E2E testing, other key features include support for different databases and file formats.


Using Firebase, you can reflect actions from a device screen onto a system.  As the data isn’t provided via USB, the app development process is faster. Other key features include smarter analytics, cross-platform messaging and testing, and performance monitoring.


Amplitude is a behavioral analytics platform. Integrated with Flutter, its key features allow you to speed up product testing and track how your customers engage with your app to improve the app experience.

If you are using Flutter for your app’s development, you can use any of these tools. As Flutter belongs to a cross-platform of development tools, it is a great way to create an app by writing a single code base. It’s fast and open-sourced and uses the speed of your device. We think it’s exactly what developers are looking for.