Posts by "Roxana"

The Best Software Development Tools and Frameworks in 2022

Several software development tools, frameworks, and libraries are getting introduced into the IT market as a result of the rapidly changing and improving programming ecosystem. Not only are the code lines being cut, but the prototype to production time is also being shortened. The software development cycle has several options available, but transformation and adoption are displacing many of the tools, frameworks, and libraries.

According to a Statista report, the software market has generated $456.1 billion in revenue in 2018, and it is expected to reach around $507.2 billion by 2022.

This post will show you the top software development tools and frameworks in 2022, which will help your business expand internationally.

Software Development Tools: Top Three 

Software development tools are computer programs that are used by software developers to edit, create, support, maintain, and debug other programs, frameworks, and applications. 

Choosing software development tools requires consideration of some factors: 

  • Integration of a tool with another
  • curve of learning
  • tool effectiveness 
  • Selecting a suitable environment 

The three best software development tools are listed below


Linx is a low-code software tool used for building web services and automating backend applications. Business processes, like systems integration, applications, and databases, can be designed, developed, deployed, and automated with the tool.  

The LINX software application development tool is used by brands such as Prescient, Standard Bank, JP Morgan Chase, NEDBANK, and Liberty.

LINX has the following features: 

  • User-friendly IDE and server
  • with drag-and-drop functionality 
  • built-in with over 100 plugins 
  • easy one-click deployment 
  • real-time debugging 


As the world’s first software development tool with Connected Intelligence Platform (TM), HeadSpin offers IoT, Web, Mobile, and 5G solutions that consolidate testing, monitoring, and analytics across devices, applications, and networks. Using it, operations, development, quality assurance, and product teams can fully optimize connected experiences and achieve digital business success.

Big companies using headspin software development tools include Wipro, Microsft Azure, Deloitte, VMWare, and Infosys.

Headspin has the following features:

  • Over 500 parallel testing  
  • Wireless debugging     
  • Localization test 
  • Regression test 
  • Actual SIM-enabled iOS and Android devices  


Currently, NetBeans is one of the best software development tools available. It is a coordinated development environment for Java that easily runs on macOS, Windows, Solaris, and Linux. Netbeans develops from a defined modular software component called modules.

It offers a significant set of tools for developers of PHP and C/C++. It is an easy and fast way to develop web and mobile applications. 

Some of the big companies using Netbeans are Accenture, Proshore, and Deutsche Kreditbank.


  • Code editing.
  • Visual debugging.
  • Profiler support.
  • Multi-language support. 

The three best Software Development Frameworks Basically, a software development framework is a software model used to develop a software application. It comprises one or many components which usually include programs, and code libraries. 

The developed software applications can vary in kind while the frameworks can be recognized as a compilation of object-based software libraries. The software library permits the developed software to be reused although it is not the same as the software development framework. 

The difference between both is that while a library is a series of helper functions or objects needed for specific functionalities by an application code, a framework is an unimplemented function written by a user to set up a custom software application. 

Below is a list of the best three software development frameworks:


NodeJs, launched in 2009, has become a key element of diverse corporate software applications. It is an asynchronous, event-driven, JavaScript runtime framework built on the Chrome V8 engine, and is based on a non-blocking I/O model. 

Data-intensive applications would work well with it and it would deliver the output to its users in real-time. 

Some of the big brands deploying it are Netflix, Yahoo, and Linkedin.


  • Multiple threads 
  • Multiplatform   
  • Quicker development environment 
  • Object-focused
  • Over 6,00,000 free open-source package 


Tensorflow is a framework for deep learning introduced by Google. In deep learning, Artificial Neural Networks are used and the system can learn and become better with practice. 

Based on a computational graph, it consists of a network of nodesResearchers and developers alike can use it to deploy state-of-the-art machine learning and create and deploy ML-powered apps through its ecosystem of tools, community resources, and libraries.s. 

The likes of Twitter, Dropbox, Intel, and Uber use TensorFlow to develop software applications.

Tensorflow is also used by Google itself to provide a variety of services, including Google search, Google Recognition, and Google Photos. Small and medium-scale AI-based projects require this software development framework. 


  • Operational flexibility 
  • of responsive structures 
  • using parallel neural networks 
  • easy to train 


Google introduced AngularJS in 2012 as another software development framework. This framework is designed to create dynamic web pages. Single-page applications can easily be created with this JavaScript framework for front-end development. 

Expert HTML developers can deploy the language with the latest syntax and new attributes to extend the functionality of web pages. It is a model-view-controller (MVC) framework synchronizing the model and view via two-way data binding. 

AngularJS is used by brands such as The Guardian, Netflix, iStock Photo, and Upwork.


  • POJO model access 
  • UI in HTML 
  • is fast and efficient 
  • with an easy-to-use interface  


This blog post’s goal was to offer you a comprehensive list of the best software development tools and frameworks of 2022. Do you know which tools you will use to develop your software? 


SQL vs Python: What are they used for?

While SQL and Python are both programming languages, they are both used for vastly different things. SQL is used to extract data and gather or manipulate a database. Python is a general-purpose programming language that allows data experimentation to develop mobile apps, web apps, and artificial intelligence.

Below we will be looking at both of these languages, the differences in what they can do, and how they can be used together for better results.

 What is Python?

Python is a versatile high-level language scripting program language known for its wide range of applied uses in fields such as the development of web applications, machine learning, parsing, and more. It’s an easy language with flexibility and simplicity, containing only a few keywords. The language is found on most platforms and operating systems today, giving it a big advantage over others.

Many programmers prefer Python as they believe it to be the more powerful programming language. With its ease of learning, elegance, and features, it can be simple for even beginners to learn how coding works, and with the right tools, it can create practically anything.


What is SQL?

A few decades ago we were storing all of our data on paper, a “hard copy” that would be kept on hand in case we needed to access its information. Now that we’re moving into a digital age, we store all of our data online in what we call a database.

Whenever you think of databases, you think of SQL. SQL was created as a way for us to manipulate, access, and update any of our databases.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is needed for us to communicate with our databases or make any changes to them.

The most popular SQL databases are:

  •       MySQL
  •       PostgreSQL
  •       SQLite

 Benefits of using SQL & Python

Whether you are using SQL or Python doesn’t matter, as every programming language has its own assets that make them unique and allow them to do different things. For example, SQL was created as a way for us to query and extract data with one of its most powerful features allowing us to combine data from multiple tables inside a single database. But SQL is unable to process higher-level data manipulation and transformations, which is where Python comes in. Python has a data package called Pandas that makes performing data analysis more manageable. Python and SQL could be used together by using SQL to extract that data and Python to make edits to that database.


Which one to study first?

SQL is more beneficial when starting out. While not every task requires data manipulation, it’s essential to know how to extract the data if you plan on going into the data analyst field. While SQL’s script is significantly larger than Python’s and, as a result, can seem overwhelming, it’s actually the easier of the two to execute as it is written in English. Having a basic understanding of SQL in Data Science can eventually lead you to understand Python a lot quicker. 


The Revived Attention in Building Enterprise Software with Scala

 Scala is a powerful high-quality programming language for Java virtual machines (JVM) that offers a safe path to high-performance and scalable systems. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

In 2009, Scala received its first big breakthrough when Twitter began adopting it to avoid the failures of the past. The appearance of Apache Spark in 2013 gave Scala an enormous boost. According to TIOBE’s index, Scala climbed to the 20th position in 2018. In today’s Redmonk ranking, it ranks 14th.

In recent months, there has been an increase in interest in Scala training among large banks and corporations. Likewise, a language should not be judged by its popularity, but by its suitability.

What makes Scala so special?

Java developers can leverage the investments already made in the various JVMs available to Scala developers. Imperative vs. functional programming is the approach employed here.

An imperative means you’re telling the computer exactly what to do. A collection of elements (group of elements) are processed by starting an index (usually at 0), incrementing it, pointing it to the next component of the group, then processing that component.

In contrast, you write a function for each element in the collection that explains what you want to do with it.

Imperatively, you let the software engineer interpret what he needs to achieve into code. Functionally, you grant the computer the equation. Presently the compiler, not the software engineer, clarifies what to do.

What makes Akka so special?

Computers today have many CPU cores (processors), eight or sixteen, that boost your code’s performance. But writing code for multiple threads is challenging. If your code doesn’t follow certain rules, your threads will occasionally crash and collide.

In Scala, the framework Akka abstracts programmers from the complexity of thread coordination by giving them simple objects called Actors. These Actors execute their own functions, and Akka translates them into threads. 

Tesla, PayPal, Verizon, and Starbucks are among the companies using Akka’s high-performance backends, according to Lightbend. 

Best methods of Scala 

After learning more about Scala and working in Akka, I have seen a glimpse of Scala’s potential. I predict it will boom as more companies become aware of the developments described above.

 There are several of Scala’s best methods. Let’s take a look:

  •       Utilize both the functional and object-oriented aspects of Scala.   
  •       Designed to solve your problem.
  •       You will get cleaner code and fewer bugs if you use mostly clear functions (those without side effects).
  •       For multi-thread programming consider libraries such as Monix, Cats, and Akka.

 The thing to keep in mind is that Scala is not an instant gratification language like Python, but one that is delayed. Tip: for significant upgrades and guidelines, consider the review of Scala Cookbook by Alvin Alexander for more guidelines.

We know now how Scala works and what its advantages are, after more than a decade of using it. 

The language will be beneficial for those who examine it and find the appropriate use cases in their organizations now.


A Tense Rivalry: Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript

For the past decade, companies have invested much in technologies, getting plenty of advantages from them. Based on a poll done by Digital Intelligence Briefing: 2018 Digital Trends, 73% of company respondents believe that their skills are a mix of technology and digital marketing expertise.  This trend is believed to continue to grow in the next 10 years.

Having these factors in mind, companies should pay more attention to web application development.

To help you understand better the technologies that are used in the development process, we have compared the two most popular leading technologies out there – Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript.

Ruby on Rails (ROR): how does it work?

Written in the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails is a framework widely used among programmers for the development of web and desktop applications. To help you save on hours of typing, Rails uses Ruby rather than SQL code.

The MVC (Model View Controller) type of framework is implemented in Ruby on Rails in which models store information, views display it and controllers act as intermediaries who control them.

The framework is specifically designed to be customized to suit the user’s needs. Additionally, ROR includes Gems, which are libraries and modules of Ruby programs organized in a standard format for installation in order to be used as plug-ins.  

Ruby on Rails: what makes it so popular?

Even though Ruby on Rails has suffered a decline in popularity in recent years, due to the availability of other competitors, it has successfully stayed on the market for more than 15 years thanks to some key factors:

  • Convenience
  • Large audience
  • Compatible with Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Businesses adopting Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is the obvious choice if you need a quick release and simplicity for integrating the complex attributes with the web applications. Knowing that giant companies such as Hulu,, Github, Imgur are still using ROR as their main framework for web development, which simply supports the fact of the vast popularity of the framework.

Now that you have been introduced to Ruby on Rails, Let’s learn a little bit about JavaScript and its popularity.

JavaScript (JS): How does it work?

This framework developed by Brendan Eich is an object-oriented coding language that allows users to create a dynamic HTML page and interactive effect for a website that engages users. JavaScript provides full-stack programmers with complex functionalities and allows them to interact with other web development languages.

Additionally, with these scripting languages, you can also access animated graphics, photo slideshows, interactive shapes, and suggestions for auto text completions. JS is commonly used by Google search results and Facebook pages that load quicker and more.

JavaScript: what makes it so popular?

Generally, JS is used for web-based apps and web browsers. However, it can also be used for web servers, software, and embedded hardware controls. Its learning curve is quite easy. Many of the fortune 500 organizations used JS for front-end web development. Also, if you look at the StackOverflow survey results,  JavaScript has been rated as one of the top programming languages for the past six years.

 Ruby on Rails vs Javascript: differences

   Object-oriented programming system:

Ruby on Rails: object-oriented, dynamic, general scripting language.

JavaScript: object-oriented scripting, dynamic language.

  1. Programming language:

Ruby on Rails: mainly used for Back-end development.

JavaScript: mainly used for Front-end development.

  1. Usage:

Ruby on Rails: for building substantial CPU applications with fewer lines of code.

JavaScript: for building applications in real-time with scalability and performance.

  1. Performance:

Ruby on Rails: time-consuming and slow.

JavaScript: faster performance with the highly optimized engine.

  1. Scalability:

 Ruby on Rails: low scalability

JavaScript: more scalable in comparison to ROR.

 Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript: the better option?

Both languages provide various attributes, advantages as well as disadvantages. ROR was designed to run on web servers that are supporting CGI. Also, Ruby on Rails programming is used for frameworks such as MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and DB2.

On the other hand, JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, single-threaded, prototype-based, robust language supporting imperative, declarative styles.

To conclude, both languages attract their own users which mainly depends on the needs and business models the companies adopt. While ROR is mainly used for back-end development, JS is mainly used for front-end. If you take into consideration everything we said above, you could conclude that these two languages are not each other’s competitors and could be used to complete one another.










2022 Trends in Technology, Programming and Data Science

Stay ahead of the curve as technology, programming, and data science trends come and go in 2022. These are some areas where we expect to see sweeping changes and improvements. Getting involved in these areas and becoming industry leaders will allow you to stay ahead of the curves trending in 2022.

Web 3.0 Approaches

As the pandemic turned more people to the web than ever before, technologies improve, and our understanding of what’s possible with coding changes, we come ever closer to the next iteration of the internet. Web 3.0 represents the next evolution of the internet. With blockchain services, the Metaverse, and more expanding rapidly, it’s not surprising that the subsequent growth and evolution of the internet is right around the corner.

Metaverse Hype and Movement

The Metaverse is the concept of a fully-realized digital world beyond our current physical world. Many see it as the next iteration of the internet. As more people learn what the Metaverse is and the possibilities it holds, more resources and energy will be dedicated to developing and strengthening it.

New Jobs and Massive Expansion

Programming and data science jobs will begin to sprout up that revolve around the evolution of the Metaverse. There will also be job growth in the sectors of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), gaming, and more.

Gaming Growth

Announced at their E3 press conference in 2018, Bethesda’s Starfield is already shaking the gaming industry at its roots, and it doesn’t come out until at least November 2022. It is set to be a game-changer because of its expansive universe and how easy it is to imagine the impact it can have on the Metaverse.

NFT Transactions

As NFTs become more popular daily, their applications to the Metaverse will be further explored and improved.

Blockchain Improvement, Expansion, and Interoperability

Although blockchain has already been making waves, it’s poised to completely change industries over the next year. As NFTs and cryptocurrency (crypto) become more mainstream and profitable, blockchain will have to expand and become easier to use.

Better consolidation and hybrid features are expected as Cloud and Web 3.0 consolidate. The ability to move assets from one platform to another is expected as widespread public cloud services become more compatible across application programming interfaces (API).

Data Science Careers and Advances

Data science is the study of information to make decisions. This is a massive part of business in a modern world- studying trends and habits to see what may be coming to better steer a company through any coming storms. As more companies come to understand how vital having an expert to interpret data is, this profession will grow and take off.

Part of this is through Actionable Data Science (ADS). Whereas data science is raw data, ADS is the application of that raw data to real-life scenarios to see how it can be used to make a difference in business strategy.

Data science will also experience a shift in the technologies available to them. As Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) becomes better at taking on the cumbersome, time-consuming, and repetitive parts of a data scientist’s job (such as data cleansing and preparation), data science will be able to advance and expand.

It’s expected that in 2022 there will be more of a shift toward data-based decision making. Some companies already see data science as necessary, and other companies are jumping on board. To continue to flourish, these companies need to rapidly adopt decision intelligence models that can accurately forecast where certain decisions will take the company based on the data available.

Expanding Into a New Reality in 2022

As Web 3.0 and blockchain grow and develop, we come closer all the time to the Metaverse and all the ways that will change our understanding of the internet. Data science will continue to grow and take larger importance in our daily life. Staying at the forefront of changing technology is the key to taking advantage of trends in 2022.

What Is Rust and Why Is It so Popular?

Rust is the language of the future. With the growth and potential of crypto, as well as its reliance on the blockchain, Rust is the next language to learn to set yourself apart as a seriously useful developer. Called a “perfect” language by Jack Dorsey (Twitter co-founder and Blockchain guru), Rust is setting itself up to be the future of blockchain interoperability.

What Is Rust?

Focussed on speed and memory safety, Rust’s parallelism gives this open-source code a serious advantage. With wide-ranging capabilities, Rust is used for everything from game engines to file systems. It’s becoming increasingly popular for blockchain creation because of the safety inherently worked into the language.

Why Is Rust Popular?

The popularity of Rust on Stack Overflow has boomed in recent years. Stack Overflow is the hub for programmers, so this enthusiasm represents an accurate picture of the enthusiasm for this language. This language grew 234% in one year, showing that it’s expanding and developing at lightning speed.

This is compounded by Rust’s adoption into the coding practices of industry titans including:

  • Mozilla
  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Huawei
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Dropbox
  • Cloudflare

Another component is the shift toward blockchain. Blockchain is a system of recording information. This system makes it very difficult to hack, duplicate, or otherwise change the information held within. This makes it immensely useful in financial transactions. As online transactions soar (in 2020, consumers spent over $870.78 billion online with U.S. merchants), security is paramount.

What Makes Rust a Strong Language?

Rust is a high-level language syntax-wise while offering the control and performance of low-level language. It is the answer to the holes left by C and C++. While the latter two languages are excellent high-performance languages, they lack safety. Rust emphasizes safety while still ensuring high performance. This is critical for blockchain services that need to be rendered impervious to attacks. While Rust does have a steep learning curve, the safety and speed it offers may be unparalleled, which makes it a lynchpin in future services.

By piggy-backing off the efficacy of C++, developer Grayson Hoare was able to integrate friendlier syntax when he created Rust in 2006. While working at Mozilla, he also infused this language with tools for simplifying development and focusing on safety. This language was created specifically to plug the gaps left by other languages.

The main selling feature of Rust is that it’s safe by default. Memory corruption is not possible by accident because memory access is checked. This makes it the language of choices for blockchain services. Rust strictly enforces safe borrowing of data while selecting, destructuring, aggregating, and operating on data.

Significance to Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency (also called crypto) has blown into the mainstream limelight recently. As more people turn to crypto, programming languages are also becoming more popular. Rust is among these, because its significance to the blockchain, and therefore to crypto, is so great.

Rust is used by alts like Polkadot and Solana, showing its intrinsic flexibility and capacity for interoperability. Polkadot is a multi-chain application environment, and Solana is a blockchain platform with smart contract functionality. Both are written with Rust, showing the possibilities for a language like Rust.

Should I Learn Rust?

Crypto is growing steadily and rapidly. Currently, there is a shortage of blockchain developers. Rust is making itself known in the programming world. Its built-in safety allows for stronger security from the beginning. Developers who learn Rust and make themselves masters of this multi-tool language will make themselves a hot commodity in blockchain and crypto.


By becoming proficient in Rust early, you open your skills to an ever-widening network of platforms that are and will be reliant on the language.




The Good and The Bad of Xamarin Mobile Development

When developing iOS or Android apps, Xamarin is a sure platform to build high-performance and user-friendly mobile applications. This article is entirely focused on reviewing Xamarin and comparing it to other mobile development solutions in the market.


Xamarin is a tool used for cross-platform mobile application development which allows engineers to share up to 90% of code across major platforms. It is a new tool that has already amassed a community of over 1.4 million developers.

Main features of Xamarin

C# language: Xamarin employs a single language, C#, to create applications for all mobile platforms.

Based on the .NET framework: C# is one of the .NET framework languages, and it can be used for various .NET features.

Compilation: Its two major products enjoy compilation whose automatic process handles memory allocation and platform interoperability by default.

Xamarin.Forms: A separate design employed to design prototypes and mobile applications.

Xamarin.Mac: Used to build apps for Mac OS

Platform SDKs: Xamarin also provides access to SDKs.

Support of Wearables: Xamarin is in support of applications being built for Apple and Android watches.

Platform-specific code bindings: Xamarin avails you the opportunity to call previously existing platform codes in case you need to reuse some modules or use some platform-specific functions such as Google Analytics integration.

– Xamarin project structure

The Good of Using Xamarin for Development

  1. One technology stack that codes for all platforms
  2. It has a performance that is close to native
  3. Flawless experiences similar to that of native
  4. Possess full hardware support
  5. It has open-source technology with corporate support that is powerful
  6. It is simple to maintain
  7. A completely developed ecosystem
  8. Xamarin has a framework to create native UI layouts using its Xamarin.Forms.
  9. It can be used to build applications for Macs using Xamarin.Mac tool
  10. Xamarin. Form uses a XAML hot reload tool
  11. Xamarin has learning resources
  12. Xamarin also supports the use of TVs, IoT, and wearables

The Bad of using Xamarin for Development

  1. Delayed support for recent platform updates; This entirely depends on the developer team for Xamarin. It usually takes a while to implement changes using a third-party tool.
  2. Restricted access to Open-source Libraries; While native development utilizes open-source technologies, Xamarin uses the elements its platform provides.
  3. Cost implication for professional and enterprise use; Even though Xamarin is a free, open-source platform for individual developers, this platform could pose a high cost for enterprise needs.
  4. Xamarin talent pool and Community constraints: Xamarin community is smaller compared to native iOS or Android; hence, looking for a Xamarin developer could pose a bit of a challenge.
  5. Foundational knowledge of Native Languages; A basic knowledge of native technologies would help build mobile applications with a native feel using Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android.
  6. Xamarin has a larger app size than the native ones when the type and complexity are evaluated/considered.
  7. Xamarin.Forms will soon become obsolete.


The Ultimate Ruby On Rails vs Node.JS Framework Comparison

It is easy to become confused when there are too many options. You can optimize the backend development process of your website with Node.JS and Ruby on Rails, two popular web technologies. With our comparison, you’ll be able to discover which is the best tool for your project.

What is Ruby on Rails?

The Ruby on Rails framework is a robust and pragmatic database-driven application framework for developing performant websites and web applications. This front-end framework enables you to build large web-based applications that can handle heavy user traffic. It is based on the concept of “Convention over Configuration.”

Ruby on Rails includes the following features:

  • By using reusable components and modules, the “Don’t repeat yourself” principle is followed. 
  • MVC architecture – Allows the delineation of application logic from presentation logic. 
  • Ruby on Rails creates automatic tests for programs. Ruby Gems are pre-installed.
  • For better readability and manageability, Ruby’s object-oriented concepts are used.
  • The use of the best coding practices increases productivity and delivers quick results. 

How Does Node.JS Work?

For executing server-side code, Node.JS provides a JavaScript runtime environment. It is powered by the V8 engine and can run JavaScript programs outside a browser. We build high-performance apps using Node.JS as a custom Node.JS development company. Many companies rely on it, including Groupon, Microsoft, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services.

It is an event-driven web server that does not wait for a response from its API. With this system, different connection requests are handled by one thread, reducing RAM usage and increasing scalability. Modules are managed with the NPM package manager. Optimizes speed and performance by avoiding context switching processes between threads.


Six major differences between Ruby on Rails and Node.JS

  1.     Speed and performance 

Using single threading for the execution of simultaneous racquets, and asynchronous processing, Node.JS websites, and applications are extremely fast. As you have all the tools needed for developing a website, it is very easy to start and develop a project.


  1. Tools and libraries

Modules are popular with web developers because of their reusability. Additionally, modules and packages can be used to divide up a complex piece of code into manageable chunks. For automating tasks and avoiding repetitive coding, both Ruby on Rails and Node.JS provide libraries and packages.

  1.     NPM VS Gem

Gems are open source libraries of code and documentation that you can use in your program without requiring them to be explicitly added. Devise, Rake, RSpec, and Bundler are a few common Gems. As a GitHub subsidiary, NPM is the most popular provider of JavaScript support.

  1.     Utilization

JavaScript is implemented using Node.JS on the frontend and backend. With an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) system such as ActiveRecord, you can easily create content-heavy websites. 

You can also easily create MVPs or Minimum Value Products with our high-productivity DRF-based approach. Contact us today for successful custom RoR development.

  1.     Audience 

As both Node.JS and Ruby on Rails are free and open-source, they have large audiences. With a larger audience, you are more likely to receive advice and help. There are 48.2K stars and over 4200 contributors on Github for Ruby on Rails, while Node.JS has 78.3K stars and 2959 contributors. Rails has more contributors than Node.js.

  1.     The thread

With Rails, you can run multiple threads simultaneously. This means you can build a highly functional application. But this isn’t practical for complex apps with many lines of code. With Node.JS, applications run in a single thread.

While Ruby on Rails and Node.JS do have some differences, both tools have their own set of advantages. Before choosing the right tech stack for your website, it is important to analyze your requirements along with these differences.

 An overview of Node.JS’s pros and cons

JavaScript developers love Node.JS based on Chrome’s V8 engine, it is ideal for integrating JavaScript into the front-end of the website and program code.

These are the benefits:

  • Among its many applications, Node.JS can be used to develop web servers. 
  • Throughout the application- both server-side and client-side- only JavaScript is used.
  • Despite today’s fast-changing requirements, the environment is lightweight, scalable, and practical.
  • Non-blocking I/O models provide excellent scalability and high response time.
  • When working with JSON, Node.JS does not convert between binary models.
  • Real-time applications like chat rooms, streaming, or video conferencing

You should also consider the following disadvantages to Node.JS before choosing it:

  • Node.JS applications can experience issues when all requests are handled by the same thread.
  • Simple tasks require extensive coding.
  • It is unsuitable for heavy computations, causing system instability.

A comparison of RoR Framework’s advantages and disadvantages

 There are many advantages to using Rails to develop web applications:

  • The DRY principle – avoid re-doing the same thing.
  • You will develop an optimized website with exceptional code quality and feature set.
  • Based on some of the most effective coding practices. The data is directly mapped to database tables, so you will not need to write any code or queries. 
  • Capable of working with many popular database environments.
  • Customized RoR tools and libraries are easily available.

Despite the benefits, you may face a few disadvantages:

  • Using multiple threads can have many benefits, but they can also slow down your application. 
  • Dealing with a large number of users. 
  • Large applications requiring high speed and dynamic interactions will not be supported.
  • Scalability – As a startup, you might consider starting small.
  • Alternatives are hard to implement.

How Should I Decide Between Node.JS and Ruby on Rails?

You decide which framework is best for your project – no one framework is better than another. If you need a framework that is capable of developing secure, high-performance web apps, we recommend Ruby on Rails. It is preferable to use Node.JS when you need a customized environment that supports JavaScript applications.

You should use Node.JS if you need any of the following:

  • Framework for microservices.
  • Apps such as streaming video and chat applications as well as email services have been developed in real-time.
  • Server-side applications that are quick and productive.
  • Can handle enormous databases.
  • RESTful API development.
  • Scalability.
  • All front-end, backend, and native mobile applications are written in the same language, JavaScript.

For web development, however, Ruby on Rails would be more appropriate in this case:

  • Social networks with high traffic.
  • E-commerce applications require strict security measures.
  • Fast creation of apps when working under tight deadlines.
  • Software as a service or SaaS projects.
  • For data analytics.
  • Content management.
  • Prototypes and MVPs.
  • Quick data applications on a single page.

The Rails framework doesn’t compile code into machine language but is interpreted. RoR websites perform poorly due to this and the memory-intensive multi-threading. Ruby on Rails is not the only alternative available in the market. Most JavaScript backends use NodeJS. Node.JS is lightweight and scalable, so most developers prefer it.



8 Key Trends in Full Stack Development for 2022

To remain competitive, every industry needs to stay up-to-date in software advances and trends. As full-stack development changes at a lightning-fast pace, it is critical to pay close attention to developing trends. We’ve compiled a list of 8 trends likely to experience a boom in 2022.

1. Low Code Development

Low code development allows for fast integration of changing policies and procedures through easy-to-understand code. Easy for clients to understand and interact with, low code development allows a more client-friendly experience. It is a good fit for the development of business software, and a great tool for digital transformation.

The downside of such a simple solution is that it is unsuitable for complex or structured solutions. Low code development is ideal for commercial use cases.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot spot in the technology community for years. The creation of software that can intuitively solve problems and is intelligent like a human is hotly contested and reaching new heights daily.

AI has made its way into the biggest companies, and the industry is taking notice. AI is a necessity in today’s marketplace and will continue to be in the future. Health care and the software markets are just two examples of where AI has expanded.

3. Language Trends

The most popular language to code in is JavaScript. JavaScript is easily translated for hybrid applications. However, there are many languages to code in, and selecting the correct language from the beginning is vital. If the wrong language is used, it may cause costly issues at a later stage.

Other than JavaScript, several surveys of frameworks, libraries, and programming languages pinpointed Node.js and Angular as the top choices, with 49.9% and 39.6% of programmers preferring them, respectively. Other popular languages include React, .NET Core, and Spring.

4. The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is revolutionizing the abilities of technology to interact. This is poised to expand exponentially as it affects both the consumer and industrial levels, especially as it relates to customer experience and security.

The latest estimates state more than 90% of cars should be IoT enabled by 2021. In this event, transportation, logistics, and supply chains would be augmented by increased connectivity. This is compounded by the estimate that over 127 devices are connected to the internet every second.

5. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized system that allows for cryptographic encryption. This is an immutable record of time-stamped data series managed by a network of computers. It is essential for the simplification of banking transactions.

Online banking is the main form of banking for many consumers now, and online shopping is at an all-time high. As more banks, apps, and companies move toward the simplification of banking transactions, blockchain technology will grow.

6. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Easy to develop and maintain, PWAs are a hybrid of web and mobile applications. They allow for faster load times and amazing features such as push notifications. With more of the world moving toward mobile phones, PWAs will become the focus of many companies.

7. IT Outsourcing

Globally, outsourcing has boomed. Business owners often prefer to outsource to developers rather than hiring internal developers, and this trend will grow into other software requirements. Subcontracting is popular in the IT industry.

A growing number of industries require full-stack developers to analyze their software needs. With this growth of demand will come an inevitable boom in the supply of outsourcing.

8. Mixed Reality

Because of advances in graphics processing power, computational vision, input systems, and technology relating to visualization, we can create a new reality. Using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), we can create mixed reality, covering variations and compositions of real and virtual objects. This can span from a completely real environment to an entirely virtual environment, and opens new possibilities for many industries.


Innovating Into the Future

Overwhelmingly, the trends in full-stack development are all centered around constant innovation and growth. Software developers and companies need to be prepared to adopt new and impressive trends and to become industry leaders in technologies like AI, IoT, or mixed realities to flourish in the future.



5 App Ideas Using React Native Technology

A business is only as good as its foundation. The foundation of any business is its purpose or the main idea. Next comes a solid framework that allows the idea to truly soar. This means when starting a business it is critical to choose a framework that is versatile and easy to use.

It is important to have a user-friendly experience, in product development as much as with the finished product. A user-friendly experience can accommodate both traditional and cutting-edge approaches for hybrid mobile development.

React Native technology is used in over 27,000 apps and has been downloaded by more than 30 billion people. The technology used by React Native is simple yet profound, allowing a huge variety of different functionalities. Framework like this is instrumental in day-to-day operations and is used by industry titans such as SoundCloud Pulse, Instagram, Tesla, Walmart, UberEats, and many more.

Utilizing React Native has benefits including:

  • Hybrid Optimization- Easy transition from web to mobile projects
  • Single Codebase- Develop for Android & iOS platform together
  • Cut Cost- Cut development costs by developing for Android and iOS on one platform
  • Compatibility- Switch easily between react to native and native to react code
  • Fast Development- Lower start-up costs
  • Focus on Interface- Focus on User Interface (UI)
  • Immediate Access- Access native Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Performance- Focus on performance
  • Innovative Framework- Leading-edge framework in mobile app development
  • Improved Development- Increased efficiency in native app development

How You Can Use React Native

Developing the next big idea has to start somewhere. We have compiled 5 of the best app ideas React Native technology can effectively be used for, as well as some of the companies that are benefiting from this technology

1.   Music Sharing and Streaming App

The music streaming industry is a booming one. Over 523.9 million people were subscribed to a streaming service globally as of Q2 2021.

Streaming giant Spotify is built on React Native technology, taking advantage of features such as:

  • Sharing Capabilities- Share songs to social channels
  • Customization- URLs for custom streams can be added
  • Navigation- Options for easy navigation
  • Light and Dark Mode Compatible
  • Multi-Channel- Support for multiple channels
  • Radio and Music Streaming

2.   Friends Near Me App

React Native technology makes use of GPS location services to show users who is near them, as well as chatting in real-time.

UberEats has leveraged this to create an app that can pinpoint a user’s location to get them fast service. They take advantage of the services for friends nearby such as:

  • Geofencing- Allow location-based responses
  • Location Services- Fetching and tracking
  • Registration- Screens for login and signup
  • Google and Facebook Login
  • Recommendations- New friends nearby
  • Friends List and Map Integration- List of friends nearby based on GPS location
  • Friend Tracking- Track locations along map route
  • Real-Time Chat
  • Navigation- Menu or tab based navigation option

3.   Recipe App

User-friendly technology combined with navigation advances means giving users the ability to search for what they’re looking for and find it easily. This includes niches, giving users the ability to dive deep into their interests.

Instagram allows users the freedom to search based on their topic and filter that search. They’re also able to integrate videos and have rich navigation that is very easy to use. Some benefits of React Native technology they use are:

  • Navigation- Menu or tab based navigation option
  • Video Integration- Such as YouTube or other
  • Search Feature- Search by a variety of topics including tags, ingredients, etc.
  • Filtering- Filter based on categories or ingredients
  • Recipe Details Screen- Ingredients, workflow, measurements
  • Categories- Based on different cuisines

4.   Fashion or Shopping Apps

Currently, the most difficult to program apps include online shopping apps. There is a high degree of customization necessary in these apps while requiring a flow and visual beauty without being clunky.

Walmart integrates React Native technology to lend a seamless experience to its users. Online shopping is made easy with features like:

  • Authentication- Use Firebase Auth for password or phone number authentication
  • Navigation Between Various Screens
  • Integrated Payment- Integrated use of payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree
  • Push Notifications
  • Offline Assistance- Assistance for offline shopping
  • AR and VR Experience- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality capabilities

5.   Expense Tracker

Integration of visual implementation and data is a feature that multiple apps use, including video editing software used by Facebook and Instagram. Taking advantage of integrated payment technology as well as categories to define expenses, users can easily see the trends and needs of their spending habits.


  • React Native technology benefits apps of this kind by:
  • Monthly Expenses Screen-Users input their information, which then populates month after month
  • Navigation- Menu or tab based navigation option
  • Categories- Pre-generated spending categories such as food, health, clothing, etc.
  • Integrated Payment- Integrated use of payment gateways
  • Filtering- Filter overall expenses using categories
  • Details- Users can zero in on details of expenses for descriptions, categories, etc.

React Native Has a Solution for Your App Ideas

There is a wide range of options for using React Native technology to implement your business plan, including the ones listed above, as evidenced by world-famous businesses. Make sure to consult with React Native developers if you want to more about app ideas, or require help.