It is easy to become confused when there are too many options. You can optimize the backend development process of your website with Node.JS and Ruby on Rails, two popular web technologies. With our comparison, you’ll be able to discover which is the best tool for your project.

What is Ruby on Rails?

The Ruby on Rails framework is a robust and pragmatic database-driven application framework for developing performant websites and web applications. This front-end framework enables you to build large web-based applications that can handle heavy user traffic. It is based on the concept of “Convention over Configuration.”

Ruby on Rails includes the following features:

  • By using reusable components and modules, the “Don’t repeat yourself” principle is followed. 
  • MVC architecture – Allows the delineation of application logic from presentation logic. 
  • Ruby on Rails creates automatic tests for programs. Ruby Gems are pre-installed.
  • For better readability and manageability, Ruby’s object-oriented concepts are used.
  • The use of the best coding practices increases productivity and delivers quick results. 

How Does Node.JS Work?

For executing server-side code, Node.JS provides a JavaScript runtime environment. It is powered by the V8 engine and can run JavaScript programs outside a browser. We build high-performance apps using Node.JS as a custom Node.JS development company. Many companies rely on it, including Groupon, Microsoft, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services.

It is an event-driven web server that does not wait for a response from its API. With this system, different connection requests are handled by one thread, reducing RAM usage and increasing scalability. Modules are managed with the NPM package manager. Optimizes speed and performance by avoiding context switching processes between threads.


Six major differences between Ruby on Rails and Node.JS

  1.     Speed and performance 

Using single threading for the execution of simultaneous racquets, and asynchronous processing, Node.JS websites, and applications are extremely fast. As you have all the tools needed for developing a website, it is very easy to start and develop a project.


  1. Tools and libraries

Modules are popular with web developers because of their reusability. Additionally, modules and packages can be used to divide up a complex piece of code into manageable chunks. For automating tasks and avoiding repetitive coding, both Ruby on Rails and Node.JS provide libraries and packages.

  1.     NPM VS Gem

Gems are open source libraries of code and documentation that you can use in your program without requiring them to be explicitly added. Devise, Rake, RSpec, and Bundler are a few common Gems. As a GitHub subsidiary, NPM is the most popular provider of JavaScript support.

  1.     Utilization

JavaScript is implemented using Node.JS on the frontend and backend. With an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) system such as ActiveRecord, you can easily create content-heavy websites. 

You can also easily create MVPs or Minimum Value Products with our high-productivity DRF-based approach. Contact us today for successful custom RoR development.

  1.     Audience 

As both Node.JS and Ruby on Rails are free and open-source, they have large audiences. With a larger audience, you are more likely to receive advice and help. There are 48.2K stars and over 4200 contributors on Github for Ruby on Rails, while Node.JS has 78.3K stars and 2959 contributors. Rails has more contributors than Node.js.

  1.     The thread

With Rails, you can run multiple threads simultaneously. This means you can build a highly functional application. But this isn’t practical for complex apps with many lines of code. With Node.JS, applications run in a single thread.

While Ruby on Rails and Node.JS do have some differences, both tools have their own set of advantages. Before choosing the right tech stack for your website, it is important to analyze your requirements along with these differences.

 An overview of Node.JS’s pros and cons

JavaScript developers love Node.JS based on Chrome’s V8 engine, it is ideal for integrating JavaScript into the front-end of the website and program code.

These are the benefits:

  • Among its many applications, Node.JS can be used to develop web servers. 
  • Throughout the application- both server-side and client-side- only JavaScript is used.
  • Despite today’s fast-changing requirements, the environment is lightweight, scalable, and practical.
  • Non-blocking I/O models provide excellent scalability and high response time.
  • When working with JSON, Node.JS does not convert between binary models.
  • Real-time applications like chat rooms, streaming, or video conferencing

You should also consider the following disadvantages to Node.JS before choosing it:

  • Node.JS applications can experience issues when all requests are handled by the same thread.
  • Simple tasks require extensive coding.
  • It is unsuitable for heavy computations, causing system instability.

A comparison of RoR Framework’s advantages and disadvantages

 There are many advantages to using Rails to develop web applications:

  • The DRY principle – avoid re-doing the same thing.
  • You will develop an optimized website with exceptional code quality and feature set.
  • Based on some of the most effective coding practices. The data is directly mapped to database tables, so you will not need to write any code or queries. 
  • Capable of working with many popular database environments.
  • Customized RoR tools and libraries are easily available.

Despite the benefits, you may face a few disadvantages:

  • Using multiple threads can have many benefits, but they can also slow down your application. 
  • Dealing with a large number of users. 
  • Large applications requiring high speed and dynamic interactions will not be supported.
  • Scalability – As a startup, you might consider starting small.
  • Alternatives are hard to implement.

How Should I Decide Between Node.JS and Ruby on Rails?

You decide which framework is best for your project – no one framework is better than another. If you need a framework that is capable of developing secure, high-performance web apps, we recommend Ruby on Rails. It is preferable to use Node.JS when you need a customized environment that supports JavaScript applications.

You should use Node.JS if you need any of the following:

  • Framework for microservices.
  • Apps such as streaming video and chat applications as well as email services have been developed in real-time.
  • Server-side applications that are quick and productive.
  • Can handle enormous databases.
  • RESTful API development.
  • Scalability.
  • All front-end, backend, and native mobile applications are written in the same language, JavaScript.

For web development, however, Ruby on Rails would be more appropriate in this case:

  • Social networks with high traffic.
  • E-commerce applications require strict security measures.
  • Fast creation of apps when working under tight deadlines.
  • Software as a service or SaaS projects.
  • For data analytics.
  • Content management.
  • Prototypes and MVPs.
  • Quick data applications on a single page.

The Rails framework doesn’t compile code into machine language but is interpreted. RoR websites perform poorly due to this and the memory-intensive multi-threading. Ruby on Rails is not the only alternative available in the market. Most JavaScript backends use NodeJS. Node.JS is lightweight and scalable, so most developers prefer it.