Posts by "Roxana"

Why Choose Unity 3D for Your Next Game Development Project?

The success of a project to create a mobile game hinges on choosing a suitable game engine. The broad feature set of the Unity 3D engine facilitates cross-platform game creation. The game engine provides many tools and resources for its users, including an integrated development environment (IDE), online community support, free tutorials, and intuitive software.

These powerful capabilities have made Unity 3D a favorite among game designers who want to create high-quality 2D and 3D games quickly and affordably. Let’s get familiar with this powerful gaming engine before we get into the justifications for using it.

Introduction to Unity: A Nutshell

In the world of video games, Unity, created and released by Unity Technologies, is a household name. It’s a breeze to use if you’re a programmer working on a game. Due largely to Unity’s appealing aesthetic, the engine has attracted a large and dedicated following.

Games built using Unity’s augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and 2D and 3D tools may be played on various devices and platforms. Developers may easily implement cinematic animations and lifelike objects using Unity’s powerful capabilities. Characters, locations, and objects in this game engine have all been improved to look more realistic.

Unity eliminates the need for cross-platform development by eliminating platform switching. However, Unity also facilitates the writing of in-game instructions. In a nutshell, this engine facilitates the development of sophisticated and rapid games.

In case you were wondering how many people use Unity, here you go:

  • Regarding free mobile games, 34% of the ones that have made it to the Play Store and the App Store were made with the Unity Game Engine.
  • 71% of the top 1000 mobile games are Unity-made.
  • By 2020, there will be 2.8 billion monthly active users engaging with content powered by the Unity Game Engine.
  • An estimated 5 billion copies of Unity-built apps are downloaded every month.
  • Unity customers include 94 of the top 100 development studios in global revenue.

Major Advantages of Using Unity for Game Creation

These advantages of Unity’s game engine have contributed to its widespread adoption in the gaming industry.

  1. User Convenience

When compared to other technologies, Unity is far more user-friendly. As time goes on, the complexity of other hard technology increases.

  1. Compatibility with a Variety of Platforms

Unity can run on various platforms, including Steam, iOS, PCs, Macs, Android, and consoles. As a result, with Unity, you can rapidly create several games for various platforms and create a wide variety of playable areas.

Unity allows you to move crucial parts from one stage to the next, improving your game.

  1. Online Training

The most helpful aspect of learning Unity is the abundance of internet video courses and guides. Even without prior experience, you may use Unity to create simple and portable games.

4 The Rich Asset Store Is Easily Accessible

Game designers may find anything from picturesque backgrounds to popular characters to buildings and everything in between and various animations, audio, programming languages, and object modeling in the Unity Asset Store.

Assets that developers need don’t have to be made from scratch because they may be purchased simply. The Unity asset store presents an additional revenue stream for those in the creative industries, such as musicians, craftspeople, or 3D modelers.

  1. Online Multiplayer Games

The Unity game engine is used to create some of the most played multiplayer games. High-quality games for online players may be developed with the help of the platform’s various capabilities. With Unity 3D, making video games is easy and enjoyable for everyone involved.

  1. Development of 2D Games

Unity is usually used for developing 3D games, although it also has tools for making 2D games. The latest release of Unity includes a 2D engine and a plethora of components designed to make it easier for programmers to create 2D games.

With this release, programmers can make 2D games for various platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile phones.

  1. Community Assistance

Unity’s dedicated support staff is available at all times. More than 2.5 million programmers are already using Unity, and that number is rapidly growing. The client’s approval or disapproval can be easily communicated to the development team, which speeds up the process of fixing any problems that may arise.

  1. Both a Free and a Pro Version Are Available

There are free and paid versions of Unity with more capabilities. You can choose the lite edition, which only includes a summary of the key features. Also, the pro edition has tools for making high-quality games, such as feature playback, 3D composition booster, sound channel, etc.

The free edition is perfect for you if you are just starting out in software development. But if you want more bells and whistles, the pro-business package is the way to go.

  1. Outstanding Graphics

In terms of visual quality, Unity is well-known for being cutting edge. The game engine has flexible rendering technologies and various fun tools to facilitate the creation of high-quality games. Objects’ movements in 3D video games may be just as fluid and realistic.

  1. Reduced Coding

The Unity game engine does not require any coding expertise or experience. Those new to game creation interested in getting started can do so with Unity. You can use Boo, JavaScript, and C#, but you don’t need to know how to write code to make a game.

  1. Fixing Bugs

Unity streamlines the process of making modifications and fixing bugs. After all, every game variable is on full display while you’re playing. Unity is remarkable because it facilitates runtime debugging by developers.

What are the constraints of the Unity Game Engine?

Even while the Unity game engine offers a few special features, it also has a few drawbacks. What are some of these, and how can we explain them?

  1. No access to external code libraries

External code libraries cannot be linked in Unity. For serious programmers, this is really disheartening and out of the blue. Instead of merely connecting to a shared folder, you’ll need to put the library into the project manually.

Since there is only one library folder, it isn’t easy to combine the efforts of several projects. Using a version control system is a sensible workaround, but unfortunately, Unity does not have a quick resolution for this problem.

  1. Pricey License

The finest enhancements in functionality, deployment, and visuals need developers to purchase licenses. The price tag on these licenses is astronomical.

In addition, the high cost of licensing for employing advanced features like stencil aid, rendering, and buffer support drives up the price of software development.

  1. Increased Memory Consumption

Unity-based games have a higher than necessary memory footprint. Eventually, it causes OOM issues and bugs in programs that need to be debugged.

  1. Source Code

Unity has a search bar for finding associated scripts, but your setup may differ from everyone else’s. It’s not uncommon to manually go through a scene’s components to find relevant scripts. However, you should stay away from this laborious activity.


While it does have certain limitations, Unity Game Engine is often regarded as the superior games creation platform. The advantages we just went over provide a second explanation.







7 Features That Make VueJS Popular

The developer community has chosen VueJS, one of the top JavaScript frontend frameworks, for the past three years. Someone else has entered the fray, and it’s not React JS.

VueJS has a simpler learning curve and a more streamlined framework than React, which means it has a good chance of becoming the most popular JavaScript framework or library.

But what accounts for its meteoric rise in popularity? How does it relate to the current industry standard, React?

Simply put, what is VueJS?

While JavaScript is a beast in its own right, the environment in which it resides is more essential than the programming language itself. Providing a stable foundation, which leads to fewer problems during development, frameworks, and libraries greatly improve developers’ quality of life.

An example of such a framework is VueJS. Imagine JavaScript as the alphabet and VueJS as the phrasebook that helps the programmer put it together to make sense.

Vue is an open-source, progressive framework with a view-layer-centric core library that facilitates gradual adoption. Given the right set of tools and a collection of libraries, it’s more than capable of driving complex single-page applications.

VueJS’s original intent was to include some of Angular’s most useful features into a new framework. Instead of directly interacting with the DOM, developers choose the data binding and data-driven approach.

VueJS, in contrary to Facebook’s React and Google’s Angular, is developed and funded entirely by user contributions to the project’s Patreon page. Interestingly, GitHub is so popular even though it doesn’t have the backing of the “Big 4” tech companies.

What Is It Used For?

VueJS is most often used when developing single-page web apps and user interfaces. However, its popularity as a frontend tool stems from its HTML extensions, JS foundation, and Electron framework making it useful for creating apps for desktops and mobile devices.

Vue accomplishes this by utilizing the view layer of its core library in the fashion of the classic Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for displaying the user interface of an application or website. The flexibility of this framework lies in the fact that it can function with CBA, or component-based architecture, exactly like React does.

Why Is It So Popular?

It’s essentially a product designed around the user’s perspective. Everything inside the system relies on the view, and accurate interaction with the view is the sole criterion for validating data. The primary benefit and motivations to use VueJS are its ease of use and low entry barrier, both of which are evident when constructing even a single view. The interface may be used immediately after loading, and JavaScript is included. An instance of the system is then used to render the element, and data is provided straight to the view using a simple syntax. VueJS handles drawing the elements automatically.

Changes made to one code section are instantly reflected in all other sections that use the same data item.

The Pros

1 – Lightweight:

Vue.js is a very small framework, almost comically so. It only takes 18 kilobytes, less time than it takes to blink.

2 – It’s a no-brainer:

The simplicity of learning VueJS has been a major factor in its rapid and ever-increasing popularity among developers. Vue is a popular alternative to frameworks like Angular and React since it does not require as much knowledge of libraries, JSX, and TypeScript to get started. Simple familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is all needed.

3 – Act As A Tool:

VueJS has collected a comprehensive collection of tools for unit and end-to-end testing, as well as a plugin installation mechanism, six years after its first release. Consider that Vue.js comes with its browser to develop a frontend; you need a state manager, a server renderer, and debugging tools.

4 – Sense of Community:

If you need assistance with VueJS, the online community is amazing. Vue has amassed a devoted user base because of its crowdfunded nature and lack of corporate backing from Facebook and Google. As a result, there are a plethora of tutorials available to aid you along, as well as very busy Reddit and Discord groups where you may find a Helpful Harry who can provide you with accurate answers to your questions.

5 – DOM-inant:

We briefly discussed how a Document Object Model (DOM) represents HTML documents by representing their styles, components, and content as hypertext links. The resulting structure resembles an inverted family tree, with individual text sections extending from the main trunk and being connected by lines depicting their relationships.

The browser must refresh the information and re-render the HTML-based web page as the user’s actions alter the status of the objects on the page. This is typically time-consuming and inconvenient because the entire page must reload whenever any object is modified. With VueJS, you just have to re-render the parts of the DOM that have changed, rather than the whole thing, drastically reducing load times and improving performance. Even better than React JS and Angular.

6 – Two Faced:

This links the model’s data and the display presented to the user. This greatly simplifies updating interdependent parts and keeping tabs on modified data.

In VueJS, the bound data is updated in real-time as the DOM objects change – and this responsiveness makes data updating more succinct and much easier.

7 – Split and Conquer

Using VueJS, you can describe each part of a webpage or app as a separate “component,” or self-contained portion of the UI. These don’t require a different file for each mark-up language (HTML, CSS, or JavaScript).

These sections of code can be used as templates for other system pieces. Since everything is organized neatly in its file, it’s simple to read and comprehend, repair, and keep up with. Every part of the app can be evaluated independently through testing.

VueJS’s adaptability allows it to work with various other platforms and software. It is written in JavaScript and requires minimal ancillary resources. Since Vue is a hybrid of Model View Controller and Component Based Architecture, switching from React or Angular to VueJS doesn’t actually cause any complications.

The cons

1 – Language Barrier:

VueJS was created in China and is quite popular there. Expect translation issues, as some forum conversations, plugin descriptions, and instructional manuals are written in Chinese.

2 – The Poverty Pack:

Since VueJS is created and supported by the community, it lacks the backing necessary to be easily adapted for use in enterprise-level projects. The technology isn’t mature enough and isn’t maintained well enough to give the kind of fast remedies for problems that a large firm would require—the kind of fixes offered by either React or Angular support.

Furthermore, even though more and more tools are being built, VueJS still has a long way to go compared to the plethora of tools that React and Angular have at their disposal; nevertheless, this does not mean it will not eventually catch up.

3 – Inexperienced:

The lack of a sizable pool of skilled VueJS developers may be attributed to the fact that the framework hasn’t been around as long as its competitors since it took some time to break into the market and find broad adoption by programmers.

Who Uses It?

VueJS is becoming increasingly popular as a tool for developing business websites and user interfaces. Many popular companies, including Nintendo, Louis Vuitton, Adobe, BMW, Upwork, Alibaba, Gitlab, and Xiaomi, have used VueJS. VueJS is so popular that even Google used it for their careers platform rather than their Angular framework, and Apple used it for their training site.

VueJS has witnessed this spike in popularity because it’s so darn easy for developers to modify and construct the essential features that every app or website needs to function as a user interface.

Those already comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may dive headfirst into working with the VueJS framework without fear of being overwhelmed by the learning curve.

The fact that Vue can compete with heavy hitters like React and Angular without the enormous investment funds demonstrates how powerful the framework is and may eventually overtake its opponents.











Why You Should Use Rust for Your Next Coding Project

The 2019 Stack Overflow study verified what many programmers already knew: Rust is the most beloved programming language (liked by an astounding 83.5% of programmers). This indicates that individuals who have leaped and actually utilized Rust programming are in awe of its capabilities.

However, Rust is still not in the top five most popular programming languages. This shows a great deal of untapped potential in Rust programming that has not yet been explored. The increasing number of Rust users suggests it will soon join the ranks of the five most popular programming languages.

This article will provide a brief overview of the Rust programming language and seven compelling arguments in favor of using it for your next endeavor so that you won’t be left behind in the technological race.

A Brief Explanation of Rust, a New Programming Language.

The rust fungus (which, sure, actually exists!) Whatever it was named for, Rust is a computer language that is gaining popularity rapidly.

Rust is a programming language developed to address deficiencies in C. Although C is an unlimitedly flexible object-oriented language, it is notoriously difficult for programmers to manually manage memory in C. Rust is a highly effective programming language because it enables you to create programs that are quick to execute and light on memory.

Mozilla released Rust in 2012, but the idea had been kicking around Graydon Hoare’s head since before. Hoare started developing Rust in 2006, and it didn’t take long for Mozilla to see the language’s promise. They collaborated with Hoare to form a specialized development team to play around with the language and create the finest possible version of it.

Specifically, “The language is intended towards dissatisfied C++ developers,” as Hoare puts it. So, let’s find out what sets Rust apart from other programming languages.

Reasons Why Rust Should Be Your Next Project’s Language

Rust has numerous useful features that are popular among web developers. Here are some of the main draws for me in choosing Rust:

  1. Rust Fixes Memory Management Issues

Programming at the system level frequently necessitates low-level memory control, which may be a headache with C due to the language’s reliance on manual memory management.

Rust’s strength is in its ability to provide ease of use for low-level tasks. Since it doesn’t need a garbage collector to process rubbish constantly, it has unrestricted access to both the hardware and memory.

This makes writing programs in Rust seem like working with a microcontroller program. Regarding memory safety, you can swap out any individual lines of code at your leisure.

  1. With its minimal runtime, Rust is a great choice for embedded development.

Embedded systems operate with limited resources like those found in most equipment and household appliances. This is why a contemporary, low-overhead programming language like Rust is essential for use in embedded devices.

Embedded systems benefit greatly from Rust because of its efficient use of resources. As a result, programmers can fix any issues with the device before they become serious problems.

The fact that Rust’s power lies in its zero-cost abstractions is icing on the cake. However you want to encapsulate your code, Rust will gladly welcome it. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the mood to write code using loops, closure, or any other style; it’ll all compile down to the same assembly without harming performance.

  1. Rust Enables the Development of Powerful Web Applications

Choosing the correct programming language is critical to assembling the best technological stack for building a web app. Rust programming is an excellent addition to the technology stack for your web project.

You’ll appreciate working with Rust if you’re used to designing web apps in a high-level language like Java or Python. When using Rust, you can be sure that the code is bug-free.

Anyone familiar with C can pick up Rust quickly. Furthermore, you don’t have to spend years learning the ropes before you can begin dabbling with Rust.

The most notable features of developing websites using Rust are:

  • Rust can be compiled into WebAssembly, making it more straightforward to achieve near-native performance on the web.
  • With Rust, code written in any language can be compiled into WebAssembly and executed anywhere.
  • Briefly, Rust is the super-healthy language for building websites.
  1. Rust’s Static Typing Ensures Easy Upkeep

Rust is a statically typed programming language. All types are known at build time when using Rust. Creating buggy code in Rust is also more difficult because it’s a tightly typed language.

The key to good programming is mastering complexity. More code size means increasing complexity. Statically typed languages facilitate a high level of simplicity by providing clear visibility into program behavior.

Rust also promotes long-term maintainability by not requiring you to repeatedly repeat the type of a variable.

In short, Rust’s support for nesting and closures contributes to better code maintainability.

  1. Rust is fast and efficient.

Performance-wise, Rust is on par with C++ and far superior to languages like Python.

One reason why Rust is so fast is that it doesn’t have trash collection. Instead of relying on runtime verification, as is the case with many other languages, Rust’s compiler eliminates problematic code before it even gets to the user. This stops malicious software from spreading and wreaking devastation.

Finally, as was previously mentioned, Rust also delivers lightning-fast performance on embedded systems.

  1. Multi-Platform Design and Support

You may quickly and simply create solutions that run on several platforms with Rust, including Linux, macOS, Windows, and others.

In particular, Rust lets you write both client-facing and server-side programs. Several web frameworks are written in Rust, including Rocket, Nickel, and Actix, which simplify the programming process.

  1. Rust Has a Vast Ecosystem

Due to its increasing popularity, the Rust ecosystem is developing rapidly. It’s not simply a language or a compiler, which is a big part of the reason for the complexity of the ecosystem. The Rust community highly values many other factors contributing to software product quality.

Cargo is a command-line tool for Rust developers to manage dependencies, run tests, and provide documentation.

Rust also has a community site called, where you can find all the libraries you could ever want to use with the language. If a library is hosted on, its documentation will be available at

New Rust programmers have simple access to property-based testing, benchmarking, and fuzzing.

It’s also simple to connect with other experts and learn from them. Developers of the Rust programming language may gain a wealth of information through events like RustConf, RustBelt, and RustFest.

Explore the Usefulness of Rust

Using Rust as a programming language is beneficial because it handles memory well.

Moreover, it provides high rates of speed and security for many applications, notably web-based ones. It’s useful for designing apps on several platforms and offers a robust command line interface tool. Rust is great for contexts with few available resources, and it helps developers out by letting them cross-compile new code with older code.

Programming in Rust offers enormous promise for Internet of Things (IoT) development and is a perfect tool for designing gaming engines and operating systems.

You can trust the Rust programming language and dive headfirst into this fascinating new universe of possibilities because of the enthusiastic community that supports it.





Is Vue Technology Worth a Try?

Although it’s relatively new, Vue.js competes with older frameworks like React and Angular. Despite its youth, Vue has already won the hearts of developers and business owners. There is a lot of potential benefit from this technology. If you look at React and Vue side by side, you can see that Vue is holding its own against its authoritative competition and is a highly promising technology.

However, these benefits are meaningless because they can only be shown in theory. Let’s have a look at the real-world applications of Vue.js development. Here are seven well-known apps that have been built with Vue.


Adobe Portfolio

Adobe Portfolio is a portfolio management application for designers like Behance or Dribble. The firm opted to switch Portfolio’s front end to Vue to improve the user experience and increase speed. The project was successful, the codebase was successfully moved, and Adobe Portfolio is currently the most often referenced Vue example project.



Behance, another Adobe-owned portal, also employs Vue. It competes head-on with Adobe Portfolio, the market leader in portfolio building and publication software for designers. The platform was originally built using in-house bespoke programming techniques. However, Vue.js was eventually adopted by management. As an open-source project, Vue has the backing of a sizable group of programmers who contribute to and improve upon it. Compared to open source technology, custom solutions nearly always fall short in terms of efficiency and speed of development.



In order to assist its users in becoming more effective writers, Grammarly employs artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to check for grammatical errors in user submissions. Elegant, user-friendly, responsive, and convenient best describe Grammarly’s UI. Vue apps are enterprise-ready, thanks to Grammarly’s success.



Comparing hotel pricing, Trivago is a third-party alternative to and It’s a German firm that’s been around for 15 years and is now valued at over $950 million. Angular, React, Melody, and Vue are just some of the JavaScript frameworks used to construct the front end of this platform. So, Vue isn’t the only thing they use, but it is a big deal in terms of getting where they need to go professionally and technologically.


Another example of Vue’s success is the delivery service Glovo, which has gained widespread popularity in the wake of recent pandemics. Glovo couriers would bring groceries, medication, and other supplies to customers’ doorsteps after they made an online purchase. You probably have figured that Vue.js was used for Glovo’s website’s front end. The organization prefers Vue since Vue developers are frequently sought after strongly.



As a budget airline headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, WizzAir serves roughly 150 locations in 50 countries. It is a major rival to Ryanair, among the most popular in Europe. Vue was used to create their official website. However, there is a lack of transparency on the part of the corporation regarding the reasoning for and process of using this technology.



The open-source software development and DevOps lifecycle management platform GitLab is a major rival to GitHub. This Vue application has a Git repository manager, an issue tracker, and a CI/CD pipeline. Two Ukrainian engineers used Rails and jQuery to create this solution. However, these technologies proved difficult to scale, eventually leading to the company’s transition to the Vue app. Vue was chosen because of the benefits it provided the business in terms of saving time and money while developing the app’s sophisticated features and increasing the app’s popularity and income.


To summarize

There’s little doubt that Vue is undervalued and underutilized. If more businesses give this technology a go for their Vue apps, everyone will win. Vue’s day in the spotlight hasn’t yet arrived, but it probably will. In the near future, this efficient and light JavaScript framework will be essential in the current corporate world.




How to Pick the Best JavaScript Framework for Your Next Project?

There’s no denying that creating interactive and multimedia content using JavaScript is highly popular. In 2021, it marked its ninth consecutive year as the most popular programming language. As the name suggests, this collection of JavaScript code libraries aids programmers in doing common programming tasks. Apps may also benefit from the app’s ability to reuse code components and a universal development environment.

Keeping track of all the variations across frameworks is a time-consuming task. The most difficult part is picking which one to use. One bad choice might cost you a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, there is no simple method to tell whether a framework is right for you.

Choosing the right framework is based on your business size, and the following four considerations might assist you in making that selection.

Team competency

A framework may be the most well-known kind of structure in the world. However, developers will be unable to use the framework’s full potential if your current team is not familiar with its application. To get the most out of popular frameworks, choose a framework that your team is most familiar with or employ remote resources.

Compatibility of the back-end

Only half of the application may be coded using a front-end framework, and the back-end must also be taken care of. The front-end and back-end must be in synch for a properly operating application. You should choose a framework that suits your back-end if you have already developed your back-end. If you don’t, you’ll have to deal with compatibility difficulties, integration concerns, etc.


It’s best to use an MVC framework to construct a large web application with many sub-pages and features. Doing so will enable you to break down your functions into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will greatly minimize the time it takes to complete your project.

For complicated applications, adopting a lightweight framework might be disastrous. In the long run, a lighter framework can’t manage the complexity and will suffer from issues.

Size and performance

Ideally, a framework should not be feature-rich all the time. A few frameworks may seem super-advanced, yet they are difficult to put into practice. Concentrate on attaining the best possible performance if you’re designing a basic system with few features. It’s a good general rule to balance performance and size to maximize framework efficiency.

Top Frontend JavaScript Frameworks in 2022

Many front-end frameworks based on JavaScript may be found on the market nowadays. There are a lot of comparable options out there. Because of this, deciding on the best option for your project might be difficult. Ember and Angular, for example, both provide two-way data binding. Furthermore, both React and Vue.js use the same “virtual” DOM model.

We’ve compiled a list of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks for your convenience. Let’s look at each framework’s fundamental features and what they can do for us.

Top JavaScript Frameworks for the Front-end


One of the most popular open-source JavaScript frameworks, React, was created in 2013 by a Facebook software developer called Jordan Walke. With over 180k ratings on GitHub, the React community is huge. React is used and adored by about 40% of all developers globally. Despite a minor decrease in satisfaction with React in 2020, it remains a popular option for new IT developers. It weighs less, has a more active community, and has a less steep learning curve.

How it works

  • React takes advantage of JSX, making it possible for programmers to embed HTML code into JavaScript scripts.
  • You may use the React library with other frameworks like state management, API integrations, and routing.
  • The in-memory cache used by React’s library creates a virtual DOM. The virtual DOM compares the components’ prior and current states. As a result, the actual DOM only displays components whose states have been modified somehow.
  • The one-way data binding of the framework facilitates nesting by allowing data to move in just one direction.
  • ComponentDidMount is used to execute code at particular moments in the lifecycle.

Real-life use cases

Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Reddit, UberEats, and many more major websites have been built using React.

React’s most popular components

React components may be used to build an appealing user interface using Material UI. Styling components for designing layouts, forms, navigation, and other widgets are abundant with this tool.

React Semantic UI: Semantic UI uses pre-existing functionality by executing simple words. Developers may express their creativity using the interface’s multiple themes.

Toolbox for React Google Material Design guidelines is adhered to by a collection of React components written in SASS. CSS modules are used to import SASS stylesheets into the application. The library’s smooth integration provides flexible and customizable solutions with React webpack.

When to use React?

Single-Page Applications may be built using React thanks to its Virtual DOM features (SPAs). In addition, you may use React to develop big, community-supported apps.


Vue.js is an open-source front-end framework created and maintained by Evan You and his team since it was first released seven years ago. Small-time front-end apps that need to operate on a javascript framework increasingly use Vue.js. The third most popular framework in 2021, according to Github’s study. Almost 700,000 websites have been created using this framework. Vue.js is a full framework that allows you to write code more easily and efficiently. It is also well-known for its smaller file size and quicker download time.

How it works

Vue.js uses the Virtual DOM to update and alter the application’s state.

One-way and two-way data binding are supported in Vue.js. Reactive two-way data binding is the name given to this feature, which means that data in a component class and its template are interchangeable in React.

The ecosystem of Vue.js is vibrant. You may still use Quasar Framework, NativeScript, or Ionic to create hybrid mobile apps even if it lacks their own mobile framework. Additionally, Vue.js makes use of the JSX library. Vue.js can quickly import and manage custom components thanks to the use of JSX. As a result, Vue.js has a wide range of CSS transitions and animations available. Transition wrappers, custom classes, JavaScript hooks, and other features are available to Vue.js users.

Real-life use cases

Alibaba, 9gag, Xiaomi, and a slew of other well-known brands have turned to Vue.js to handle all of their front-end needs.

Popular components of Vue.js

There are over 500 contributors to the Element UI Vue.js component library, which is supported by a strong community base. Components like this enable developers and designers alike to build beautiful and engaging user interfaces by focusing on the smallest details.

You can construct reusable components that work nicely with Server-Side Rendering using Vue.js’s unofficial material design framework, Vuetify. With over 23k stars on Github, this project is gaining traction and a thriving community. Approximately 400 contributors to Vuetify have contributed more than 20 plugins.

A UI kit for Vue.js based on the Bootstrap framework is Bootstrap Vue. Bootstrap v4 may be used in responsive, mobile-first apps thanks to Vue.js. A grid framework, various UI components, and various themes are included in the kit.

When to use it?

Vue.js may be used as a framework rather than merely a library since it doesn’t add any complexity to the developing process. Vue.js is a good choice if you want a lightweight design that keeps functionality separate from presentation. It helps in the formation of SPAs and modest projects. Vue.js is your best option if you’re looking for developer-friendly features like tree-sharking, code-splitting, and more.


An open-source web application framework created by Google is called Angular. Core features including dependency injection, asynchronous compiles, RxJS, and more were added in version 2 of this framework. It has become very popular among programmers. Nearly 60% of respondents to an Ideamotive study said they have experience working with the Angular framework.

How it works

Angular is an MVC framework in its simplest form. A well-structured application may be created by using this tool.

Data may flow in both directions via the framework. Using the controller, Angular can link the DOM to the model data. You may listen to events and concurrently update data between parent and child components using bi-directional data flow. In spite of its shortcomings, the framework’s environment is superb. Many pre-built solutions are available to help you build easy and efficient applications. When using Angular, for example, you don’t need to install or configure anything.

Thanks to Angular’s hierarchical dependency injection, all code components may be easily checked and reused. In many ways, debugging in Angular is easier because of the immediate error detection and useful feedback choices.

Real-life use cases

Google has also utilized Angular to develop several services. Websites such as Forbes and LEGO have also been built using Angular.

Popular Angular components

All you need to get started with Ngx-bootstrap. With this component library for Angular, you can easily include Bootstrap in your project. Angular is used to build the bootstrap components, which results in a faster and more responsive user interface.

Angular Material is a set of reusable UI components inspired by Google’s material design. This library is the best place to start if you’re looking for an extensive collection of user interface design elements.

When to use Angular?

As a full-fledged framework, Angular is appropriate for constructing large-scale corporate applications. Furthermore, since it employs MVC architecture, it enables the smooth incorporation of additional features.


jQuery dominated the IT industry before the advent of contemporary JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Founded in 2006 by John Resign, it’s one of the oldest and most feature-rich open-source JavaScript libraries. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. 95.5 percent of all JavaScript-enabled websites utilize it, according to W3Techs. With its seasoned and experienced community, jQuery is well-known for decreasing the amount of JavaScript code it requires.

How it works

The event handling capabilities of jQuery are well-known. To simplify administration, even user actions like mouse clicks and keyboard strokes are reduced to tiny code snippets.

jQuery’s syntax is quite similar to CSS’s. As a result, it’s a comfort for novices to develop a feeling for the framework.

In the latest version, jQuery Mobile is included to help developers create scalable mobile apps.

With a simple API and compatibility for different browsers, it is an easy-to-use framework for web development.

A blank jQuery project is under 30kb in zip size, making it one of the lightest frameworks to handle AMD modules. You don’t need Download Builder to keep track of your UI requirements. A specific AMD loader, such as RequireJS, is also supported by the module.

Case studies in real life

For example, jQuery has been used by well-known companies, including Twitter, Microsoft, Uber, Pandora, and SurveyMonkey.

jQuery’s most popular components

jQuery UI is a set of UI components available for free usage in your next project. Developers may utilize the library’s rich and interactive widgets to improve the user interfaces of their applications. The tree view, form widgets, color pickers, charts, and RTL support, to name just a few, are all noteworthy additions to the framework’s feature set. Regardless of the changes in device, platform, or browser, this library provides the same level of performance.

JQuery-based widget library Wijimo is available for jQuery mobile. jQuery is used to enhance the tool’s performance. 30+ themes, including RTL support, video and animation widgets, and more, are included in the app’s features. This widget may be used on both mobile devices and the web.

Muuri is a free and open-source jQuery plugin that allows for the creation of dynamic layouts. Thanks to the plugin, the grid container’s location and size may be completely customized. When developers use jQuery, they can unleash their inner designer and create intuitive UIs because of its versatility.

When to use jQuery

jQuery’s cross-browser compatibility means it’s still the best choice for delivering JavaScript-based online and desktop applications.


As far as front-end development goes, are you ready? This list was put up by a team of specialists using data from surveys, experience, and the most popular products. It can use the unique characteristics of each Javascript-based framework and library.




Programming Languages for Blockchain Smart Contracts

There is a lot of buzz about smart contracts, blockchain, decentralized finance, and cryptocurrencies these days. Developers are essential to the creation of all of these. Therefore, there is a continuing need for blockchain developers.

Smart contracts can be written in many programming languages. To learn more about smart contract programming, read this article.

Smart contracts in a nutshell

Unlike traditional contracts that require intermediaries, smart contracts execute actions by contract terms. PancakeSwap is one of the decentralized exchanges where smart contracts are in use. Customers can exchange BNB for Ethereum without contacting customer support if they have BNB.

  1. Solidity

A statically-typed, object-oriented programming language designed for creating smart contracts, Solidity was developed for object-oriented programming. Unlike existing programming languages such as C++, Python, or JavaScript, Solidity is built on existing programming principles.

Java and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) share the same hardware as Ethereum and allow smart contracts to be written on Ethereum.

The Ethereum network’s first programming language for smart contracts was Solidity. All calculable functions can be computed with it because it is Turing-complete. However, it is still a relatively new language, which means you will have to fully implement it yourself.

  1. Rust

The Rust programming language is a fast, statically typed, low-level language. Whenever scalability isn’t negotiable, Rust fits the bill. Among the fastest blockchains, Solana uses Rust as its core programming language. The Rust compiler outputs a color-coded error message and further details on the error so that debugging is much easier.

As a result of Rust’s immutability, blockchain applications can be written predictably. Unlike JavaScript and Python, Rust requires you to explicitly state each program construct, which means more code. There are very few libraries for almost everything.

  1. Java Script

There’s a place for JavaScript in the blockchain space because it’s a general-purpose programming language. Developers can easily access blockchain ecosystems by utilizing JavaScript wrappers or libraries. Smart contracts can be created using several programming languages, including JavaScript, on Hyperledger Fabric.

There is a large community of people who support this popular, mature programming language. On the other hand, JavaScript implements dynamic type safety while most blockchain applications are designed using statically typed languages.

  1. Vyper

Vyper is a contract-oriented programming language composed of Python-like constructs targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It features contract-specific features, such as event notifiers and custom global variables. It is deliberately designed to have fewer features than Solidity to make contracts more secure and auditable.

Using Vyper, you can build secure smart contracts that are less prone to attack. Because anything marked constant cannot change state, Vyper supports only a limited number of pure functions.

  1. Yul

To address the needs of different backends, Yul is compiled to bytecode. A common denominator for both Ethereum and WebAssembly is planned by EVM and ewasm (Ethereum-flavored WebAssembly). Solidity uses Yul both for stand-alone assembly and inline assembly.

Yul programs are readable even if they are generated by Solidity compilers. Loops, function calls, and if and switch statements are among the high-level constructs Yul offers. To avoid confusion about concepts such as values and references, it has a default type that can always be omitted.

Yul must be compiled to bytecode, so it takes more time during development because it must be compiled to bytecode.

Final thoughts

Depending on the blockchain you want to work on, you should use a programming language from the above list. Developers prefer Solidity when it comes to Ethereum blockchains, for example.

As the blockchain sector is still developing, we expect to see more conventional language support.


Top Reasons Why PHP Is Still So Important for Web Development

Multiple web servers, such as Apache and Microsoft’s IIS, offer support for the PHP programming language. It’s also worth noting that PHP is supported by the most prominent platforms, including Windows, Unix, Linux, and macOS. Over 79.2% of websites utilize PHP as their server-side language, according to recent studies.

The most common reason why businesses use PHP nowadays

  • Language’s Adaptability

PHP’s syntax is straightforward, even though it is a dynamically typed language. There are no strict guidelines for scripting, and developers can still test their software with occasional bugs.

  • PHP Gets Better Over Time

PHP is constantly developing, unlike many other languages, which tend to stagnate. The PHP Group considers developer feedback and difficulties with the most recent release of PHP. PHP 8.0 was just launched, and it has a ton of improvements and solutions for previous issues.

In addition, PHP 7’s stable release addressed a common complaint from programmers: the language’s sluggish performance. New language versions are released yearly, and existing ones are improved.

  • Changes Made in PHP 7

PHP 7 is the pinnacle of all previous versions. In addition to being the most recent major release of PHP, this version is also the most stable. Many tools and features, such as the New Zend Engine, were included to boost the speed and efficiency of the code.

There have been enhancements made to the engine that deal with errors. The PHP development team refreshed the Zend Engine by reworking its memory consumption, doubling the program’s execution speed.

  • Minimizing Growth Costs

PHP is an open-source programming language, so no licensing fees are associated with using it to build a website. PHP works well with many databases and can be easily integrated with server platforms like MySQL and Apache.

  • Helping the Community

The third-largest PHP community in the world lives on StackOverflow, ready to help with any queries or issues you may have with PHP.

Should Businesses Opt for PHP?

The two most well-known Frameworks available for PHP are Laravel and Symfony. Both the frameworks and PHP itself are widely utilized behind the scenes of websites to improve page load times and query processing. Nonetheless, many businesses leverage HHVM and PHP for code conversion into C++ for improved and accelerated execution.

Any business with plans to create a website on which users may communicate with one another can be assured that the language can handle the task. Popular content management systems (CMSs) like WordPress are often based on PHP, making them simple to integrate into an existing website. PHP is best suited for use on the web, whereas other languages, such as Java, are superior for mobile app development.

In conclusion, PHP is the best language for the backend if you’re a business that values rapid website loads. But JavaScript will continue to be utilized for front-end developments for the foreseeable future. Some JS libraries, however, may also be used on the server. Therefore, dynamic websites may be built using a combination of these technologies.




A Quick Guide to Building Modern Apps with Angular

The popularity of Angular is well deserved. In our list, we have highlighted 5 of the most popular apps you can build with Angular. You will be inspired by these examples and understand why Angular is a real winner.

It has gained immense popularity as one of the leading front-end frameworks. It is an open-source framework that provides a fast and scalable development process. Angular provides endless possibilities for creating exceptional web applications with its defined architecture and libraries.

Angular Applications

With its numerous benefits across various domains, this leading framework can be used to develop compelling & dynamic applications. The following are a few examples of apps you can build using Angular:

  1. SPA (single page applications)

The data management features of the Angular framework enable single-page applications to load quickly. When SPAs are built with Angular, they offer fantastic UI support. This results in a completely immersive user experience with no lag and dynamically displayed information on a single page.

  1. Web applications for large corporations

An Angular mobile and web app are composed of sophisticated software that meets high-security standards. An enterprise or institution operating at a higher level must meet this requirement. MVC architecture and code reuse are also features that make it ideal for building enterprise web applications.

  1. Angular mobile applications

The reuse of the code between mobile and web facilitates the development of an Angular mobile app in less time. Angular frameworks are popular for building cross-platform web applications. You can combine it with NativeScript or Ionic.

  1. PWA (Progressive web applications)

App developers must ensure their applications load quickly, offer offline support, and provide a look and feel similar to mobile applications. With Angular, PWAs can be built with advanced features such as responsive design, mobile-like functionality, and offline functionality.

  1. SSR (Server-side rendered applications)

With Angular, server-side rendering is made easy, and SSR development is made simpler. Due to its role in pre-populating custom user data, the server plays a major role in reducing site loading times. By improving the load speed of SSR apps, Angular increases your site’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), resulting in increased business visibility and profits.

  1. Applications with UI animations

Why do web apps succeed? UI animations that are engaging, intuitive, and stunning steal the show. Students need animations to engage and delight themselves, especially on Edutech platforms and learning platforms. When you need an exceptional user interface, Angular is your best bet.

  1. Applications for the eCommerce sector, travel, social or finance platforms

With Angular, you can develop apps for various industries, such as the food industry, eCommerce, travel, social, or finance. With its extensive libraries and high-performance, robust features, it will cater to any organization, regardless of size.

Final thoughts

If you’re looking to develop business apps, Angular is the framework to choose from. Adding to its appeal is Google’s backing and an active developer community. Angular helps you reduce development costs, make your project more structured, and scale it easily.


PHP Use Cases – A List of Companies That Have Adopted the Language

The most recent version, 7, is utilized by 66.2% of all PHP-based websites today. Many of the largest firms in the world utilize PHP for their server-side programming because of the language’s flexibility and widespread adoption.

PHP Use Cases

PHP has become the de facto server-side language for various industries and technology behemoths. We segmented these businesses by industry. While some of these businesses somewhat rely on PHP, others rely heavily on it.

Social Media Sites

People who utilize social media platforms can log in to their accounts on the platform’s website. Faster database queries are one of the many ways PHP improves loading times.


Facebook, as reported by Similarweb, receives over 22 billion monthly visits.

  • Facebook, which uses PHP, has opted to grow its PHP monolith rather than adopt a distributed microservices design, despite the dynamic scripting language’s poor reputation for scalability.
  • Hip Hop Virtual Machine (HHVM), a just-in-time compiler for PHP, enables Facebook to avoid a difficult rework that would have slowed down the firm.
  • Facebook developed its own dialect of PHP called Hack, and many of its capabilities have found their way into PHP 7 and the forthcoming PHP 8.


There are over ten million groups and billions of photographs on the photo-sharing website Flickr. PHP is the primary server language, MySQL is used for databases, and Memcached is utilized as a caching layer; all three components of the LAMP stack are employed to run the site.

Among the many notable features of Flickr’s highly scalable design are:

  • You should consider your software to be more than just a web application. You may use many feed formats like RSS, Atom, and SOAP with your REST APIs.
  • Become a stateless person. As a result of its stateless nature, the system is easier to maintain and more resilient to updates.
  • Abstract. Set up distinct layers for the database, the business logic, the pages, the page markup, and the presentation. This allows for rapid iterative development to proceed.
  • Layer. Using layers, developers may construct page-level logic designers can use to craft an engaging user experience. In cases when designers want it, they can request page logic. It is a negotiation between the two sides.


Millions of people across the world use Tumblr as a social media platform to connect and express their thoughts and opinions via the medium of blogging and the sharing of photographs. The PHP server-side scripting language was officially recognized as the primary language utilized by the platform. The performance benefits of Scala led to its limited usage.

In their blog article PHP 7 at Tumblr, the Tumblr team discussed the new PHP capabilities that will simplify the lives of Tumblr’s developers.

  • The language supports giving functions specific return types. This eliminates the need for some repetitive coding and verifying function returns by hand.
  • Anonymous classes, like anonymous functions (closures), are created dynamically and can act like real classes by mimicking their behavior, enforcing interfaces, and extending other classes.
  • Security and overall speed were improved around the board in PHP 7.

Web Portals

There are a plethora of websites that provide their visitors with relevant and timely news and information. Regarding speed, PHP is a popular choice for these platforms. Following is a description of a handful of these portals and the role that PHP plays in each one.


When it comes to finding knowledge on any subject, big or little, this is one of the best places to go on the web. Anonymous users provide data. PHP is the primary server language used by the platform, allowing web pages to load quickly.

  • According to the Wikimedia servers website, PHP (70%) and JavaScript (30%) are used to develop MediaWiki, the organization’s primary online application.
  • Wikipedia also migrated to HHVM in 2014 to improve speed by translating PHP code into other languages.
  • Which program(s) are responsible for keeping Wikipedia up and running? The majority of the code at the Wikimedia Foundation, where Wikipedia is housed, is written in PHP 7 and stores data in MySQL or MariaDB. ElasticSearch, a search engine built on Lucene, is used to implement searches.

Content Management Systems

When it comes to managing a website, content management systems are the way to go. Many prominent CMS systems are also based on PHP, greatly boosting language usage.


More than 64 million websites are powered by this CMS, making it the market leader. WordPress relies on the PHP server-side programming language for its entire backend and for its lightning-fast database.


More than a million websites, or around 2%, are powered by Drupal. For maximum safety, many government websites are hosted on Drupal, both a content management system and a content management framework.

Drupal 8 was built from the ground up using the Symfony PHP framework. This has been a major factor in developing this CMS for the better.

Since its inception, Drupal has integrated several third-party libraries and frameworks, including Symfony components, OOP, the Twig template engine, and more. It completely rewrote its foundational components, application programming interfaces, configuration management system, etc. The outcomes are impressive, as the architecture of Drupal 8 is radically different from that of Drupal 7.

Travel and Hospitality Portals

The expanding Travel and Hospitality sectors reflect the growing use of internet booking platforms. Here are a few examples of systems in this space that have taken advantage of PHP to boost their efficiency.


Trivago is a website that allows users to compare hotel booking options and pricing. It takes data from several booking platforms to determine the best deal offers. Trivago’s technological stack is comprised of PHP, Kotlin, and GoLang, the latter of which is utilized for performance-critical aspects.

Delivery Hero

It’s a great delivery app used in over 50 countries. Restaurant fare and retail goods are both available for delivery. The company has also staffed with PHP developers to enhance the site’s backend functionality.

They also employed GoLang for several performance-related reasons, but they continue to rely on Go as their primary backend language. This is done to increase the performance of their applications.