Multiple web servers, such as Apache and Microsoft’s IIS, offer support for the PHP programming language. It’s also worth noting that PHP is supported by the most prominent platforms, including Windows, Unix, Linux, and macOS. Over 79.2% of websites utilize PHP as their server-side language, according to recent studies.

The most common reason why businesses use PHP nowadays

  • Language’s Adaptability

PHP’s syntax is straightforward, even though it is a dynamically typed language. There are no strict guidelines for scripting, and developers can still test their software with occasional bugs.

  • PHP Gets Better Over Time

PHP is constantly developing, unlike many other languages, which tend to stagnate. The PHP Group considers developer feedback and difficulties with the most recent release of PHP. PHP 8.0 was just launched, and it has a ton of improvements and solutions for previous issues.

In addition, PHP 7’s stable release addressed a common complaint from programmers: the language’s sluggish performance. New language versions are released yearly, and existing ones are improved.

  • Changes Made in PHP 7

PHP 7 is the pinnacle of all previous versions. In addition to being the most recent major release of PHP, this version is also the most stable. Many tools and features, such as the New Zend Engine, were included to boost the speed and efficiency of the code.

There have been enhancements made to the engine that deal with errors. The PHP development team refreshed the Zend Engine by reworking its memory consumption, doubling the program’s execution speed.

  • Minimizing Growth Costs

PHP is an open-source programming language, so no licensing fees are associated with using it to build a website. PHP works well with many databases and can be easily integrated with server platforms like MySQL and Apache.

  • Helping the Community

The third-largest PHP community in the world lives on StackOverflow, ready to help with any queries or issues you may have with PHP.

Should Businesses Opt for PHP?

The two most well-known Frameworks available for PHP are Laravel and Symfony. Both the frameworks and PHP itself are widely utilized behind the scenes of websites to improve page load times and query processing. Nonetheless, many businesses leverage HHVM and PHP for code conversion into C++ for improved and accelerated execution.

Any business with plans to create a website on which users may communicate with one another can be assured that the language can handle the task. Popular content management systems (CMSs) like WordPress are often based on PHP, making them simple to integrate into an existing website. PHP is best suited for use on the web, whereas other languages, such as Java, are superior for mobile app development.

In conclusion, PHP is the best language for the backend if you’re a business that values rapid website loads. But JavaScript will continue to be utilized for front-end developments for the foreseeable future. Some JS libraries, however, may also be used on the server. Therefore, dynamic websites may be built using a combination of these technologies.