It is certainly true that .Net developers have the upper hand and hiring managers are having a tough job trying to find these specialists. While .NET developers are few and far between, is there another reason for this other than high demand exceeding the supply?’
Here are three popular theories as to why it is so difficult to find .NET developers.
- The job description of a .NET developer is not clearly defined.
The name of this job title is rather misleading as you can’t develop .NET because it is a framework. A better description of the role is a web programmer with expertise in the .NET framework who uses that knowledge to create online software, apps, development, and interface.
When a company says they need a .NET developer it’s like telling your travel agent that you are looking for a holiday, without more specifics, there is no guarantee what type of holiday you will get. Do you need some with seniority, ASP.Net MVC 5 experience, or a developer who has a good range of various skills?
This is particularly upsetting for graduates as there is little emphasis on .NET development at educational institutions. For this reason, recruiters may not spot excellent recently graduated because they haven’t gained qualifications in .NET. Luckily, more emphasis is now being put on experience rather than qualifications, so students who are able to gain .NET experience from side projects can be considered for positions.
Recruiters have noticed a change in the client’s behavior and expectations with many being more open to internships, whether that’s free or paid. Even candidates that take on their own development projects like building an app or even a unique website are still in the running.
- The hiring process is failing .NET developers
Aside from the imbalance of supply and demand, recruiters tend to agree that the process of hiring .NET developers is too slow. Due to the high demand, one candidate is very likely to receive multiple offers. With multiple offers, the best candidates can choose the positions with the most benefits for them without having to wait for other offers. It is unlikely that these candidates will wait more than a week or two for an official job offer.
To speed up the process companies should:
- Fast track interviews and even use virtual interviewing is it speeds up the process
- Prioritize communications with recruiters so that a list of suitable candidates can be put together earlier
- Decide on a temp-to-hire strategy
A temp-to-hire strategy is when you bring in a contractor to start and see whether they are going to be a good fit in terms of skills and with other team members. You are not obligated to give them a full-time contract but if you feel that things are going in the right direction, you can offer this person a permanent contract. This method permits the company access to skilled .NET developers without having to commit to long term contracts in a rush.
- Companies are searching for the impossible
Companies want it all, they want high levels of experience, multiple skills but at the same time, they aren’t prepared to provide training. When looking at job descriptions, you will see an immense range of required skills including SQL, C#, Windows, Mac, Linux, Agile environment, communication skills, and of course .NET. So, the demand for .NET has doubled but then we also want more from the limited number of candidates. As technology continues to advance, so do our requirements, now including things like IoT and Big Data.
Searching for the perfect candidate may take you your entire career. It is wiser to hire someone who has potential and invest time in training this person with the right skill set you require.
In Conclusion
There is unlikely to be a huge increase in the number of .NET developers any time soon, and certainly not enough to meet the demand. It is necessary for companies to clearly define what they require in a .NET developer and do so in a timely fashion. If you are having difficult times finding the right candidate StaffAugmentation can help you speed up the hiring process.