Posts tagged "Windows app"

IDEs for Windows Apps: The Top 10 to Use for Developers

Also known as Integrated Development Environments, IDEs are exceptional tools that make developers’ lives easier. From coding to updating and more, these allow developers to create websites and apps from start to finish. They provide everything needed but, with so many out there, how can a developer know which ones are the best?

Let’s look at the top 10 IDEs for app development:

  1. RAD Studio

It utilizes the programming languages C++ and Delphi. RAD can also be run on the Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux operating systems. Disadvantages it has to include extended or glitchy load times.

  1. NetBeans

It’s open-sourced and popular with Java developers. NetBeans supports programming languages like C/C++, PHP, and HTML5. The operating systems it runs on are macOS, Linux, Windows, and Solaris.

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio

Primarily based in Microsoft software and uses Microsoft’s tools, this IDE supports over 30 programming languages. It can of course use a Windows operating system but also includes iOS, Cloud, and standard web systems.

  1. IntelliJ Idea

While it has a rocky UI system and steep learning curve, IntelliJ is very popular. It’s compatible with several popular programming languages like HTML, Ruby on Rails, Python, Node.js, and more. Additionally, it supports the Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

  1. Code::Blocks

Free and open-sourced, Code::Blocks is limited in the programming languages and operating systems it supports. C, C++, and Fortran are compatible programming languages while Code::Blocks supports the Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.

  1. PyCharm

Centered primarily around the Python programming language, PyCharm also supports JavaScript, CSS, TypeScript, Angular, and more. MacOS, Linux, and Windows are compatible operating systems.

  1. Aptana Studio 3

Known for its adaptability and solid development structure, Aptana struggles with its speed and stability. Nonetheless, it supports a wide range of programming languages like Ruby, HTML5, Python, and so on. Aptana can also be used on the Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.

  1. Komodo

After a free trial, Komodo becomes pricey—and some trial users complain they can’t use all the features. However, in its full capacity, Komodo supports the most popular programming languages and standard 3 operating systems (macOS, Linux, and Windows).

  1. Eclipse

Complete with an optional SDK (Software Development Kit), Eclipse’s range of acceptable programming languages is similar to Microsoft Visual Studio in that it supports an exceptional range. In terms of operating systems, it allows for Windows, macOS, and Linux compatibility.

  1. Visual Studio Code

Created by Microsoft, Visual Studio Code contains many useful features. It supports the top programming languages (i.e. HTML, Java, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript). However, it only utilizes the 3 main operating systems—Windows, macOS, and Linux.


The use of the right operating system (OS) is important when it comes to choosing a good IDE. Looking at programming languages and long-term goals for app development are also important. Having a good foundation can only be as solid as the developer’s intention for the app. Once an app is created, it may be a struggle later on if a developer tries to change the app’s foundational elements.