Posts tagged "What is Python?"

Ruby on Rails vs Python: Which Server-side Technology to Choose?

When it comes to building robust and scalable web applications, there are several server-side technologies available. Two of the most popular ones are Ruby on Rails and Python. While both are great options for building web applications, they have their own strengths and weaknesses.

In this article, we will compare Ruby on Rails and Python to help you decide which one is superior for your next project.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails (RoR or simply Rails) is a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It was created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2003 and has since then become a popular choice for web development.

Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application’s data, logic, and presentation. Rails also emphasizes convention over configuration, which means that it has a set of default assumptions that allow developers to quickly build web applications.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used in various domains such as web development, data science, machine learning, and more. It was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s and has gained immense popularity over the years.

Python has a simple and readable syntax that makes it easy to learn and use. It also has a vast collection of libraries and frameworks that can be used for web development, such as Flask, Django, and Pyramid.

Comparison of Ruby on Rails and Python

  1. Syntax and readability – Ruby on Rails uses the Ruby programming language, which has a concise and readable syntax. It emphasizes natural language constructs, making it easier for developers to read and write code. Python, on the other hand, has an even more readable syntax, making it a popular choice for beginners and experts alike.
  2. Scalability – Both Ruby on Rails and Python are scalable technologies, but Ruby on Rails can be slower than Python when it comes to handling large-scale applications. Python, on the other hand, is known for its scalability and is used by several large-scale applications such as YouTube, Instagram, and Dropbox.
  3. Frameworks and libraries – Both Ruby on Rails and Python have a vast collection of frameworks and libraries that can be used for web development. Ruby on Rails has a built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool, ActiveRecord, which simplifies database management. Python has several popular frameworks, such as Flask, Django, and Pyramid, which offer different levels of abstraction and flexibility.
  4. Community support-  Both Ruby on Rails and Python have active and supportive communities that contribute to their development and maintenance. However, Python has a larger community, which means that it has a wider range of resources, tutorials, and support available.
  5. Learning curve – Both Ruby on Rails and Python have relatively easy learning curves, making them accessible to beginners. However, Ruby on Rails may require some prior knowledge of Ruby programming language, while Python can be easily learned without any prior programming experience.


Choosing between Ruby on Rails and Python depends on the specific needs of your web application. Ruby on Rails is a great option for small to medium-scale web applications that prioritize speed of development and readability of code. Python, on the other hand, is a more versatile technology that can be used for small to large-scale web applications that prioritize scalability and flexibility.

Ultimately, both Ruby on Rails and Python are great options for building web applications, and the decision between the two should be based on the specific needs and requirements of your project.

Battle of the Languages: Julia or Python?

Sitting at the top of the programming language community, Python has become one of the best development tools. It’s been compared to other popular languages like JavaScript and, most recently, a newer language—Julia.

What is Python?

This object-oriented, interpreted programming language was released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. It was created to be better than the language, ABC. Python contains dynamic features and functions, referred to as a dynamically-typed language. Additionally, it has support for GUI programming, a large library, and a small learning curve.

Small startup businesses and corporations alike use Python in their systems. Some major corporations utilizing it include:

  • Google
  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • Wikipedia

Python doubles as a scripting language in software, alongside its use in video games, AI, and machine learning products. The popularity Python has gained makes it akin to a modern parallel to Java’s legacy.

What is Julia?

Released 9 years ago in 2012, Julia is known for its high-quality performance. It also excels in completing scientific computing and numerical tasks. Julia can handle large amounts of data and, like Python, is a dynamically typed programming language. Similarly, it’s free, open-sourced, and easy to learn. It supports a compiled structure, which decreases development speed while increasing performance. On top of that, it works well with parallel and distributed computing.

The fast performance speed has been Julia’s most popular characteristic. It’s attracted mathematicians, data scientists, and companies like BlackRock, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and CISCO. Those businesses incorporate Julia in varying ways, adding to the praise of its flexibility.

Julia vs. Python

  1. Performance Speed

Surprisingly, as fast as both languages are, Julia is faster. Python falls behind because it has to implement code, optimization methods, and external libraries where Julia doesn’t.

  1. Libraries

This is where Python’s experience and history benefit it. Newer programming languages like Julia tend to have smaller communities or libraries available. Also, those libraries aren’t always run well, which may hinder the development process in some cases.

  1. Easy to Use

Both languages were designed to be simpler than languages such as Java. They have smaller learning curves, but their specialties determine how easy they each are to learn. For example, Julia is easier for people with math backgrounds or interests. Python is more general and may not be a good fit for every project.

  1. Community of Developers

Similar to the library comparison, the communities of developers behind Julia and Python help with fixing errors and solving problems. Python has 3 decades of developer support that stands behind it. Not only that, but it’s widely used—nearly overwhelming JavaScript. Julia, however, is still relatively new with a much smaller community. Its community of developers is likely to increase but, in comparison to Python, it loses this round.


The reliability of Python puts it ahead of Julia in most areas. Alternatively, Julia’s speed and quality performance capabilities can outshine Python. For developers in search of a solid, reputable programming language, Python is the way to go. But, if speed and high performance are the focus, Julia is a winner.