Posts tagged "Vue.js for robust apps"

9 Reasons Why Vue.js Is the Best Framework for Building Robust Web Apps

Vue is a versatile technology that may be used to construct applications without requiring many resources. It is a progressive JavaScript framework used for designing any user interface, with 180k stars on GitHub.

In this article, we’ll learn why Vue js is gaining momentum among web development frameworks.

Vue is extremely customizable when compared to other monolithic frameworks on the market, and this means you don’t have to comprehend all of the principles fully. As a result, it has gotten a lot of attention from web developers in a short time.

Let’s take a look at Vue.js’s concept and growing popularity.

What is Vue.js?

Evan You created Vue.js, a front-end JavaScript framework that he and his active team maintain. It’s a free and open-source framework for creating single-page apps and user interfaces. Vue.js features a design that prioritizes module composition and declarative rendering and is gradually flexible.

The primary library for this model-view-view model (MVVM) is centered on the view layer. State management, routing, and tooling are all provided through supported packages and companion libraries, with Nuxt.js being the most popular option.

 Characteristics of Vue js Framework

Vue.js allows you to wrap HTML in directives, which are HTML traits. These directives, which can be user-defined or built-in, provide functionality to HTML apps. Vuejs frameworks provide the following comprehensive set of functionalities, making it easier for developers and business enthusiasts to enter the UI ecosystem:

  1.  Animation

When upgrading or adding anything from the DOM, Vue.js provides web developers with various options for implementing a transition to HTML components. It also gives you the option of using third-party animation libraries and creating a more cooperative user experience.

2. Virtual Document Object Model (DOM)

Vue makes use of the Virtual DOM. These state changes would not be directly reflected on the DOM while developing the app. In its place, a DOM clone is created, which is common in JS data structures. This allows a developer to test their design and see the changes in the UI design while still having the option of reversing things.

3. Derived Properties

Derived/Calculated properties are one of Vue’s most important features. It motivates developers and designers to pay attention to the changes made to UI elements and perform necessary computations. There is no longer a need for further code.

4. Templates

The Vue framework has an HTML-oriented template that updates the DOM using Vue data. It organizes templates into Virtual DOM render functions, making it easier to improve the user interface and its performance.

5. Data Binding

This Vue.js feature allows developers to adjust the style easily and assign values to HTML elements by using the data binding directives known as v-bind.

6. Tooling and libraries

Vue.js comes with a comprehensive set of tools for any rudimentary programming needs, as shown on its home page:

Feature Development Tools: These are browser development tools used to fix bugs in Vue apps.

  • The Vue.js approved Command Line Interface (CLI) is used to install and build the Vue framework core libraries and third-party plugins.
  • Vue Router: Components for mapping and routing.
  • Vue Loader: is an approved web pack loader.


Why is Vue.js becoming more popular?

The view layer is Vue.js’ main focus, making the framework simple to incorporate into existing projects. It’s also an excellent option if you’re working on a sophisticated Single-Page Application (SPA), as long as you combine it with modern technology.

According to the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Vue is the second most popular framework. Some of the reasons why Vue js is becoming more popular are as follows:

  •  Simple To Understand And Apply

Only when a tool is simple to understand can it be easily deployed. This could be the situation when it comes to understanding the Vue.js framework. As with most other front-end technologies, Vue does not require an extensive understanding of JSX, TypeScript, or libraries to begin coding.

All you need to get started is a basic understanding of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript frameworks. Vue and Sublime Text are supported by the most popular code editors, including Visual Studio, Atom, and Sublime Text, making it much easier to try it out.

  • Components of Single-File and Readability

In Vue.js, every element of your next web page or application is a component. These components represent interface elements that have been captured. In this framework, components may be developed in CSS, JavaScript, and HTML without having to separate them into distinct files.

(CBA) is an architectural method utilized in Angular and React. Dividing the app code is fundamentally an architectural method known as component-based architecture (CBA). This architectural strategy has a slew of benefits:

  • Preferable for unit testing: Unit testing is a quality assurance movement that focuses on analyzing how the tiniest parts of an application work on their own. Having such components greatly simplifies a variety of jobs.
  • The readability of the code: The code is easier to understand and read because the components are stored in separate files, and each component is a single file. This proclivity makes it simpler to repair and maintain.
  • Component reusability

Most captured components are large swaths of code that can be reprocessed as templates for other system enhancements.

  •  Fast download due to small file size

The Vue.js framework is 18 KB when downloaded as a zip file. Because the library is lightweight, it is easy to download and install. It also has a good impact on your UX and SEO.

  •  Robust Tooling Ecosystem

Vue has amassed a formidable arsenal of tools with which to work. Vue CLI 3 is a complete overhaul that includes many new features. TypeScript and Babel support end-to-end testing tools, a plugin installation system, and unit testing. The server renderer, state manager, and browser debugging tools are all included in this framework.

  •  Capabilities For Flexibility And Integration

The capacity to interface with existing applications is a critical feature of any evolving technology. It’s much easier with Vue because it only uses js frameworks and doesn’t require any other software. You can also use JS, JSX, or HTML to create templates with this framework. Vue may be used in almost every new project because of its lightweight design and components.

  •  Significantly Improved

If you have a project that needs to be improved in terms of performance, redrafting it in Vue is a great way to go. Because of its progressive nature, this framework may be gradually integrated into your code database, eliminating the need to rewrite the entire item.

You might approach the project piece by piece to make it more customizable.

  •  Customization is simple.

Vue.js is a fantastic tool for any developer because its features are open source. The developers can name the function whatever they wish for ease of use. Every component can have a distinct role, making it easier to customize the web application to meet unique needs.

  •  Concise documentation

Crisp and thorough documentation is one of the most important aspects. It displays all of the framework’s options and pairs them with best practice examples. The documentation for Vue.js is regularly updated and improved. It also includes an overview of the API and a basic tutorial.

It is well-organized and covers all possible themes, including installation and in-depth features of the app’s growth and reactivity.

  •  High Performance

Vue’s High-Performance mode is lightning quick. It isn’t just the fastest framework, but it also offers all of the capabilities needed to deliver flawless UX in SPAs and UIs. In mobile apps, Vue.js starts apps faster than Angular and React.

Given that 53% of users quit mobile sites that take longer than 3 seconds to load and that the web is moving towards a mobile-first experience, the speed of this framework is an important feature to consider when choosing a JavaScript front-end framework.

When Should You Use Vue JS?

Vue is amazing for the rapid delivery of start-up concepts and MVPs, thanks to tools like Vue CLI 3 and Vue UI. In addition, it offers a simple learning curve and is a cost-effective solution for small- to medium-scale applications.

The following are some of the best-recommended scenarios for using Vue technology:

  • Prototyping With Basic Skills

Vue makes it simple for even the most inexperienced designer to prototype quickly. To begin with, each project can use an approach like developing components in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, or HTML templates.

A developer can also configure and arrange the app to use the traits in much less time by using Vue UI or Vue command-line interface. If a developer gets stuck, Vue’s well-liked community and documentation come to the rescue at any time and make it beginner-friendly.

  •  With a variety of apps, a unified integration is possible.

Vue, a JavaScript framework, is a great option for integrating with current server-rendered (multi-page) apps and single-page apps (SPAs). It benefits unified integration with existing apps built with popular web frameworks such as Express, Laravel, and Rails.

  •  Create an MVP and publish it.

Do you have a pressing requirement to release an MVP quickly? Vue’s current reusable components and templates can certainly speed up the app development process and help you launch your MVP faster.

  •  Animation And Interactive Elements

Animation is a factor that can capture people’s attention in a split second. Forming animations is a good way to keep customers on your app for a longer time. Furthermore, it has become an essential component of modern apps and websites.

Vue presents a versatile and elegant API with seamless transitions between views and customizable architecture to meet these requirements. With inbuilt modules based on CSS animation, it has a variety of techniques to create eye-catching animations.

 Who Is Using Vuejs Framework?

The percentage of web developers that use Vue and want to use it again increased from 19.6% in 2017 to 28.8% in 2018., according to the State of JavaScript study. In addition, it scored 91.2 percent of the maximum pleasure rating from its users in the same survey.

Several reputable and large brands worldwide have been using Vue because of its amazing front-end features and capabilities. Grammarly, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Reuters, and Laracasts are just a few of the companies that have benefited from using Vue.js technology.

To better grasp Vue’s best features, browse through a variety of websites, UI components, templates, plugins, and anything else made using Vue. When it comes to backing up in the backend, Laravel, a PHP framework, recommends using Vue.js for the front-end framework, albeit it is not required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Vue js used?

Vue.js is a dynamic JS framework for developing single-page apps and UIs (UIs). This open-source framework uses ‘high decoupling,’ allowing developers to build web interfaces gradually.

Is web development with Vue simple?

Vue is lightweight and simple to create a framework. Migrating or integrating Vue.js into existing applications is easier and faster thanks to its component-based architecture and familiar templating vocabulary. As a result, Vue is a great solution for start-ups, but it can also be used in large-scale apps.

Is Vue.js superior to React?

We can see from Vue vs. React that React’s documentation is good, but Vue’s documentation is typically deemed better. In comparison to React, Vue is simpler to learn. Vue.js decouples CSS, JavaScript, and HTML in how web developers are used to. It also allows for JSX for those who want to use this styling paradigm.


It is evident from the arguments given why Vue.js should be used that it has a progressive framework. It employs the MVVM design and is extremely adaptable.

Vue includes a lot of different ways to use transition effects and has a lot of documentation. It provides a diverse environment with fantastic utilities such as Vue Router for single-page apps and Vuex for state management. This framework is built straightforwardly. It simplifies the Vue learning curve, making it easier for users to trace and correct problems in the coding background.