Posts tagged "top Programming Language 2022"

Top 11 Programming Language Trends to Watch in 2022

With a new year upon us, it’s important to stay ahead of the up-and-coming programming trends. This way we can be sure to use the best language for program development. We have compiled a list of the programming language trends that will be the most popular in 2022.

1. Python

The most popular buzzword in computer trends these days is Python. Gaining popularity in software outsourcing companies, it was already widely accepted by data scientists and analysts. Now, this programming language tops the board of the Popularity of Programming Language (PYPL) ranking with 28.52% of the searches for language tutorials.


Faster than ever before, with fewer lines of code to hold it back, Java is a controversial script. Although it has fallen from first place of the PYPL behind Python, it does rank first in the TIOBE Programming Community Index. This is due to a mix of searches on its language, as well as professionals and software engineers’ opinions.


PHP has been said to be dying but has accomplished a dark horse comeback wherein they’ve successfully doubled their previous speeds with the incorporation of codes like the Just-In-Time code. They have successfully erased past complaints that it was too slow for serious programmers. This makes PHP a contender that is capable of building intricate websites.


JavaScript is growing at a staggering rate, with a never-ending stream of frameworks and libraries just-released and soon-to-be-released. It’s been named by the Redmonk to be the number one most popular programming language. Because of this fast development, it offers more flexibility that top IT outsourcing companies are hungry to take advantage of.

5. Swift

The release of Swift 5, with an onslaught of developer-friendly features, guarantees the sensational Swift a spot in the languages to watch out for in 2022. For native mobile app development, Swift is a new favourite. Outperforming Objective-C in many polls of mobile-app developers, Swift is being adopted on large scale by app developers.

6. R

Whereas Swift has had a boom in popularity, R has been slowly building support over the last few years. Its increasing popularity has led to jumps from 15 to 13, and now to 12 on the Redmonks list. A favourite of statisticians and data scientists, it is a top programming trend despite being overshadowed by Python in related fields.

7. Ruby On Rails (ROR)

The new 5.0 version of Ruby on Rails keeps it in the running by speed. Although ROR has lost some of its importance, it now has new features that give it the ability to build web apps faster.

8. Go

Go ranks well among GitHub rankings. Outsourcing companies are taking notice of this infrastructure runtime code. Despite lacking the power in iOS development, Go has been able to stay relevant and set new programming trends.


Although Go experienced a jump in GitHub rankings, it was outshined by TypeScript jumping 9 spots into the Top 20. TypeScript is now majorly impacted by Angular and is making a name for itself in programming trends.

10. Kotlin

Towards the back of the list sits the up-and-comers who are looking to shake trends. The official Android development language, Kotlin holds 19th place on the PYPL after Google declared Android development starts with Kotlin. This language’s ability to cooperate and intermingle with Java code is a huge advantage that has IT companies clamoring to use it.

11. Scala

Scala is a fix-it code gaining popularity every year. As a general-purpose language, it largely fills the gaps Java leaves. Because it is concise, it is used by outsourcing companies as a replacement for Java.


A Rising Language for Every Purpose

These languages are excellent choices for your next development project, as they are gaining popularity and use in programming trends. Whatever your current favorite may be, some languages may help you complete the job where other codes fail.