Posts tagged "tech candidates"

How Ad Retargeting Impacts Tech Recruiting

Keeping your developer on all the time is not only necessary but very essential as an HR leader. In view of this, ad retargeting as emerge as a suitable way to keep your developer on. Although ad retargeting is not a requisite to HR certification, as an HR leader, it is very important you get yourself acquainted with ad retargeting campaign to boost your employer branding strategy.  Ad Retargeting is a process whereby you keep your brand in front of your developers when they leave your website without checking out, thereby touting them to reconsider your offer when they are in need of it.

During retargeting, specific developers are targeted with specific ads in order to tout them to consider your offer. Ad retargeting is a good initiative, retargeting can serve banner ads to people who have already visited your website (According to Dan Hecht and HubSpot). Retargeting can also serve as a way to aid your employer branding strategy because relevant ads attract developers. However, a survey conducted by Nanigans reveals that 77% of developers believe that they see many ads placed by the same companies.

As an HR leader, have you been thinking of how to boost your branding strategy or perhaps you have been ruminating on how to stay relevant without turning developers off? Consider ad retargeting for your tech recruiting and also keep at the back of your mind the following significant ways by which ad retargeting campaign can impact tech recruiting.

Targets Developers Based on Site Activity

Creating a retargeting campaign based on site activity give you an edge among competitors. According to Aaron Doades of search engine land, creating a retargeting campaign based on site activity enables you to change the ad on the specific product category. Also, it helps to put in a very strong call to action.

When you want to start an ad retargeting campaign, you must be aware of which developer types are clicking on your open roles? Which roles are they reading? Which positions do you want them to see? You can use the result from the questions to create a list of keywords to target in your ad campaign for tech recruiting. This will ensure that you are engaging with the right candidate.

 Tech Candidates Know How They Are Being Targeted

Retargeting is a difficult way to create banner ads for developers and programmers because they have in-depth knowledge about the working principles. Many developers (Software developers) have claimed that data are shared in an implicit manner with separate advertisers.

These remarks are not too good for ad retargeting. For instance, you create a campaign to hire a desktop developer. You start by targeting a suitable candidate at any reputable company such as Apple or Microsoft. This is not bad, but if you stopped there, your ads would be seen by desktop or mobile developers at Apple or Microsoft company. The only intended candidate would found the campaign relevant. In the long run, this will definitely leave a negative impression on other developers that saw the ads.