Posts tagged "super apps technology"

Why Are Super Apps so Powerful?

Millions of users use super apps to pay bills, book hotels, plan trips, and shop. This is why we are curious about these apps, what makes them so popular, and if these apps will also dominate the West in the future.

An overview of super apps

An app that offers multiple features and services within a single ecosystem is called a super app. As a self-contained platform for online communication and commerce, a super-app should include payments and transaction processing. For example, a Facebook account gives you access to its messaging app, video chat service, marketplace, and job posting features.

Highlights of the super apps:

  • Shortening the customer journey by addressing multiple pain points simultaneously
  • Easy-to-use tool for users
  • One feature that makes one super app stand out from the rest.
  • The ability to make payments directly from the app
  • Feature-rich vertical architecture

Super apps’ advantages and disadvantages

  1. All-in-one app with so many features


When you consider that all of the services can be accessed from one app, there is some level of convenience. All the things you need for messaging, art, and pizza orders can be done in one place instead of using messenger, Instagram, or Uber.


Users may find it difficult to manage all these services if they do not have them all in one place. Individual rights and privacy are very significant to western customers. Some people might not be willing to keep a bunch of apps they don’t use.

  1. Data tracking


Using super apps can also provide a massive amount of data. You can track the trends and behavior of groups and individuals alike when you have all of your users in one app.


Some users might not be comfortable with handing over all their data to just one company, even though super apps aren’t necessarily more unsafe than traditional apps.

  1. Keeping it up to date


The size of super apps is enormous. Consequently, their code libraries are large, as well. You’ll have to expand the code every time you want to integrate another app into the ecosystem so that it’s in line with all the other apps. One change to the cheeseburger banner within the food delivery app can ruin your super-mega-app.

What do you need to know about the technology behind super apps?

The most challenging part of making sure your features improve the customer experience is to make sure they work. After a while, WeChat became so popular in China that it was on almost every smartphone. Super apps are more successful the easier it is to add new features, and the more audience you can reach, the better.

Final thoughts

There seem to be no escaping super apps in the future. In light of the ever-improving app development landscape, it appears that multifunctional, high-quality apps are less and less far away.

Creating an app that serves the consumer without being intrusive is always the biggest challenge. Nevertheless, the issue keeps being resolved year after year.