Posts tagged "RoR main features"

Is Ruby on Rails a Good Technology to Build an MVP?

Today we will look at Ruby on Rails as a tool to build MVP. Ruby on Rails is an open-sourced, server-side web application framework. It focuses on efficient code writing and minimizing app production time.
The framework provides default structures for a database, web service, and web pages and so takes over repetitive tasks. This gives developers more time to focus on fundamental challenges.
RoR main features:
  • Open-sourced: the code is accessible to the public for use, modification, and distribution.
  • No surprises: as the code is owned and worked on by the community, it works as a developer would expect it to. The same tasks are simply executed in different ways.
  • Re-Use: It allows the developer to re-use as much code as possible.
  • Convention Over Configuration: Defaults, settings, and values are automatically selected without intervention.  This is easier than, say, Java frameworks, with many settings and new configurations.
  • Follow standard protocol; everything is more straightforward: Rails uses established practices.  The more you follow, the fewer decisions you need to make, leading to quicker development times and hassle-free maintenance.
  • An omakase menu: Ruby chooses frameworks that work for your project and concerns itself with how they fit together.  There are fewer individual developer choices; some would say, less of a burden to choose?
  • Value-integrated systems: the whole system addresses front-to-back-end problems.
Ruby language has an engaged and supportive community that has created many resources over the years.  Some of these include ActiveAdmin, Devise (authentication), Byebug, and Spree (e-commerce platform for Rails).
Ruby on Rails has become increasingly popular since being launched and has a large following in the developer community.  It is recognized within the community as a way to develop MVP with ease.  Even those developers who have not yet used it are aware of it and have expressed their admiration for its qualities.
Ruby on Rails is ready to go with the tools needed for a faster and more efficient process when it comes to MVP development.
Some of these tools are:
RoR has a library of generators that make creating the MVP pattern a little easier.  There is no need to generate files and code, but developers still have the option to create customized generators to speed up repetitive tasks.
These are miniature apps that provide a range of capabilities to a Rails application.  This enhances the productivity of the developer and saves time for focusing on core responsibilities.  Engine examples are Devise, Spree, and Thredded.
Object Relational Mapping:
Active Record is the part of the system tasked with displaying business data and logic information.  With Active Record, developers can:
  • Represent models and the model data, as well as model associations
  • Through related models, represent inheritance
  • Verify models
  • Undertake database operations in an object-orientated manner
Companies such as Airbnb and Shopify have credited RoR with their web application success at the beginning of their expansions.
Whether you are a business owner or a developer building an MVP, Rails has many benefits.  These are summarised below:
  • Rapid development
  • First-rate quality
  • Scalability and security
Much to learn from the philosophy and community of the language used for developing web solutions.  Its code runs faster than other frameworks, and it offers flexibility in database connectivity. Recent upgrades and more relevant tools being added will only increase its relevance in 2021 and beyond.