Posts tagged "Meteor JS development"

Why Should You Use MeteorJS?

Meteor JS is a full-stack JavaScript framework comprising many packages and modules. Yet some people attribute it to Meteor magic.

It’s easy to construct working prototypes of apps with Meteor JS since it’s built on top of existing libraries and frameworks. It aids in making the process of creating a website much easier. In addition to being very adaptable, it also does not need a large amount of code. This means that the end output is often of high quality and stability, with fewer bugs.

It doesn’t take long to learn Meteor JS, and we’ll explain why it’s a good choice for your next project in the following paragraphs.

  1. It’s convenient

One key reason developers want to work with Meteor JS is that it provides loads of conveniences. The developing process is highly pleasant and also speedier. Meteor JS gives a seamless synchronization potential. Every piece of data will be synced in real-time. Rather than constantly refresh your browser or recompile your project, you can just use the tool’s built-in Live Reload functionality to see your changes in action. In addition, the structure of a Meteor JS app is entirely up to the developer; although there are guidelines to follow, they are only suggestions.

  1. Facilitates rapid development

Using Meteor JS, a minimum viable product may be released in a few weeks. Meteor JS allows you to create much more quickly since it uses JavaScript for both the back and front end, as well as spot packages. This facilitates the rapid development of any product by a new company.

  1. Build using a singular language

JavaScript on the client and server has several advantages, including fast development and less need to transition between different tasks. However, JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages. It has many use cases, and many developers are already familiar with it.

4 – Simple to Pick Up

Learning this methodology is straightforward, as anybody who has attempted it will attest. Unlike other popular frameworks, this one doesn’t have you juggle a bunch of different languages at once. Any developer with moderate expertise in JavaScript may be given a Meteor JS project, and he will be able to be up and running in no time. The implementation process is so straightforward that even designers who are not “real” developers can do it with little trouble. Meteor JS is fairly popular among them for one simple reason: it is easy to understand and operate.

  1. Is Responsive

A major factor in Meteor JS’s success is its responsive UI. When information is updated, the UI is refreshed instantly. You may view new comments beneath your article without having to refresh the page if and when they are posted. No user wants to repeatedly refresh the website to see the most current changes. Thus a responsive user interface is a must. Every user prefers to witness the instant result after pushing a certain button, choosing a filter, or accessing a menu. With a responsive user interface, a website will be user-friendly and responsive.

  1. Smart packaging lets you save time.

Creating a login mechanism for your app might be a major headache. This is not the case with Meteor JS, though. Thanks to the Meteor JS packages, features like user accounts, additional frameworks like Stylus or Bootstrap, and specialized JavaScript libraries like React are all very simple to implement. They’ll find a webpage devoted entirely to managing packages in the Meteor JS framework. In addition, these intelligent bundles may be added with little effort.

  1. Convert your Meteor JS app into Android and iOS applications

It’s true what you’ve read. Using Cordova, a framework for developing native apps in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, your online magazine may be quickly and easily ported to the mobile device of your choice with the help of Meteor JS. It includes a library of APIs that enable it to use JavaScript to access the device’s native features, such as the camera.

  1. Active and supportive community

Even though it is still in its infancy, Meteor JS has attracted a vibrant community of web developers. Beyond this, several books, websites, and blogs have been created to talk about and instruct people on this platform. The in-person community you find here is huge, and it’s constantly growing. In addition, there are Meteor Meetups in over 75 countries and over 200 places throughout the globe. There could be a Meteor Meetup happening right now in your area.

  1. Meteor JS is the future.

There is no denying that the web is evolving into a more real-time setting. Since more and more people are using online apps like immediate client support, real-time collaboration tools, multiplayer web games, and so on, there is a growing need for real-time applications. Meteor JS provides all of these features and more.


There are no bounds to what may be achieved using Meteor JS. The web is becoming more and more crucial to modern development. Meteor JS, a complete platform for developers, is a fantastic example of this movement. The result will be a seamless hybrid of online and mobile apps that you can easily develop.