Posts tagged "MEAN advantages"

Analysis of a Tech Stack: MEAN

Some of the biggest focuses of web app development are centered around how apps are structured, how safe they are, and how fast they perform. Developers looking to create apps that provide speedy, efficient performances must start with the basics of web app development. Such a foundation is built with good tech stacks—one of those being the MEAN stack.

Tech stacks contain all the tools developers need to build good apps. Front- and back-end tools are included, and there are different combinations for different types of projects or purposes. The best tech stacks typically utilize JavaScript as their base language since it’s so widely used and effective.

What is MEAN?

MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. It’s open-sourced and always up-to-date with current technologies since it uses JavaScript as its base language. MEAN is flexible and easily adaptable, as well as helpful apps that require multiple layers of code. Additionally, it has a high-performance speed and is very effective. Startup businesses, major corporations, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can all benefit from incorporating the MEAN stack into an app’s development plan.

Elements of MEAN

  1. MongoDB: This NoSQL database framework is document-oriented and flexible across different platforms.
  2. ExpressJS: Lightweight and server-side, ExpressJS is used as a back-end development tool. It works primarily with NodeJS while decreasing development time.
  3. AngularJS: Utilizing data binding, this front-end framework has an MVC (Model-View-Controller) JavaScript UI structure. It increases the development speed of dynamic SPAs, or Single-Page Applications, and has a high scalability speed as well.
  4. NodeJS: This is a runtime framework that works with Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 engine. It also contains an integrated server for the web along with access to open-source libraries.

What are the Benefits of Choosing MEAN?

– Since it’s a full-stack development tool, MEAN contains all the software a developer needs to build a web app, which cuts down on development costs.

– The whole stack is built on JavaScript, making it extremely flexible, easy to distribute across platforms, and can function smoothly with large amounts of data.

– A reliance on its JSON structure limits MEAN’s need for rewriting code while increasing its functionality with APIs.

– MEAN creates a straightforward, simpler development process by using JavaScript in all its components and having clear scanning or monitoring features.

– Apart from JavaScript’s popularity, MEAN has a large and supportive community of developers. They help each other figure out problems and fix issues through the use of open-source libraries.


The clearest choice for developers wanting to use the MEAN stack in app development is its connection with JavaScript. Also, having a development foundation that specializes in being cross-platform compatible is another positive feature. Developers with extensive knowledge of tech stacks, full tech stacks, in particular, may be quick to point out the weaknesses with using MEAN. There may indeed be better tech stacks out there that have faster processing speeds, are even more cost-effective, and are equally or more cross-platform compatible. However, for developers comfortable with using JavaScript-based development tools, MEAN will be a highly popular candidate.