Posts tagged "Laravel features"

What Makes Laravel the Premier PHP Framework for the Year 2022?

Developing a web application for a company may be challenging, especially when deciding on a PHP development framework.

But certain functions and features were essential. In addition, if you want to make full and effective use of Laravel in creating your web project, it’s advisable to engage Laravel developers from a top Laravel Development Company.

What makes Laravel the best PHP framework in 2022?

Laravel has been downloaded 69,200 times and has 69,200 ratings on GitHub.

This is why you now understand that Laravel is used in so many different sectors throughout the globe. Let’s look at the main technical benefits of Laravel that set it apart from the competition.

Several key reasons why Laravel is the ideal PHP framework:

1) Authorization Technique

The program’s security is the primary limitation for every developer working on a web app. Laravel, one of the more popular frameworks, offers an approach to authentication that is both simple and effective.

Laravel’s authorization method makes it easy and flexible to tailor access control to specific use cases.

Laravel simplifies the process of integrating several forms of authentication. Access to resources can be restricted or allowed in a centralized fashion, and authorization logic can be easily managed.

Additionally, it includes a simple technique for enforcing access control lists. It also supports several roles, trait, and method-based authorization checks. With these capabilities, you may simply limit access depending on a user’s role or permissions inside your application.

2) OOP Libraries

Laravel’s Object-Oriented libraries and many other pre-installed ones are among the main reasons it is the greatest PHP framework.

The Authentication library is one of the libraries that is installed. Despite its simplicity, it has many high-end capabilities, such as user-activity monitoring, Bcrypt hashing, password reset, Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, and encryption.

3) Artisan

The Artisan build tool is one of the options available in Laravel. Developers often use the Laravel command line to construct and manage the Laravel project environment, as this is the primary interface between the developer and the framework. The Artisan command-line tool is a built-in feature of Laravel.

Most developers would rather not deal with the kind of repetitious, boring coding jobs that this technology makes possible.

We can automate various operations using artisan commands, such as building model classes, controllers, migrations, seeding data in our database tables, performing unit tests, etc.

4) MVC Compatibility:

Laravel’s support for MVC Architecture, similar to Symfony’s, helps maintain the separation of concerns between the application’s functionality and its display, making it the finest PHP framework. MVC offers several useful in-built features and helps improve speed and documentation.

5) Safety

Each developer needs to employ additional measures to ensure the safety of their software during development. Inside its framework, Laravel handles safety. It employs a salted and hashed password system, so the password is never stored in its plain text form. An encrypted password is generated using the Bcrypt hashing method.

As Laravel only utilizes prepared SQL statements, injection threats are eliminated. Also, Laravel makes it easy to escape user input to prevent the insertion of the script> element.

6) Database Migration

Maintaining database consistency across several development workstations is a common source of frustration for developers. Thankfully, Laravel’s built-in support for database migrations makes this a breeze. After a long day at the office, you may have made several updates to the database. In our opinion, MySQL Workbench is not an effective means of synchronizing databases across my development workstations. Now, Migrations.

If you do all your database work in migrations and seeds, you can quickly transfer those changes to any other development computer you have. In my opinion, this is proof that Laravel is the superior PHP framework.

7) Outstanding Tutorials (Laracasts)

You, or your developers, will need additional training before you can do more. In contrast to competing frameworks like Codeigniter, Yii, CakePHP, etc., Laravel provides access to Lara casts, a collection of free and paid video lessons that will teach you how to utilize the framework.

8) Blade Templating Engine

Laravel, a PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell and the Laravel development team, includes the blade as its default template engine.

Whether or whether you’re using Laravel, it’s a must-have for every serious developer. It’s really quick compared to other PHP templating engines, and it has many features that may help you improve your project.

You’ll understand if you’ve ever had to break apart an if statement that contained HTML. But if you have a blade, it’s remarkably simple.

9) Accountable Interaction

As of the release of Laravel 5.5 in August 2017, the framework has incorporated a new feature known as the Responsible Interface. This is the class you can get back from the controller function, which implements the interface. After that, while the response from “IlluminateRoutingRouter” is being prepared, the router will look for the instance of Responsible.

10) Automatic Package Recognition

Installing packages was a pain in the neck in older versions of Laravel. However, with Laravel 5.5’s new Automatic Package Discovery functionality, users no longer have to manually discover the packages they wish to install. Installing a new package in Laravel no longer necessitates the creation of aliases or providers. It’s also possible in Laravel 5.5 for developers to turn off this functionality for certain packages.

The Best Way to Begin with Laravel

With all of these incredible benefits, it’s easy to see why this PHP framework is the greatest option for developers in 2022. A web development project can’t begin without developers, though. Dedicated development teams are the way to go when you have a long-term project that must be worked on meticulously from the ground up.

However, if you just need a few changes or a complete redesign of your site, you may hire additional co-developers to work with your current PHP development teams.


Laravel’s outstanding features have contributed to its meteoric growth in popularity. Moreover, Laravel has a sizable community behind it to help with any questions you might have.