Posts tagged "JavaScript frameworks"

What Is the Difference between a JavaScript Framework and a Library?

There is a significant distinction between a programming framework and a library, even though they may appear to be the same at first. It depends on the intended function.

Each one of these definitions is universally applicable to any language. The distinctions between a JavaScript library and a framework will be highlighted to offer more concrete examples.

Distinction Between a Library and a Framework

Although Frameworks and Libraries are both collections of code that address a particular issue, they are not interchangeable. The key distinction between them is the level of oversight a developer has over how the product is used.

Definition of Library

For programmers, a library is a collection of pre-existing code that may be integrated into existing projects to address recurring issues. The code in a library should be adaptable and widely used so that it may be integrated into a wide range of projects. The library can be used as often as necessary and at the developer’s discretion.

Framework Definition

However, developers can add their code to certain control areas in a Framework because of its more rigid structure. At certain junctures, developers might add new features to the framework to meet their unique requirements. When the framework deems it essential, it invokes the code the developers have supplied.

What sets this apart is the developer’s ability to restrict how the code is implemented. Frameworks invoke developer-created code, which can then use Libraries to simplify the solution of recurrent or otherwise difficult issues.

Consider the making of bread as a real-world example. There is a certain order in which numerous processes must occur to produce bread.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a computer language and a crucial technology of the modern World Wide Web. As a result of its widespread use as a standard for building websites alongside markup languages like HTML and style sheets like CSS, it is now included in every web browser. On top of that, numerous non-web apps employ JavaScript as a scripting language.

JavaScript Libraries

Examples of Libraries used in JavaScript projects are as follows:

  • The jQuery library is widely used because it provides access to and manipulation of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM), as well as event handling and animation.
  • React is a library that lets you utilize components to create interactive user interfaces.
  • Angular Material: a toolkit that provides various visual components for Angular web applications that adhere to Google’s Material Design guidelines.
  • Redux is a package that makes it simple to construct and manage the state of your JavaScript applications. Many additional libraries are built on top of its features, which is why it is so popular.
  • Lodash is a library that provides various utility methods for typical programming tasks like arrays, integers, objects, strings, etc.


JavaScript Frameworks

Examples of Frameworks used in JavaScript projects include the following:

  • Angular is a framework for creating cross-platform apps that may run on desktop computers, mobile devices, and the web.
  • Ember.js is a framework for creating online apps with interactive user interfaces.
  • Vue.js is a framework that focuses on creating user interfaces and single-page apps. Available for expansion using several officials, actively maintained libraries and packages.
  • Express is a lightweight framework for developing Node.js web application backends.


Differences between JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries

While the distinction between a Library and a Framework holds across languages, let’s examine how it manifests in JavaScript.

JavaScript frameworks are generally the backbone upon which front- and backend web applications and pages are built.

On the other hand, libraries will give you tools to improve your web application, whether you’re looking to add visual elements like animations and reactive content or improve the efficiency of your code by reusing portions of it to do repetitive tasks.



The fundamental distinction between a Javascript library and a framework (or any other language) is as follows:

  • Your code will make a call to a Library.
  • A Framework will invoke your code.
  • A framework often defines the backbone of your program, whereas a library assists you in developing its graphics, internal operations, and algorithms.






Top Frontend JavaScript Frameworks in 2022

Many front-end frameworks based on JavaScript may be found on the market nowadays. There are a lot of comparable options out there. Because of this, deciding on the best option for your project might be difficult. Ember and Angular, for example, both provide two-way data binding. Furthermore, both React and Vue.js use the same “virtual” DOM model.

We’ve compiled a list of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks for your convenience. Let’s look at each framework’s fundamental features and what they can do for us.

Top JavaScript Frameworks for the Front-end


One of the most popular open-source JavaScript frameworks, React, was created in 2013 by a Facebook software developer called Jordan Walke. With over 180k ratings on GitHub, the React community is huge. React is used and adored by about 40% of all developers globally. Despite a minor decrease in satisfaction with React in 2020, it remains a popular option for new IT developers. It weighs less, has a more active community, and has a less steep learning curve.

How it works

  • React takes advantage of JSX, making it possible for programmers to embed HTML code into JavaScript scripts.
  • You may use the React library with other frameworks like state management, API integrations, and routing.
  • The in-memory cache used by React’s library creates a virtual DOM. The virtual DOM compares the components’ prior and current states. As a result, the actual DOM only displays components whose states have been modified somehow.
  • The one-way data binding of the framework facilitates nesting by allowing data to move in just one direction.
  • ComponentDidMount is used to execute code at particular moments in the lifecycle.

Real-life use cases

Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Reddit, UberEats, and many more major websites have been built using React.

React’s most popular components

React components may be used to build an appealing user interface using Material UI. Styling components for designing layouts, forms, navigation, and other widgets are abundant with this tool.

React Semantic UI: Semantic UI uses pre-existing functionality by executing simple words. Developers may express their creativity using the interface’s multiple themes.

Toolbox for React Google Material Design guidelines is adhered to by a collection of React components written in SASS. CSS modules are used to import SASS stylesheets into the application. The library’s smooth integration provides flexible and customizable solutions with React webpack.

When to use React?

Single-Page Applications may be built using React thanks to its Virtual DOM features (SPAs). In addition, you may use React to develop big, community-supported apps.


Vue.js is an open-source front-end framework created and maintained by Evan You and his team since it was first released seven years ago. Small-time front-end apps that need to operate on a javascript framework increasingly use Vue.js. The third most popular framework in 2021, according to Github’s study. Almost 700,000 websites have been created using this framework. Vue.js is a full framework that allows you to write code more easily and efficiently. It is also well-known for its smaller file size and quicker download time.

How it works

Vue.js uses the Virtual DOM to update and alter the application’s state.

One-way and two-way data binding are supported in Vue.js. Reactive two-way data binding is the name given to this feature, which means that data in a component class and its template are interchangeable in React.

The ecosystem of Vue.js is vibrant. You may still use Quasar Framework, NativeScript, or Ionic to create hybrid mobile apps even if it lacks their own mobile framework. Additionally, Vue.js makes use of the JSX library. Vue.js can quickly import and manage custom components thanks to the use of JSX. As a result, Vue.js has a wide range of CSS transitions and animations available. Transition wrappers, custom classes, JavaScript hooks, and other features are available to Vue.js users.

Real-life use cases

Alibaba, 9gag, Xiaomi, and a slew of other well-known brands have turned to Vue.js to handle all of their front-end needs.

Popular components of Vue.js

There are over 500 contributors to the Element UI Vue.js component library, which is supported by a strong community base. Components like this enable developers and designers alike to build beautiful and engaging user interfaces by focusing on the smallest details.

You can construct reusable components that work nicely with Server-Side Rendering using Vue.js’s unofficial material design framework, Vuetify. With over 23k stars on Github, this project is gaining traction and a thriving community. Approximately 400 contributors to Vuetify have contributed more than 20 plugins.

A UI kit for Vue.js based on the Bootstrap framework is Bootstrap Vue. Bootstrap v4 may be used in responsive, mobile-first apps thanks to Vue.js. A grid framework, various UI components, and various themes are included in the kit.

When to use it?

Vue.js may be used as a framework rather than merely a library since it doesn’t add any complexity to the developing process. Vue.js is a good choice if you want a lightweight design that keeps functionality separate from presentation. It helps in the formation of SPAs and modest projects. Vue.js is your best option if you’re looking for developer-friendly features like tree-sharking, code-splitting, and more.


An open-source web application framework created by Google is called Angular. Core features including dependency injection, asynchronous compiles, RxJS, and more were added in version 2 of this framework. It has become very popular among programmers. Nearly 60% of respondents to an Ideamotive study said they have experience working with the Angular framework.

How it works

Angular is an MVC framework in its simplest form. A well-structured application may be created by using this tool.

Data may flow in both directions via the framework. Using the controller, Angular can link the DOM to the model data. You may listen to events and concurrently update data between parent and child components using bi-directional data flow. In spite of its shortcomings, the framework’s environment is superb. Many pre-built solutions are available to help you build easy and efficient applications. When using Angular, for example, you don’t need to install or configure anything.

Thanks to Angular’s hierarchical dependency injection, all code components may be easily checked and reused. In many ways, debugging in Angular is easier because of the immediate error detection and useful feedback choices.

Real-life use cases

Google has also utilized Angular to develop several services. Websites such as Forbes and LEGO have also been built using Angular.

Popular Angular components

All you need to get started with Ngx-bootstrap. With this component library for Angular, you can easily include Bootstrap in your project. Angular is used to build the bootstrap components, which results in a faster and more responsive user interface.

Angular Material is a set of reusable UI components inspired by Google’s material design. This library is the best place to start if you’re looking for an extensive collection of user interface design elements.

When to use Angular?

As a full-fledged framework, Angular is appropriate for constructing large-scale corporate applications. Furthermore, since it employs MVC architecture, it enables the smooth incorporation of additional features.


jQuery dominated the IT industry before the advent of contemporary JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Founded in 2006 by John Resign, it’s one of the oldest and most feature-rich open-source JavaScript libraries. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. 95.5 percent of all JavaScript-enabled websites utilize it, according to W3Techs. With its seasoned and experienced community, jQuery is well-known for decreasing the amount of JavaScript code it requires.

How it works

The event handling capabilities of jQuery are well-known. To simplify administration, even user actions like mouse clicks and keyboard strokes are reduced to tiny code snippets.

jQuery’s syntax is quite similar to CSS’s. As a result, it’s a comfort for novices to develop a feeling for the framework.

In the latest version, jQuery Mobile is included to help developers create scalable mobile apps.

With a simple API and compatibility for different browsers, it is an easy-to-use framework for web development.

A blank jQuery project is under 30kb in zip size, making it one of the lightest frameworks to handle AMD modules. You don’t need Download Builder to keep track of your UI requirements. A specific AMD loader, such as RequireJS, is also supported by the module.

Case studies in real life

For example, jQuery has been used by well-known companies, including Twitter, Microsoft, Uber, Pandora, and SurveyMonkey.

jQuery’s most popular components

jQuery UI is a set of UI components available for free usage in your next project. Developers may utilize the library’s rich and interactive widgets to improve the user interfaces of their applications. The tree view, form widgets, color pickers, charts, and RTL support, to name just a few, are all noteworthy additions to the framework’s feature set. Regardless of the changes in device, platform, or browser, this library provides the same level of performance.

JQuery-based widget library Wijimo is available for jQuery mobile. jQuery is used to enhance the tool’s performance. 30+ themes, including RTL support, video and animation widgets, and more, are included in the app’s features. This widget may be used on both mobile devices and the web.

Muuri is a free and open-source jQuery plugin that allows for the creation of dynamic layouts. Thanks to the plugin, the grid container’s location and size may be completely customized. When developers use jQuery, they can unleash their inner designer and create intuitive UIs because of its versatility.

When to use jQuery

jQuery’s cross-browser compatibility means it’s still the best choice for delivering JavaScript-based online and desktop applications.


As far as front-end development goes, are you ready? This list was put up by a team of specialists using data from surveys, experience, and the most popular products. It can use the unique characteristics of each Javascript-based framework and library.




Top Benefits of Vue.js

A popular JavaScript framework, Vue.js is used by a large number of developers in the tech industry. It was created by a former Google employee, Evan You, and is often compared with Angular and React. In some ways, You took frameworks like Angular, which he worked with as an employee at Google, and hoped to develop a framework that filled in the gaps they had.

Companies such as Upwork, GitLab, and Behance incorporate Vue.js into their frontend systems. The development process benefits from this open-sourced tool in many ways, including:

  • Lower File Size

With a file size between 18 to 21 KB, Vue.js is much smaller than other frameworks. This means the download speed is shorter. Similarly, page loading speeds are faster, which attracts the eye of developers all over the world.

  • Supportive Community

Like most frameworks, Vue.js has built up a community of supportive and dedicated developers. A large portion of those developers are seasoned and knowledgeable, applying that to Vue.js’s capabilities.

  • Highly Adaptable

Being a JavaScript framework, Vue.js is highly adaptable to nearly every platform and development tool. This makes it cross-platform compatible, leads to a flexible integration with various technologies, and maintains its fast loading speeds. Scalability is also one of Vue.js’s strengths, which is important in modern technological advances. Excessive user bases lead to slower load times, increase the chance of issues, and can be harder to maintain if the scalability of the framework can’t contain the amount of data.

  • Documentation

Vue.js holds comprehensive documentation in order to help developers stay on top of the best development methods. It’s also detailed, as well as continuously improved upon and updated to stay current in those methods.

  • Virtual DOM

The framework contains a DOM, or Document Object Model, which significantly helps with rendering web pages. To put it simply, the DOM holds the characteristics (i.e. elements, content, and styles) of varying necessary HTML pages.

  • Performance Speed

Due to its JavaScript base, Vue.js has a high-performance speed. This is further aided by its decreased file size and faster loading times.

  • Easy to Use

Since JavaScript is based on the English language, most developers find Vue.js easier to learn than number-based frameworks. Even for developers with little to no experience, they only have to know how to use HTML and CSS to be able to use Vue.js. It also has a browser plugin, allowing developers to gain access to the framework through browsers like Google and Firefox. The ability to store code in one file is yet another benefit to using Vue.js.

Final Thoughts

Vue.js is one of those frameworks designed to be fast and effective. While most newer frameworks are following in its footsteps, Vue.js continues to stay at the top of developers’ list for excellent frontend development tools. It’s adaptable, scalable, and fast, which are three must-have characteristics developers look for. This framework can also handle various types of projects and is cross-platform compatible thanks to JavaScript.