Posts tagged "Go for video streaming app"

Streaming Video Apps: Why Go Is the Best for It

By 2029, the market for video streaming applications is predicted to rise to 1.690.35 billion USD from 372.07 billion USD. You may learn more quickly and easily with videos than with many other types of material. It’s more appealing to most of us to watch a movie or program than to read the same information in written form without any visual aids.

Identifying which technologies are best suited for streaming and why is critical before creating a streaming app.

Developing Web Streaming Apps Has Its Challenges

High scalability is necessary due to an ever-increasing number of users. As a video streaming service grows in popularity, so does its user base. A programming language may handle high loads.

Using an inflexible language will lead to a product that takes longer and costs more money to maintain when new features are added. They’ll also squander time looking for the best solutions, implementing, and testing them—and that’s not even the end of the story! You may avoid this issue by planning and ensuring that the system runs smoothly and quickly no matter how many people use it. And talk about it with your Go developers or the Go development team you’re working with.

High availability is required for the service to function properly.

Businesses should focus on tools and infrastructure to achieve this goal. Aside from orchestrators and proper architecture, this includes proper configuration and service settings. The programming language’s features and superb error handling are also included.

The brevity of a programming language is also significant in this context. Developers are less likely to make errors and more likely to find them during code review because of this benefit. When a system has thousands of concurrent users, this is critical for providing a fantastic user experience without having the audience wait for yet another video to load.

Real-time data streaming and unique needs for the backend

Data cleaning, query processing, stream-stream joins, stream-disk joins, and data transformation are all part of stream processing. As a result, many technologies have been developed to help developers overcome the challenges they face, including algorithms for joining streams, frameworks for streaming processing, distributed processing of joins, and sensor networks for tracking and monitoring objects.

Building a streaming platform may benefit greatly from using a programming language. At the very least, a language with goroutines or green threads delays the onset of sluggishness in the system. Consequently, we have more resources and money at our disposal than our opponents. In addition, we might earn a substantial sum of money when we have a large following.

9 reasons to choose Go for video streaming app building

A video streaming platform may be built using a variety of technologies. For example, you can employ Java, Kotlin, and Golang for backend development, depending on the project. This article focuses on the benefits of Go for video streaming applications.


Go’s scalability makes it an excellent choice for big projects. With goroutines, a lighter and less expensive alternative to green threads, concurrency is a snap to set up and keep running. Many goroutines are executed at once in Go-powered programs, but the ultimate outcomes are the same as they would have been with green threading.

In order to extend a platform without the danger of failure or malfunction, developers select languages that provide simple scalability while building streaming apps.


Golang has a simple syntax and a small number of keywords. The code is straightforward to read and support because of these characteristics—a developer can grasp it even a few years later. Apart from that, developers are more interested in implementing IT solutions than language specifics. In order to build a huge and difficult video streaming network, “code warring” is unnecessary.

Furthermore, Go was created primarily to meet the needs of businesses seeking a less time-consuming alternative to C. Another advantage of Go’s simplicity is that experienced programmers may learn it in weeks and begin generating high-quality code in a matter of days. That’s why companies get the benefits of their IT professionals’ training for a fraction of the cost.


Go’s intelligible and maintainable code is a bonus, and these traits allow us to attain a high-efficiency level. As a result, the whole program is not jeopardized by introducing new features. If a developer quits your project, the next one who takes their place will be able to pick up where the old one left off and keep the application running well. In contrast to more complex programming languages, there is no need for a lengthy onboarding procedure.

With Go, businesses can develop a streaming service in a fraction of the time and money it would take to construct a similar product without the bus component. Is it not essential that your engineers or the team you employ for Go development know the best Go practices to generate initially understandable and maintainable code?

Intuitive memory control

Go makes excellent use of system resources. Go enables good memory management and, consequently, a higher performance due to its garbage collectors, fast compilation speed, and goroutines that use fewer computer resources than standard “green threads.” As a result, a firm may have a smooth-running application considerably sooner than with many other languages.

Early discovery of bugs

Defects and problems may significantly affect a project and the user experience if they aren’t discovered early enough. The characteristics of the programming language have a big role in how quickly and easily you can locate them. Golang is a statically typed language, implying that variables are known at build time, allowing for early detection of errors.

PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript are some examples of dynamically typed languages that lack this level of problem discovery. Due to the increased testing required by businesses and the resulting waste of resources, defects become a given.

Rapid execution

Compiling Golang means that its compiler quickly transforms any program into the low-level language the processor understands so that it may be executed without additional tools or conditions. It’s a big advantage of Go in video streaming platform development: the better the user experience, the greater the execution speed. With large-scale projects that are continually increasing, this is especially true.


Microservice architecture is an excellent choice for developing online streaming programs because of its scalability, durability, and adaptability. Go, on the other hand, is unmatched when it comes to building microservices. Reasons include:

  • Go’s simplicity compensates for the complexity of microservices.
  • Go’s CPU and memory optimizations reduce the number of material needed.
  • Microservices need a high level of data security, and Go tools enable this.
  • Go provides a wide range of microservices-specific toolkits.

A comprehensive collection of tools

Developers working in Go may use hundreds of libraries, frameworks, and databases. They allow professionals to spend less time developing programs. When they have ready-to-use solutions, processes proceed quickly, saving time and money for the firm. In addition, the Go community is always growing.


The Go development community places a high value on security and the tools that enable it. So, for example, data security is not an issue since they have already established specialized modules and proxies. As a result, several of the most popular orchestration systems, such as Kubernetes and Docker, are built-in Go and provide additional security.

For example, the tools are often used to execute and deploy microservices, which are well suited for developing video streaming systems. It aids in achieving a better level of security.


It is difficult to establish video streaming platforms that can attract and maintain millions of people in a short amount of time and generate consistent and high revenue, but it is worth the effort.

Streaming video systems have three major challenges:

  • A rapidly expanding user base.
  • The need for high availability.
  • The need to broadcast data in real-time.

Developing strong video streaming networks requires a programming language that is both scalable and simple to understand for developers. Additionally, it is critical to include characteristics like high throughput, concurrency, maintenance, and security.

In terms of streaming applications, Go offers everything you need. In addition, it’s an excellent option for creating microservices architectures and comes with various toolkits to help with a wide range of activities.