Posts tagged "Cross-Platform Development"

Best Back-end Platform for Cross-Platform Development

Software development involves the use of front and back-end software development tools. Front end development tool is a software application that helps developers quickly create user-friendly websites and applications. The back end is simply the server that hosts the application website.

Users interact with the front end but are not aware of what happens at the back end.

An example is when a user enters data in a web application and saves it in a database. The users see the screen’s data, but they don’t know where the data storage is in the database.

Java programming language offers different extensions where programmers can choose from.


Node JavaScript is not a programming language but provides programmers with a platform to build applications and websites. Node.js has benefits over other back-end tools such as Django. The response time for node.js is relatively higher than PHP and python.

In terms of efficiency and effectiveness, node.js lies at the top, and it is a user-friendly platform. Node has various modules’ libraries of JavaScript and database. Since a node has a midway server, it is facile for programmers to disseminate code over multiple servers and service providers. Node is compatible with windows, mobile devices, and all operating systems.


This is a framework based on the python programming language. The best thing with Django is that it uses the front-end to build a back-end framework. Django ORM allows programmers to develop their back-end platforms.

The Django platform provides developers with support files, so developers do not need to understand the schema. Django is only designed for python programmers.


This is a unique tool because it can run on node.js. It is a free and open-source platform created for designing websites and programs. The configuration of express.js is easy, and you can customize it to fit your requirements.


This program helps in adding new technology to already existing API. By so doing, spring.js will have helped you in extending your app efficiently.

. Net Core. Net Core is a free-to-access platform for building multiple apps.

. Net can be used to create server and windows based programs. Net Core creates applications that run on all operating systems. Net Core runs remotely on mobile devices.

. Net Core vs. ASP.NET Core

 These tools can be used simultaneously. .Net Core and ASP.NET Core can be used if you want to create a diversified web app. If you need to create a static web page, the best option is. Net Core. ASP.NET Core is best for creating websites with multiple applications which are required concurrently on a single machine.

. Net Core is relatively faster and can compile multiplex programs using ASP.NET Core.

In conclusion, programmers should deliver programs to users within the allocated period. The programs should also be scalable and compatible with all operating systems. Using cloud computing services will facilitate the delivery of applications that are compatible with meeting customer requirements. Programmers can use either of the above tools depending on the program they want to create.