Posts tagged "Best app operating system"

Deciding Which OS Version to Choose for Your App

It is not always easy to decide between two, highly functional systems, and it is even harder to choose when each software consistently comes out with competing updates. However, many smartphone users around the world continue to use old OS versions.

Not every app can readily deliver to everyone, so don’t try to satisfy everyone in the world! Focus on your target audience, and where they are located. All in all, you cannot please everyone. This will help in your decision to choose. If you need more inspiration, read on to find out more!

Apple controls its iOS analytics and ecosystem. They release updates worldwide daily to all iPhone users. Some smartphones, on the other hand, are subject to “Android fragmentation.” This unfortunate process occurs because Android cannot dominate all carriers within all regions. Why? Because large smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and Xiaomi decide what happens next, and they are not going to release their trade secrets.

iOS is simpler since it uses the cloud to provide updates and it does a complete upgrade rather than gradual improvements like Android OS advertises. Furthermore, iOS is easily accessible because it updates via the cloud.

On the other hand, Android OS is more popular in China, India, Brazil, Africa, and Russia since more of their consumers stick to older device modes as compared to Western societies. Remember, although iOS may be popular in Western societies for its quick updates, it may not be as popular in other regions. So, as stated before, it is always important to complete enough research on your target market.

For some, Android’s intuitive way of approaching applications within their models is interesting, but some consumers have reported it as confusing, to say the least. Furthermore, many Android phones look different from each other, and they have more confusing aspects to add on with each small update. So, overall, it may not be the favorite in Western societies that want more consistency and easy access.

For iOS, there are two versions: the most recent and the previous. For Android OS, there are a minimum of three and a maximum of five models, which is not very much. You can reduce the number of supported OS versions by developing the MVP if you choose to go that route.

To conclude, the decision between which OS version to choose is simple. How do you ask? Well, if you don’t believe me, trace back a  couple of paragraphs and reread.

Consider your target audience and the devices they use when looking at different compatible OS versions for your development project. Being able to provide services for outdated smartphone models is a priority if your target audience is aimed at developing countries.