Posts tagged "Angular Statistics"

Which Framework Should You Use in 2022, Angular or Vue?

Starting with jQuery, an interactive Javascript library introduced in 2006; Javascript frameworks have expanded rapidly in recent years. This trend has continued ever since, with front-end frameworks becoming more and more popular. Single-Page Applications (SPA) — online programs that dynamically rewrite web pages without loading complete new pages – were made possible by this progression.

Due to the growing popularity of single-page applications (SPAs), the front-end web framework community created Angular (initial release-2016, a complete rewrite of Angularjs-2010.) A stand-alone front-end framework that includes most features without compromising size or performance.

In 2014, Evan You, an ex-Google Angular team member, released Vue, a progressive front-end framework for developing sophisticated user interfaces that are specifically used for constructing views.

Today, we will discuss the two extremes in this blog post. Both are powerful Javascript front-end frameworks. To help you choose a Javascript framework, we hope this information is useful.

Note from the editor: Hiren discusses the importance of picking the correct framework in this article. Consider Simform’s web app development services if you need a large team of professional developers to construct a web app in any of these frameworks.

Overview of Frameworks – Angular vs. Vue

What is Angular? – An overview

Angular is a Javascript framework based on Typescript that aids in the development of large-scale web applications. It’s a front-end framework that doesn’t slow down the size or performance of the application since it has built-in tools and libraries. Its reusable code, which can be utilized for any deployment target, gives development chances across all platforms. At the object or property level, it features dynamic UI binding and two-way data binding that is crucial to its design.

A revamp of AngularJS from 2010 was published as Angular in 2016. At Google, Misko Hevery and his Angular team created the application framework. Today, the same team and several external developers are in charge of the framework.

What is Vue, and how does it work? – A quick rundown

With the help of Vue’s lightweight and adaptable JavaScript framework, developers can create cutting-edge single-page apps (SPAs) and front-end web applications. To construct a progressive user interface, Vue may be used to make modifications without affecting the application’s essential features, making it a flexible and progressive JavaScript framework. Vue’s strong decoupling makes it possible to add custom modules and visual components to the web application.

Angular vs. Vue: Market Usage Statistics

Angular Statistics

  • Angular is the most widely used JavaScript library that we know, powering more than 4% of all websites.
  • High-traffic websites are the primary users of Angular.
  • Over 80k stars, 21,000 forks, 1,542+ contributors, and over 2.2 million users are on the list for the Angular repository on Github.
  • Over 22% of developers globally use Angular.

The Vue Statistics

As of this writing, Vue is used by more than 1,940,742 successful websites throughout the globe.

Vue v2 is preferred by 94.3% of websites that utilize it, although the framework has a market share of less than 0.8% worldwide.

Vue’s community has roughly 194k stars, with 31.6k forked projects.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Angular and Vue

Find out which of these two frameworks has the most useful features and drawbacks.

Advantages of Angular

Typescript’s refactoring, navigation, and auto-completion features are preferable to JavaScript’s.

Long-term Google Support: Google support is backed up by extensive documentation, and there are more opportunities to enhance the framework with greater development options.

Great Performance: Provides developers with high performance with hierarchical dependency injection, Ivy renderer, AOT compiler, differential loading, and Angular Universal compatibility.

Update Recommendation: The Angular command-line interface regularly delivers suggestions for dependencies, loaders, and plugins.

Third-party Integrations: The framework facilitates the integration of third-party applications, increasing flexibility and giving tools for development advancement.

Customizable Framework: Elements and modules from other frameworks may be readily merged and adjusted to meet the developer’s needs. Wrapping Angular HTML components in a DOM element allows them to be reused and managed.

The disadvantages of using Angular

Complexity: Despite its component-based design, the front-end framework’s handling of components and repetitiveness makes it verbose for its development community.

Angular Versions: A developer’s migration from AngularJS onto the newer, more powerful version of the framework, Angular, is a major undertaking. As a result, it becomes more difficult to learn about each version, making it less popular.

Framework with a high weight — Simple and tiny applications might become bloated due to the need for boilerplate code, abstractions, and other packaged features.

Pros of Vue 

Progressive: Vue migration or integration may be handled effectively by progressively integrating the framework into code while building components is in progress without spending any development time.

Conventional: Vue does not make creating boilerplate code more difficult by leveraging built-in ways to generate state support for managing components and animations. Vue apps may be built more quickly using the standard technique.

Effective Size: Vue is lighter and quicker with each new version released, making it easier to use. As a result of Vue’s optimization capabilities, developers can concentrate on adding features rather than tweaking with code.

Functional Extension: As a function-based API, Vue provides a collection of capabilities that enable the creation of flexible and extended component logic in an application. This means that applications may become more readable and flexible in their functioning.

Future Ready: To ensure that Vue is always up to date and free of bugs, the application is not subject to routine maintenance such as software updates or bug checks. By design, the framework simplifies the process of updating the software.

Cons of Vue 

Community: Vue’s community is difficult to grasp because of the language barrier. Vue’s popularity in China has made it harder for English-speaking developers to understand and share information about the platform.

Code Reactivity: Vue’s two-way binding makes it easy to build and sync components throughout an application. This leads to the presentation of DOM-triggered data chunks and features.

Support: Vue is still considered a new framework. Since its community is rather tiny when used for large-scale projects, less experienced developers cannot resolve difficulties in large-scale projects.

Flexibility Risk: Having the ability to modify is usually a good thing, but Vue provides too many possibilities. It’s commonly seen as a framework with too many choices, resulting in mistakes and code abnormalities, making it difficult to use.

Resource limitation: While many plugins and tools are available in the Vue ecosystem, they are not universally compatible with the majority of external tool sources and other frameworks. Most of the accessible resources are also not supported.


Though the Angular framework seems to be a bit older when compared to recently created frameworks like Vue, it is not skimping on keeping up with current improvements in user experience and development demands. Angular’s built-in functionality and community support make it an obvious option for creating enterprise-based apps.

When analyzing determining variables and project needs, you may get distracted by deciding factors such as:

Size of the team, experience, and urgency

Framework dependability – what are the odds of the framework you consider developing?

Is it more important for your application to have a small set of functionality with a decent user experience, or do you need it to be scalable?

You will most likely arrive at a decision point if you answer these questions.

Another consideration is the possibility of future development since you are likely to establish a long-term product based on the front-end and won’t be migrating anytime soon.

If you have a small team and a limited amount of time, Vue is the best option since it’s less resource-intensive. Choose Angular if you are not in a hurry and want to construct a scalable solution in the future.