Posts tagged "Advantages of Vue"

Vue Vs Angular – The Ultimate Framework Comparison.

Modern frameworks are quite functional and allow developers to implement any feature. The choice is wide, but in this article, we will look at the 2 most popular frameworks, which will not lose their relevance in the next few years. We will talk about Vue and Angular and about the final comparison of these frameworks.

Vue.js is a progressive interface framework for creating JavaScript and HTML user interfaces. It is designed this way from the ground up to be progressively acceptable. Vue.js is widely used for web development. Angular is a JavaScript client-side framework with a model representation controller (MVC) architecture and model representation model (MVVM) for dynamic web applications. Angular is rewritten to be an incompatible successor to AngularJS.

What is Angular?

Angular was originally launched as a project at Google but later became an open-source framework. AngularJS is based entirely on HTML and JavaScript. AngularJS manipulates the DOM object by extending HTML directives and solves the problem of single-page application development (SPA) with data binding and dependency injection functions, which eliminates most of the code we otherwise need to write. It converts static HTML into dynamic HTML.

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework. Vue.js is integrated with existing projects and libraries. If users know HTML, JS, and CSS, then Vue.js is easy to use as it is versatile and fast. Vue.js is used for front-end application development. The main reason Vue is hugely popular is that it combines the best of Angular and React. The Vue.js framework is extremely small and takes no time to download and use by the user. It is easy to understand and easy to integrate and develop applications.

Vue Vs. Angular – 8 Key Differences To Focus On.

Vue is considered the descendant of Angular and React JavaScript frameworks. So, obviously, there will be a lot of similarities between all three frameworks. But there are enough differences between Vue and Angular.

Let’s look at some of the most defining differences between Angular and Vue.

1. Learning Curve

You have to be familiar with the concepts of Typescript and MVC if you are going to build an Angular application. Vue is different. It allows for more customization and has out-of-the-box templates that make it easier than Angular.

Vue is a combination of React and Angular. Developers can use Angular or React-based mobile solutions on the Vue.js platform.

2. Performance

The Angular.js platform is fast, though because of the large number of observers, as whenever the scope changes, the observers have to revisit again. But it performs equally well with Vue.js, which has similar performance in different tests.

The Vue.js framework has good performance because it has no observers, as it uses a transparent dependency tracking system with asynchronous queues. Both Angular and Vue.js perform quickly with very similar performance in tests and solve similar problems.

3. Popularity

According to GitHub, Vue gets more forks and stars, but not enough commits or contributors. Because of this, it’s hard to choose between Vue and Angular. Angular has around 500K downloads weekly and more than 70K stars on GitHub. So Angular has a larger market. Vue is a growing community. While it has quickly become a popular framework, it still has a smaller market than React or Angular.

4. Complexity and Scalability

Angular.js isn’t as simple in design and API terms as vue.js was when the major frameworks were released. Angular.js will take longer to develop non-trivial applications compared to Vue.js.

Vue is less scalable than Angular because of its corresponding modular development structure. Vue, on the other hand, uses template-based syntax to reduce the possibility of code reuse for large applications. Vue.js is very simple in terms of design and APIs; with some knowledge, it will take less than a day to create non-trivial applications with Vue.js.

5. Easy Integration

Angular.js is also easy to integrate, but with third-party components and JavaScript being popular, many developers have developed features that can be integrated into any angular.js application.

Vue.js integrates easily with other interface libraries, making it versatile and easy to use. If a feature is missing or needs improvement, we can easily integrate it with the library.

6. Size

Vue is a smaller and lighter version of Angular. It uses third-party elements and applications to integrate many of the features and functions you need. You also need to add other third-party libraries as Vue has very few built-in base libraries.

Angular becomes a monolithic framework that requires a lot of storage space. While many of these elements are very useful and necessary, others will probably never be used. This adds a lot of unnecessary complexity.

7. Typescript

Angular.js uses typed text because it is essentially required since all training sources and documentation are based on typed text, which offers static type checking for large-scale applications. This is a boost for developers with Java as a background, but it is an overhead.

Vue.js has no typesetting, but it does have official sets and decorators.

8. Data Rendering

When building a web application, performance is crucial. You can achieve this by using DOM (Document Object Model). This element can also affect the performance of the whole web page. Vue wins, although both Angular and Vue use the virtual DOM features.

Changed elements will be redrawn after updating the virtual DOM. This improves application performance. The difference between Angular and Vue is certain. Both were built for very different purposes. Let’s look at the benefits of each and make a selection of which one is better.

Advantages of Angular:

  • Angular is used in conjunction with Typescript. It has exceptional support for this.
  • Angular-language-service provides intelligence and autocompletes template HTML components.
  • New features such as generation Angular using libraries from the CLI, generation, and component development using Angular.
  • Detailed documentation allows the developer to get all the information they need without needing the help of their peers. However, it requires more time to learn.
  • One-way data-binding ensures exceptional application behavior, which minimizes the risk of possible errors.
  • MVVM allows developers to work separately on the same section of an application using the same data set.
  • Implementation of component dependencies related to modules in general.
  • A structure and architecture specifically designed for great project scalability.

Advantages of Vue:

  • Reinforced HTML. This means that Vue.js has many features similar to Angular, which, by using different components, helps to optimize HTML blocks.
  • Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very detailed documentation, which can accelerate the learning process for developers and save a lot of time for application development, using only a basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.
  • Adaptability. It can be quickly transitioned from other frameworks to Vue.js because of similarities to Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
  • Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used to build single-page applications as well as more complex web-based application interfaces. Importantly, small interactive elements can be easily integrated into your existing infrastructure without negative impacts.
  • Scaling. Vue.js can aid in developing fairly large reusable templates that can be made at almost the same time as simpler ones.
  • Tiny size. Vue.js weighs about 20KB while retaining its speed and flexibility, allowing for better performance than other platforms.

Angular vs. Vue – Which is Better?

When to Use Vue?

Vue is suitable for small projects that need to add some reactivity, present a form using AJAX, display values when user inputs, authorization, or other similar tasks. Vue is easily scalable and well suited to voluminous projects, which is why it’s called a progressive framework.

Vue is also great for large single-page applications because of its core components like Router and Vuex. With Vue, you can both use public APIs to create applications and you can implement server-executed applications. But Vue is best suited for developing solutions that use external APIs to process data.

You can also use Vue to create a front-end blog on popular CMSs. Vue.js is also great for developing dynamic interfaces that adapt to the user.

More examples:

“Grammarly”, a grammar editing tool that scans your text for spelling and punctuation errors as well as other syntax and grammatical errors, uses Vue. “Grammarly” is used as an extension for your browser, mobile keyboard, and web application and has a simple and functional design.

When to Use Angular?

Angular.js is currently the most popular framework supported by the Google guys. In addition to the rich standard library, there are many custom extensions written for Angular, some of which we’ll get to know within this series of articles. There’s even a special framework on top of Angular.js that makes it much easier to write cross-platform mobile apps.

Angular is more suitable for large projects with a rigid structure. It has quite a lot of out-of-the-box solutions a more elaborate collection and storage system. It simplifies the construction of large websites and ensures their reliable operation.

You can use Angular for both hybrid and SPA applications. The latter are single-page sites designed in such a way that by navigating to a pseudo-page, the user does not download new information. Only dynamic data is updated. It appears that loading is only required once, regardless of which pseudo-page the user visits first.


Gmail, the most used email service application, has been developed using Angular. It is simple, functional, and extremely user-friendly.

In addition to Gmail, several other Google products and websites use Angular as a robust front-end development tool.


As we have seen different ways to compare Vue.js and Angular frameworks, we can say that Vue.js has more advantages than Angular.js, and Vue.js works seamlessly to integrate with other applications, while Angular.js has limitations. So, based on the requirements of the project and the time frame, determine the framework that best suits the project.