When developing websites, deciding which software to use is crucial. Performance speed, the complexity of the site, and functionality are some of the basic elements that can help a business decide which software to rely on. Having good frontend software in particular is something to consider.
JavaScript is one of the most-used types of programming languages. It has established software from its framework such as Angular and Vue. These two are similar in that they both originate from JavaScript. However, they still have their own individual strengths and weaknesses.
Created in 2010 by Google, Angular was based on TypeScript. It is also an open-source framework. It’s known for its high-performance speed and functional capabilities.
Also called Vue.js, Vue was released in 2014 by a former Google employee, Evan You. You claimed Angular actually inspired this framework. Like Angular, Vue is open-sourced, and known for being elegant and clean in its structure.
The Battle Begins
- Performance Speed
To compare Angular and Vue regarding their performance speeds, both process things exceptionally fast. However, Angular is a bit slower since the code must be rendered before it can be used or downloaded.
Winner: Vue
- Features
Originating from JavaScript, both frameworks contain Model-View-Controller (MVC) structures and two-way binding. Angular has features like Command Line Interface and dependency injection. Vue, on the other hand, can be run through third-party software, and contain Suspense and Virtual DOMs.
Winner: Angular, though different situations may lend to using either framework
- Scalability
Having a modular structure regarding development gives Angular an advantage in this category. However, Vue is lightweight and can implement scalability in a pre-built application. Vue may struggle a little more compared to Angular due to that lighter functionality—it needs third-party software to work complexly like Angular.
Winner: Angular
- Security
Designed after Angular, Vue faces challenges around attribute bindings and HTML code. Both do have protection processes built into their systems, though Angular has better security. Despite being older, Angular also prevents things like XSSI (or cross-site script inclusion) and cross-site request forgery (XSRF).
Winner: Angular
- Community
Both frameworks are backed by a common reliability and trust with JavaScript. The communities of Angular and Vue are solid, enthusiastic, and problem-solvers who continue to build on the databases of problems and solutions.
Winner: Draw
- Learning
As with most ‘old versus young’ programming language comparisons, the older languages tend to have a harder learning curve to grasp. Their younger counterparts, such as Vue, were designed to combat the skills needed to understand how the language functions. Thus, Vue is a simpler option.
Winner: Vue
And the Victory Goes to…
Angular and Vue have similar pros and cons. They originate from the same programming language but handle processes slightly different. There is a four year difference between them, however, it doesn’t seem to have caused one or the other to be significantly better or worse. Overall, the use of Angular over Vue or vice versa is dependent on the needs of the project, the business’s preference, and any extra useful features.