As your establishment expands, it will become necessary for you to increase the number of staff in order to cope with growing responsibilities and improve efficiency. This is because the current number of developers would be inadequate to manage all the projects you have at hand.

You would certainly want to hire people you can trust, who are efficient, motivated and creative. And since there will not be enough time for you to embark on staff training, you will want to go for workers who are already ground in the profession. You will get to know this by following some recruitment procedures.

Why recruit?

There are many answers to these questions. But as simple as the question seems the answers are not so straightforward. You might need to replace a member of the team. For example, if you are a small-scale development team, the members of the team will often keep changing because some people will want to explore other options after one or two projects together. One niggling concern is that bringing a new member to the team might be the equivalent of adopting a stranger into a family – the balance, dynamics, synergy, and synchronization of the team may be jeopardized. However, on a business level, you must not harbor a mentality like this. A certain set of programming skills – which no one in the team has – might just be the exact thing needed to keep the team in operation and you will definitely need other people to fill this role.

Some other time, recruiting is done in order to increase the workforce. Perhaps, you are contracted to work on two different apps simultaneously and the members are not sufficient enough to handle the jobs at the same time, then it becomes imperative to add new members to the team.

However, irrespective of the reason for which you decide to recruit, you must put it at the back of your mind that the purpose of recruiting is to get the best person for the job. In this article, we talk about how to go about it.

1.) Know What You Are Looking for and What Your Expectation

Be prepared. Try to figure out exactly what the role is all about and the duties such a role would imply; then outline the exact requirements you want from a candidate for that particular role before publicizing the vacancy. Never forget that the developer you want to hire is one that will fit into your team, and you have to put everything in place, in terms of preparation, if you want to get that perfect developer.

2.) Know Where to Look for Developers

A lot of companies – including the big ones – make the mistake of putting IP adverts in the wrong places. Eventually, they get overwhelmed with too many applications, most of which are from people who are clueless about app development. Try to look for app developers at places where they will be – conferences, conventions, boot camps, etc. Think of places – online platforms – where job seeking developers tend to go.

3.) Whittle Down

Try to reduce the member of applicants. Start by chopping off people with no app development background – they are usually many. You can also consider other factors such as communication and language skills, poor CV format and so on. Conduct interviews to bring down the number. There are different types of interview techniques and it is advisable to ask questions based on what the applicant has written in their CV.

4.) Remember to Make Your Job the Best Job

Make the job attractive. Let the applicants know that you are zealous and passionate about the job and that they will be working with a motivated group of people. You might also include the pay package and incentives.

5.) Knowing The Ropes

Recruitment is important. When fishing for talent, do not forget that the person will eventually become a member of the team. In order to avoid clashes or discontent among members, make sure the person is perfect for that role.